Fic Talk > I Challenge You....

Summer reading challenge part one: The participants!

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I will definitely participate this year!

Yeah I have read both of those. This makes me sad. I was hoping  the challenge would get me back into writing this summer, I was looking forward to it

I'm not really sure what to do here. It's kind of obvious right now that no one really seems all that interested so I'm going to propose instead that your challenge is to pick any story on AC, that you might have thought about reading but just didn't have the time to read it before. Once you pick that story, then read and review every single chapter.

Post in here which story you chose to read and why.

The people whose story you choose to read might not even realize why, but at least maybe they will get a confidence boost when they suddenly start receiving reviews.

One thing I ask  is that you try to pass by people who do not take time to respond to the reviews they do receive. It's rude and shows a more than ungrateful attitude and also a sign that they would most likely not bother to review anything anyone else posts. It's seriously one of the first things I look for before I commit to reading a story. I always check out the reviews and see if they bother to respond.

That's my only request.

So, anyone at all can now participate. Read your little hearts out and let us know how it's going throughout the summer. If you want to read more than one, go nuts!

Sorry it didn't work out this summer. I guess real life has gotten in the way for all of us.

I would have loved to participate... . I'll try to do what you have suggested, Mare.

That's great, thanks Ritz! Hopefully everyone else will as well!


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