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Even newer questions to ponder

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^ This is my dream crossover as well!  I have two solid chapters written of a BSB/ER story, but I'm not far enough (or writing consistently enough on it) to be able to post anything yet.  One day!

Do you read crossovers if you're only a fan of (or at least familiar with) one of the fandoms in the story, or do you only read them if you like both?  I feel like that was an awkwardly phrased question LOL, but hopefully you know what I'm asking.  For example, if someone wrote a BSB/Star Trek fic, and you'd never seen an episode of Star Trek, would you still give it a chance?


--- Quote from: Sakabelle on July 28, 2017, 08:50:08 AM ---I would really like to see some kind of BSB in space crossover. Maybe like Star Trek or Firefly. One with a good ensemble cast that BSB (or Nick, lol) could be dropped into.

Also selfishly I want more BSB/1D crossovers lol but I know I am probably the only audience for that.

--- End quote ---

I'd read a BSB 1D crossover too not going to lie lol

I'd really want a Star Wars BSB cross over fic or Once Upon A Time.

I'm surprised there aren't more BSB/1D crossovers (or maybe there are?).  That seems like a crossover that makes sense and would be easy to do.

You would think but there's a severe lack of crossover fic in 1D fandom in general.

I think I'd probably read a crossover for a fandom I wasn't familiar with, as long as the story seemed compelling. I suggested the Star Trek one but I've honestly seen like two episodes of that show. My husband is obsessed with it though, so that's why I figured BSB in that universe with those characters might be interesting. I guess as long as the other fandom was described well enough it wouldn't matter. I guess it would depend in that case where you were posting. If I was posting here, I'd put more thought into going into more backstory in the other fandom than if I was posting on m or whatever.


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