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--- Quote from: DelphinaCarter on June 22, 2017, 01:44:16 AM ---Favorite one shot? Wow there's so many but I know one of my favorites was for the 1,000 WAYS To Kill Nick Carter spinoff... When Julie had Nick kill the fan and baked her into muffins. No lie- I have not been able to touch a blueberry muffin since reading that. I can't even explain it to anyone cause they won't get it lol

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LOL!!  Sorry for ruining blueberry muffins for you, but thanks!


--- Quote from: Sakabelle on June 22, 2017, 08:08:36 AM ---LOL yup, that they were.

I remember those 1,000 Ways to Kill Nick Carter stories, lol. I don't think I actually wrote one, but I remember reading a bunch of them. The Burning Up one Julie wrote was hilarious too - where he's in the recording studio and burns to death. Poor Nick lol.

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Thanks!  That one is one of my favorites that I wrote.

It's hard to narrow short stories down to one favorite that I've read.  The first two that came to mind are "Documentaries" by Izzy, which Mare mentioned, and "Crash and Burn" by Refuse - both oldies.  "Beautiful Girl" by Mare is another old one that's always stuck with me.  I also love the funny challenge ones people have written, like "Nick's Dirty Kicks" by Steph and Julilly's Gaston story for the Beauty and the Beast challenge (don't remember the exact title).

My favorite short story that I've written is one of those funny challenge stories, "Shorty and the Deceased."

I get inspired by songs a lot.   I actually meant to post a link in one of my author's notes at the end of Sick as My Secrets to a song that had inspired me, but I forgot.  It was "Take Me Home" by Pentatonix - beautiful song!  I envisioned the end of SAMS for over a year listening to that song.  Another song that was inspiring to me at the beginning of that story is an instrumental piece called "Primavera" -  Again, it's just a beautiful song, but I like how it builds and builds and sounds so dramatic.

I usually only write to instrumental music, but I do make playlists for some stories with non-instrumental songs.  I don't usually listen to them while I'm actually writing, but I will listen to them to get inspired.  I just deleted my SAMS playlist that I had been listening to in my car for weeks (off and on for years).  I still have CDs I burned with my playlists for Broken/BMS, Curtain Call, Song for the Undead, and 00Carter.

See my story Take Me Home was inspired by the song from Nick and Knight. It's a beautiful song despite Jordan... I'm not really a fan of his but I do love the song. A lot of my one shots are inspired by music.

Speaking of, I also love writing one shots between stories, I agree with Julie on the fact it does help with my creativity.


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