Fic Talk > General Discussion

Even newer questions to ponder

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Oh wow, I'll Google that and see what it's all about! Is she she one he did a song with called There For Me?

My Christmas was good thanks, nice having family around and time off work ☺

Yes, and she was also in The Hollow with him (briefly... she's the blonde girl that gets killed off in the first scene LOL).  Strangely enough, both the movie and song were made well after this supposed sexual assault took place.  Nick didn't deny that they had relations of some sort, but said he thought everything they did was consensual, so it's a he said/she said situation.

Happy new year ladies! Sorry I haven't been around, I've been sick. However I did manage to write a couple of one shots for Christmas. Hope everyone had a nice holiday.

Happy New Year!  Hope everyone's starting to feel better!

Do you guys have any writing-related resolutions this year?

I'm not a resolution kind of person, but last year I made one to write every day, and I actually kept it until March.  I didn't always write a lot; some days it was just one sentence, but I still made myself open my story and add something to it every day, and that helped keep me inspired for the days when I actually could get a lot done.  I'm planning to try the same thing again this year and see how long I can keep it going.  Now if I could just get myself to do the same thing with working out...


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