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Even newer questions to ponder

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I noticed that the keytar-playing platypus avy shows up when I'm on my laptop, but when I'm on my desktop computer, I still see your old orange avy that has a quote about writing on it.  Must be a cookies issue or something.

Do you guys write down all the story ideas you get, and do you ever go back and look at the ones you don't end up actually writing?  Have you ever used an old idea to write a new story years later?

I am doing the WADD (Writer's ADD) thing I do whenever I finish a novel where I want to still be writing, but can't decide what to write.  I have too many ideas bouncing around in my brain.  So I threw a poll up on my site and on Twitter to get some reader input, just to see if their preferences would push me in one direction or another.  I did this one other time like 10 years ago when I was close to finishing By My Side, so just for kicks, I used the Wayback Machine to find where I'd posted all the story ideas I was considering at that time:  What's sad is that of the six ideas I posted then, I've only turned one of them into a story (Guilty Roads, which was #4), and I haven't even finished that one.  The ideas that seem to turn into successful stories for me are the ones that I start writing right away and don't sit on forever.  I still have outlines and research saved for a couple of those old ideas, and the other two keep evolving into newer versions of the same basic premise, but I have yet to actually write any of them.  Just wondered if anyone has a success story about taking an old idea and turning it into something worth posting.

I have so many ideas that I've shelved. Take Me Home was a idea I sat on for like a couple months before I started to write it. I have notebooks full of stuff I wrote in high school, stories I started and never finished. Incomplete came from one of those notebooks. So my answer would be yes.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on July 01, 2017, 12:52:20 AM ---I noticed that the keytar-playing platypus avy shows up when I'm on my laptop, but when I'm on my desktop computer, I still see your old orange avy that has a quote about writing on it.  Must be a cookies issue or something.

--- End quote ---

It didn't show up for me until I powered the IPad down and then back up. I was seeing my old when when you asked about the new one lol

The Importance of Fly Fishing was originally supposed to be about the two of them doing the Amazing Race, but I couldn't come up with all the other teams they'd have to compete against.


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