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Even newer questions to ponder

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Oh wow, I never knew that!  I think it turned out better just focusing on Kevin and Nick and not the distractions of having all those other teams, but the Amazing Race premise is interesting.

Anyone else ever thought of writing a story about the guys competing in a reality show?  I know Steph did the one with Bot Fly Jordan, and there's an old one called Survivor about BSB and NSYNC competing on the show Survivor that was actually a really good story.  Other than those two, I can't think of any fanfics with that premise that I've read other than maybe some parodies back in the day.  I'm surprised I haven't seen one about Dancing With the Stars pop up in the past couple years!

I think Refuse or someone Refuse-ish did a take on That Reality show that used to be on MTV where they all went to a haunted place and scared the bejesus out of them. Was it called Fear? Something like that. I think it would be fun to put them into that kind of setting. Or maybe ghost hunters lol

I'm surprised there were no Nick and Sharna love stories as well.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on July 02, 2017, 04:25:01 AM ---Oh wow, I never knew that!  I think it turned out better just focusing on Kevin and Nick and not the distractions of having all those other teams, but the Amazing Race premise is interesting.

Anyone else ever thought of writing a story about the guys competing in a reality show?  I know Steph did the one with Bot Fly Jordan, and there's an old one called Survivor about BSB and NSYNC competing on the show Survivor that was actually a really good story.  Other than those two, I can't think of any fanfics with that premise that I've read other than maybe some parodies back in the day.  I'm surprised I haven't seen one about Dancing With the Stars pop up in the past couple years!

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That was my issue with the Amazing Race storyline. I knew I'd have to also focus on the other teams and I didn't want to take away from Kevin and Nick's relationship.

Did you figure out what you're going to write? Of course I voted for the Kevin and Nick one lol

Sorry for not being around, my Internet connection has been crappy but now that I'm not on the main part of the strip its better.

I wrote a one shot that had to do with DWTS and included a conversation with Nick, Sharna Derek and Bindi. I'm honestly shocked that there weren't more stories about that lol cause Nick and Sharna had a lot of chemistry.

I wrote a Survivor type story with NSYNC but I never posted it. It was on before I lost everything when they took away real person fics.


--- Quote from: mare on July 02, 2017, 05:51:35 AM ---That was my issue with the Amazing Race storyline. I knew I'd have to also focus on the other teams and I didn't want to take away from Kevin and Nick's relationship.

Did you figure out what you're going to write? Of course I voted for the Kevin and Nick one lol

--- End quote ---

No, I still keep jumping around.  I might do the ER story first just because that one is already started and won't be a very long story; I could probably write the whole thing this summer if I could just focus and get going on it.  But the Kevin/Nick one is the one I've been thinking about most the last two days.  I want to write that one eventually because I've never really written a Kevin novel... I don't think Guilty Roads counts because he's been in a coma most of the story LOL.


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