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Even newer questions to ponder

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Happy New Year to you too! I hope everyone has a great year!

My goal is to read more. I’m proud of myself for getting through three novels since Thanksgiving. It’s been a great distraction for me and helps with my anxiety.

Happy new year! My wish for 2019 is my health will be better and I want to finish the chapter of my fanfic. The best fanfic I read this year is a slash Brian/Kevin on another website. Yeah the price for the concert is high.

Ticketmaster has the VIP as of right now and while it includes a pit ticket, it's 850$ in most cities. And of course being TM it fluctuates a bit. Wonderful Union is *supposed* to have their own upgrades for the DNA tour for those who want to do VIP but not be in the Pit, and hopefully be cheaper? But they haven't been released/announced yet.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on December 31, 2018, 02:08:20 PM ---They're offering a couple of VIP packages that sound more like what they did in Vegas than what they've done on previous tours.  One includes a meet and greet, but no soundcheck.  This page doesn't list the prices, but Rose looked them up before we bought concert tickets, and they were really high.  I don't remember exactly how much, but I think it was over $500.  So no VIP for us this time around.

I wish they would go back to the old soundcheck party format; I don't need drinks and hors d'oeuvres, but I always loved seeing the soundchecks.  Or do what they do at conventions and offer a photo op for a set price that could be split between friends if you don't mind doing a group photo.  But I guess as long as some people are willing to pay these prices, they'll keep doing it this way.  One of the downsides of them being more popular again.

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I will forever do cons if they do cause I LOVE their selfie/pro photo options.

I miss the days where I spent 45 dollars on a concert ticket like I did for Unbreakable/TIU but hey I'm thrilled they're popular again. So it's expected. I'm excited for them to be touring again cause it's always an easy excuse to travel!

My favorite 2018 memories are our road trip, which was just amazing. Halloween where I decided to unleash my crazy and now proudly have a photo of myself as a zombie with all five Boys lmao, and a couple weeks ago at the Toy Drive here in Vegas. It was like a Nick VIP. It wasn't crazy, it was organized, and Nick spent loads of time with us. It was the cheapest VIP I'll ever do LOL with a donation minimum of 20$, and he was so sweet.

Also Happy New Year guys!


--- Quote from: mare on December 31, 2018, 06:01:20 PM ---Remember when they used to do soundcheck by luck of the draw? Then if there was more room they’d just let you in. I have never been to a soundcheck or paid for a meet and greet. I would definitely prefer to watch a soundcheck and q and a over a meet and greet.

It seems ticket prices are a bit high for this tour but I guess it’s a good sign for them that they’re doing well.

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Yes!  They did that on the Never Gone and Unbreakable tours.  I liked the Unbreakable format the best because you could either win or buy soundcheck, and you got a picture with the guys either way.  I bought VIP for one of my shows that tour, which was my first time meeting the guys, and it seemed like so much money at the time, but looking back, I wish they still offered packages with as much as you got with that one for that price.

I liked the different levels of VIP too because you could just go to soundcheck with a bronze, which was not that expensive, or get a group picture with silver, which was still reasonable compared to the prices now.  I never felt the need to go above silver with that system.  I'm glad I got to meet them so many times while it was affordable, relatively-speaking, because I will not pay $500+ for a picture with them.


--- Quote from: mare on December 31, 2018, 06:04:32 PM ---Happy New Year to you too! I hope everyone has a great year!

My goal is to read more. I’m proud of myself for getting through three novels since Thanksgiving. It’s been a great distraction for me and helps with my anxiety.

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That's great!  I haven't been good about reading lately, but the books I did read this past year were mostly nonfiction, which was new for me... I've always been almost exclusively a fiction reader.  So at least I've broadened my horizons.


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