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Even newer questions to ponder

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The slash I read don’t have medical drama in it sorry.

Aww, okay.  Well, if anyone knows any good new medical drama or suspense fics, let me know!  Those are my favorites, and it's been SO LONG since I've read a new one!

A question for everyone:  What are you currently reading, or if you're like me and not reading anything new right now, what was the last great fanfic you read?

I think the last one I was super into that actually got finished is "Ladies Choice" by Erika (KeepThisSecret).  That was a great suspense story!  I love Erika's writing - where are you, Erika??  The other stories I've gotten into since are unfinished and haven't been updated since 2017...

Unfortunately I don't have any recommendation s but I'd like some too haha. Sorry I'm not much help on that aspect. I unfortunately haven't had anything new to read in a long time, and I think the last really good story I read was Sick As My Secrets LOL


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 09, 2019, 06:03:04 PM ---Very true!  For those of you who still write - do you post your stories on any other sites, and if so, what has your experience been with those?  I know Archive of Our Own and WattPad seem to have semi-active BSB fandoms (more so than AC seems to lately, sadly), but I haven't explored those sites enough to know what the quality of stories is like (from a reading standpoint) or what kind of feedback to expect (from a writing standpoint).

And for those who aren't writing at all or have stopped writing BSB fanfic - do you miss it?  If so, what do you miss most?  What do you not miss about it?

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I wish I missed it more than I do. I guess what I miss most is getting feedback on what I wrote but I don’t miss the stress of feeling the need to constantly update.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 10, 2019, 07:58:53 PM ---Aww, okay.  Well, if anyone knows any good new medical drama or suspense fics, let me know!  Those are my favorites, and it's been SO LONG since I've read a new one!

A question for everyone:  What are you currently reading, or if you're like me and not reading anything new right now, what was the last great fanfic you read?

I think the last one I was super into that actually got finished is "Ladies Choice" by Erika (KeepThisSecret).  That was a great suspense story!  I love Erika's writing - where are you, Erika??  The other stories I've gotten into since are unfinished and haven't been updated since 2017...

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I am reading Turtles All the Way Down by John Green and it’s great. I haven’t really read anything else by him besides The Fault in Our Stars but this one kind of reminds me of it. It’s pretty cute and funny minus the death stuff.

I’ did a lot of reading over Christmas break. I read the next person you meet in heaven which was fantastic. The Outsider by Stephen King was awesome and The Bridge of Clay was great! Doing all the reading does make me feel nostalgic to write, but not fanfic. I just don’t feel the guys that way anymore.


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