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Even newer questions to ponder

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Here's a question that may spark some debate.  What would it take to make you suddenly stop being a BSB fan?  I'm not talking about slowly growing out of them, losing interest and moving on;  I mean one day you were all about them, and the next day you were done.  What would have to happen to completely change your mind about them?  For some people, all it took was the sexual assault accusations against Nick.  For those of us who are still fans, can you think of another situation that would cause the same reaction in you?

I think if there was something proven about Nick. If I sincerely believed he was guilty, I'd be done. Or any of them. I'd need something concrete. I'm all about something tangible, so it'd never be something he said/she said.

But by done, I mean I wouldn't be looking them up. I'd unfollow, and make myself move on. I may not cut off like older music I'd enjoyed. I just wouldn't listen to anything new. Or track them in any way.

It would be hard to just turn your fandom off that way.  I don't think I could do it.  Especially because of one member out of a group of five.  Some may judge me for this, but I'm gonna say it anyway:  Even if Nick came out and admitted that he did rape Melissa Schuman in 2002, I don't think I would turn against him.  Nick is a different person than he was in 2002.  He made a lot of bad decisions that I didn't condone back then and still don't now, but I loved him through that phase in his life and love him even more now that he's gotten his act together.  I would be disappointed in him, but I would also be willing to forgive him.  I might have a different view of it if he had actually been convicted of rape back then or if it happened today, but I can't turn my back on someone I've been a fan of for 20+ years based on someone else's word, without any evidence, especially when he denied it.  I honestly don't know what it would take to make me turn my back on any of the Boys like that, but like you said, Rose, there would have to be irrefutable proof they did something horribly wrong.  But then, I write stories about Nick murdering women for fun, so my judgment may be a bit off, LOL.  I just feel like, after this long, the love I have for these guys is unconditional.  I'm not talking about a teenybopper, romantic version of love; I'm past the point in my life where I want to marry one of them.  It's more like a family type of love.  You love your family no matter what.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on February 05, 2019, 05:35:43 PM ---It would be hard to just turn your fandom off that way.  I don't think I could do it.  Especially because of one member out of a group of five.  Some may judge me for this, but I'm gonna say it anyway:  Even if Nick came out and admitted that he did rape Melissa Schuman in 2002, I don't think I would turn against him.  Nick is a different person than he was in 2002.  He made a lot of bad decisions that I didn't condone back then and still don't now, but I loved him through that phase in his life and love him even more now that he's gotten his act together.  I would be disappointed in him, but I would also be willing to forgive him.  I might have a different view of it if he had actually been convicted of rape back then or if it happened today, but I can't turn my back on someone I've been a fan of for 20+ years based on someone else's word, without any evidence, especially when he denied it.  I honestly don't know what it would take to make me turn my back on any of the Boys like that, but like you said, Rose, there would have to be irrefutable proof they did something horribly wrong.  But then, I write stories about Nick murdering women for fun, so my judgment may be a bit off, LOL.  I just feel like, after this long, the love I have for these guys is unconditional.  I'm not talking about a teenybopper, romantic version of love; I'm past the point in my life where I want to marry one of them.  It's more like a family type of love.  You love your family no matter what.

--- End quote ---

You make a good point. And while I've cut off other artists I enjoyed, I've never cut off one where my fandom ran this deep. I can fully admit that while in theory, if I was given concrete proof that he did it, I may very well not do it in a case like this where he's clearly not the same person he was in 2002. It's easy to say I'd be done and cut myself off but another to actually do so. But if something was going to, I think it'd be absolute proof - or at least get me the closest to actually doing so. Or if he or any of the Boys, did something like that today, and they got convicted.

But someone's word, with absolutely nothing else? And him denying it? No. That would not do it.

I agree that it would take something very serious with irrefutable evidence and was found guilty of something to just be like no, I don't want anything to do with them or that person.  And obviously the whole thing with Nick didn't seems to be taken too seriously cause I didn't even find out about it till almost a year after she came out about it (but then again I was going through a lot at that time so I might have just been oblivious) If she can't tell that Nick is a completely different person then he was back then, then she might be doing it just to get attention. 

What do you think the rest of the guys would do if one of them was found guilty of something? Do you think they will go one without that memeber? Yea, they did when kevin left and did a bunch of shows with out AJ but if it was something serious, do you think they would go on?


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