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The Writing Thread

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 04, 2021, 09:27:39 PM ---LOL!  I regularly wake up with random Hamilton songs stuck in my head, so I get how you could unknowingly write in Hamilton lyrics.

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I know it got "canceled" this year, but I love it so much. When it came to town the first time, we weren't high enough in the queue to buy them initially, but our theatre company was very hardcore about reclaiming scalped tickets, so I just refreshed every day until we found two together on a day we could go. It was worth the ~$300 dollars/ticket. We did get them this time for a much more reasonable price, but then 2020. ha


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 04, 2021, 09:29:04 PM ---I'm gonna quote your last 00Carter post in the 00Carter thread I bumped and reply there so we can stop hijacking this thread. :)

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Considering we're on a Hamiltangent, I don't think that will ever happen, but yes, 00Cater can probably be transitioned out.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 04, 2021, 09:31:25 PM ---I know it got "canceled" this year, but I love it so much. When it came to town the first time, we weren't high enough in the queue to buy them initially, but our theatre company was very hardcore about reclaiming scalped tickets, so I just refreshed every day until we found two together on a day we could go. It was worth the ~$300 dollars/ticket. We did get them this time for a much more reasonable price, but then 2020. ha

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It's so good!  I didn't see it until it came to Disney+ this summer, and now I'm obsessed.  I can't wait until live theater comes back so I can hopefully go see it somewhere.

LOL Here's the Hamilton/writing connection to get us back on topic:  Lin-Manuel Miranda is an absolute genius!  I discovered my grandparents had a copy of the Alexander Hamilton biography that inspired him, so I borrowed it and have been slowly (very slowly) reading it bit by bit (it's incredibly long).  It's fascinating to see the connections to the musical and think that a biography like that could have inspired such a cool musical.

So here's a related question for everyone:  What has been the weirdest or most random/obscure/unexpected source of inspiration for one of your story ideas?


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 04, 2021, 09:33:38 PM ---It's so good!  I didn't see it until it came to Disney+ this summer, and now I'm obsessed.  I can't wait until live theater comes back so I can hopefully go see it somewhere.

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Do! I haven't seen the Disney+ version, but live theatre is a spectacle.  My bff and I have season tickets to the broadway shows that roll through here and we've seen many great ones that we wouldn't have originally bought tickets for, so it's been fun. Although, the one we had scheduled in March was Spongebob the Musical and we were both dreading it, so... But then April was Mean Girls! Still sad about that. Is Hamilton still in residency in Chicago?


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