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The Writing Thread

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 05, 2021, 07:31:15 PM ---Love the mug!  So cute!

The timing of Chances worked out perfectly!  It was the same for me; it came out a days before my grandpa passed away, so it was the only bright spot in an otherwise really bad week.  Thank you, Boys.

So did you like the Cats movie?  I have never seen Cats (movie or stage production), but the trailer was creepy LOL.

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I laughed when I opened it, which was probably not the intention. But still all smiles.

Sorry for your loss. :( The Boys know how to time those bright spots for sure.

It was bad in a good way? Definitely worse than the musical, but I think that's because it tried to take itself so seriously. Half the joy of the musical is its narm charm. The only numbers where it felt like everyone in it was enjoying themselves were "Skimbleshanks: the Railway Cat" and "Mr. Mistoffelees" (which come right after each other and not until the end of the second act). If the rest of the movie had been like that, then it would have been fine. And the CGI was just creepy (CGI cockroaches with CGI people heads being eaten by Rebel Wilson with a CGI cat body), but I've already mentioned how much I hate weird CGI, so I'll leave it at that. Seriously though, the costumes and makeup from the stage show would have been fine! I also hated that the character Taylor Swift played is in the musical more, but is just this one weird showstopper number for her in the movie that paints her as a baddie when the cat in the musical is just a regular member of the jellicle cat company who happens to narrate that song (unlike "Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer" who are in cahoots with Macavity and just get turned into fanboy/fangirl side characters in the movie). And they cut the most narm charm song from the first act ("The Awefull Battle of the Pekes and the Pollicles") and I think keeping it in would have kept the feel of the musical consistent. The Oscar bait song was only okay, which is not what you want in the movie version of a musical. (Though I felt the same way about "Suddenly" in Les Mis, but for different reasons. The music for that is unreal, because all the characters have these "theme" music pieces that are very simple, but then you realize they have to be simple to all come together into the layered perfection of "One Day More," and then on top of that, they all get dark reprise versions in the Second Act. So "Suddenly" just feels out of place in this interwoven web of music.)

All that said, it is still funny, though not in the way it's supposed to be. So if you're into Sharknado type things, it's worth watching while wearing cat ears. But maybe only after you've (re)watched the PBS concert version or something unless the original sticks out in your mind.

Oh, I was reading an article earlier this evening during the Heisman Ceremony "7 Writing Lessons Learned in 2020" by K.M. Weiland. It really resonated with me. Anyone learn any lessons this year that stick out? I found myself nodding along with most of it. Inspiration was probably the big one for me. Like once I gave into the smallest inspiration, I suddenly went from writing 0 words a year (ho hum emails do not count, obviously) to writing thousands in a few months. I also think that keeping my writing as my little project for a few months really helped rebolster my confidence that I actually had a story to tell and not just some things to get out of my head.

I also really appreciated that she said "The fact that [being willing not to write] scares the spit out of me tells me it's probably exactly the right step forward." I think not writing and coming back has given me an appreciation for it that I didn't used to have when it was just "something I always did."

I love musicals. A year ago next month, I got to see Beetlejuice on Broadway literally right before Covid shut everything down. I was five rows from the stage, center orchestra. Amazing seats. That show is so good. I loved it.. Only other Broadway show I got to see was Anastasia during its previews on Broadway. I'm very fortunate that I can just jump on a train and go. I miss it. Unfortunately it's still shut down.

As for Julie's question about Spotify. I have a 900 song playlist that I just listen to nightly. It's got everything from punk music to Broadway show tunes on it.


--- Quote from: FrickingKaos on January 05, 2021, 09:25:03 PM ---Only other Broadway show I got to see was Anastasia during its previews on Broadway.

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I loved Anastasia! Like, don't get me wrong, I love me some half dead Raputin and the singing bugs ("Doom her!"), but I adored the added creepiness of the second suitor and the Bolsheviks. The history nerd in me was obsessed.

--- Quote from: FrickingKaos on January 05, 2021, 09:25:03 PM ---A year ago next month, I got to see Beetlejuice on Broadway literally right before Covid shut everything down.

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The last thing I did was go to Miami and it was unreal coming back and then, poof. Covid. What a weird world.  ;D (I'll keep making song puns as long as y'all don't notice, ha)

I was so sad they cut out Rasputin and Bartok from the play. It was really good even with the changes but In The Dark Of The Night is like one of my favorite scenes from that whole movie


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