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The Writing Thread

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--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 08, 2021, 09:47:06 PM ---How do you like jumping around stories? Is it doing multiple things at once that's frustrating or not having the clear idea for the next project? I know you're pretty focused on tackling one thing at a time.

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I hate it because I feel like I never really get anywhere with any of them.  I'm more productive when I can pick one and stick with it.  The frustrating part is not being inspired or focused enough to settle down and commit to one.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 08, 2021, 09:47:06 PM ---My work switched over to google suite only and that's kind of sold me on it. I don't think I'll ever go back to office.

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--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 08, 2021, 09:47:06 PM ---Did you find it nice or frustrating to have a "between projects" story? Covid also turned into a productive writing thing for me, nothing finished yet, but we'll see! Anyone else have a writing-related silver lining from Covid?

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Actually, that was okay.  It was nice having something already in progress that I could come back to between projects or when I was stuck on my other story.  I was smart with Heroic Measures and didn't post any of it online until this past summer when I was close enough to the end to know I was going to finish it.  My Harry Potter crossover was also a side project, but I made the mistake of starting to post that one when it was going particularly well, and now I feel guilty for having another unfinished story online.

Road to Bethlehem has also been a nice little COVID gift for me.  It takes place in the summer of 2020 and starts with the Boys renting a cabin in the mountains to quarantine together and work on the Christmas album they keep talking about but have yet to bless us with.  So thanks, COVID and Nick, for inspiring that idea!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 08, 2021, 09:47:06 PM ---I've really enjoyed writing them. I think my only concern is "what's the statue of limits on spoilers? Because it's been bopping around my head for what, fifteen years now? So to me, it's all old news. I don't know if anyone's enjoying my ramblings or not, haha. It's weird having a post where you basically talk to yourself.

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I felt the same way with the blogs I did for my site last year, like I was just rambling to myself.  But it was still fun, and once in a while I would get a comment from someone who had read.  I must admit, I have not been reading those posts of yours because I haven't read PBox in its entirety.  I think I may have read part of it back in the day, but I don't remember many details.  But I'm sure people who have or will read it will enjoy the posts!  I love author's notes and behind the scenes stuff.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 08, 2021, 09:47:06 PM ---Yes, I loved the music, but then the more interviews I saw, I just started caring about them personally. Like I was really concerned for Nick for a couple days when I saw him retweet Lauren saying he did great on Masked Singer and his response was "Everything I do is for my little family." And I was like, are they okay? Why wouldn't you say "our little family" when retweeting your wife? Then I snapped myself out of it, because I was like, "Why are you worrying about this?!" But then I read his GQ "how I stay healthy" interview yesterday and he said something like "she's very motivating for me" and I was like, "phew, don't have to worry about that anymore."

Haha, yeah, ambitious and power hungry is Justin to a tee. That's for sure how I wrote him in PBox. Are no Slytherins loyal to each other? That seems so crummy to be excited to get in a house and find out that no one is your friend for you, just your use to them. But then if they're all in Slytherin, do they care? A philosophical discussion on house sorting.

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Aww, I think Nick and Lauren are good.  I'm sure he didn't mean it that way.

There are loyal Slytherins, but they're more likely to betray each other if a better opportunity comes their way or to save their own skin.  Most of Voldemort's minions (former Slytherins) abandoned him and acted like they had never been on his side after he lost his power the first time.  Hm, sounds similar to what's happening among Trump's Cabinet and Republican senators this week...

Stumbled on this thread Kelly started way back!

--- Quote from: honey on December 09, 2008, 08:48:18 PM ---We haven't talked about writing a whole lot lately, so I thought I'd ask you what you feel you are good at and where you think you could improve.
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Anyone want to take a stab at these again? If you posted in the original thread, do you still feel the same as you did then? On a side note, not sure how I missed this one last time, I love stuff like this (clearly).


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 08, 2021, 10:47:29 PM ---I hate it because I feel like I never really get anywhere with any of them.  I'm more productive when I can pick one and stick with it.  The frustrating part is not being inspired or focused enough to settle down and commit to one.
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I always felt that way when I had ideas for other projects and distracted myself. I've tried to be really cognizant this time around by only focusing on one thing and not getting too distracted.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 08, 2021, 10:47:29 PM ---Actually, that was okay.  It was nice having something already in progress that I could come back to between projects or when I was stuck on my other story.  I was smart with Heroic Measures and didn't post any of it online until this past summer when I was close enough to the end to know I was going to finish it.  My Harry Potter crossover was also a side project, but I made the mistake of starting to post that one when it was going particularly well, and now I feel guilty for having another unfinished story online.

Road to Bethlehem has also been a nice little COVID gift for me.  It takes place in the summer of 2020 and starts with the Boys renting a cabin in the mountains to quarantine together and work on the Christmas album they keep talking about but have yet to bless us with.  So thanks, COVID and Nick, for inspiring that idea!
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Maybe between projects is your time for crossovers? Go write "Dougie! Carter, MD" then. Or like you said, maybe getting back into 00Carter is that project for this time.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 08, 2021, 10:47:29 PM ---I felt the same way with the blogs I did for my site last year, like I was just rambling to myself.  But it was still fun, and once in a while I would get a comment from someone who had read.  I must admit, I have not been reading those posts of yours because I haven't read PBox in its entirety.  I think I may have read part of it back in the day, but I don't remember many details.  But I'm sure people who have or will read it will enjoy the posts!  I love author's notes and behind the scenes stuff.
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I know PBox isn't your thing and it's quite slow here, so I figured I would probably be rambling to myself. I love that type of stuff too.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 08, 2021, 10:47:29 PM ---Aww, I think Nick and Lauren are good.  I'm sure he didn't mean it that way.

There are loyal Slytherins, but they're more likely to betray each other if a better opportunity comes their way or to save their own skin.  Most of Voldemort's minions (former Slytherins) abandoned him and acted like they had never been on his side after he lost his power the first time.  Hm, sounds similar to what's happening among Trump's Cabinet and Republican senators this week...

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You know, I just needed something stupid to worry about, I think.

So topical! I think people who gravitate to people only for power are like that though. Once they don't have the power, they jump ship.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 08, 2021, 10:35:25 PM ---The nostalgia continues! I love when I find old things like this because they always make me happy. Like I was going through my old French stuff from high school and found this caterpillar saying hello. I also found a labeled magazine collage from when we were learning body parts that had Leo's head!

I loved all of them. Those are amazing! I especially like you crossing things out and writing BAD instead, the written evil laugh to lung cancer, the random note about calling your grandma, that a Paris dying scene was labeled "Best idea ever!!!" (that's it, you'll never have another good idea again), and the random note about your turquoise pen from Target (it's a curse, I'll go in there for one thing and spend $100... what have I done?)

I need to quote/comment on these though:

An infection on April Fools? Oh noes!

I get it, the Backstreet Party. Who would get eaten first? Who would be the first to consider eating people? You know what they say, "have a friend for lunch"! (the actual motto of a restaurant from my college, the Alfred Packer Grill)

I'm cringing that it was based on a swastika. Poor Dr. Rough.

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Aww, I love your caterpillar!  And Leo's head! LOL

Oh Target... so true.  That was the start of my obsession with the dollar spot.

Oh noes!!

Someday I must visit the Alferd Packer Grill.  Have you ever seen "Cannibal: The Musical"?  It's a musical Trey Parker and Matt Stone made in college about Alferd Packer.  It's not the greatest piece of cinema in the world, but it is funny.  I have it on DVD, and the best part is their drunk commentary, which is even funnier than the movie itself.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 08, 2021, 11:01:59 PM ---Aww, I love your caterpillar!  And Leo's head! LOL

Oh Target... so true.  That was the start of my obsession with the dollar spot.

Oh noes!!

Someday I must visit the Alferd Packer Grill.  Have you ever seen "Cannibal: The Musical"?  It's a musical Trey Parker and Matt Stone made in college about Alferd Packer.  It's not the greatest piece of cinema in the world, but it is funny.  I have it on DVD, and the best part is their drunk commentary, which is even funnier than the movie itself.

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Alright, I fixed it so I could post it (too many identifying details in the original): Labeled Leo

I love the dollar spot. I could easily spend $100 in that section alone.

Oh man, I can't think of the last time I actually typed (let alone said) "Oh noes" and now I come back here and it's just a hilarious part of my vocabulary again.

I'll have you for lunch any time you'd like! I haven't seen that, surprisingly! But I probably should, I can't think of thing they've released that wasn't hilarious. I love DVD commentary too. It is usually better than the actual movie.


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