Fic Talk > General Discussion

The Writing Thread

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Ooh, that's a nice picture of Leo!

LOL I haven't posted "Oh noes!" in forever either.  High time we brought it back.

Y'all bring it out of me. I also saw in the "Bingo 2" thread that I promised you some word egg laying chickens with prosthetic limbs, so if you never saw that, let me get on that in the next week or so.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 08, 2021, 10:48:22 PM ---Stumbled on this thread Kelly started way back!

Anyone want to take a stab at these again? If you posted in the original thread, do you still feel the same as you did then? On a side note, not sure how I missed this one last time, I love stuff like this (clearly).

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I'm surprised that thread only went one page.  I read my post, and I feel like I have made improvement in the areas where I thought I was weak in 2008.  One was creativity.  While I know I'm still not the most creative writer, I have definitely broadened my horizons and come up with some stuff I'm pretty proud of.  00Carter was great for bringing out my creative side and challenging me to write in different genres than what I was used to.  I think the challenges I've written for here and my pandaskunk stories were pretty creative too (if parody counts as being creative).  Apparently I still associate creativity with fantasy and sci-fi - kudos to those of you who regularly write in those genres.

The other weakness I said was a balance between being too wordy and not detailed enough.  I was still in a bit of a purple prose phase in 2008, but I think I have found that balance now.  My writing is still detailed, but not as flowery as it was back in the Broken/BMS era.  Writing a couple novels in first person point of view instead of third really helped me reign that in.

I don't know if this is a new weakness to add or not, but one thing that has changed about my writing since 2008 is how much slower I am now LOL.  I used to average a page/500 words an hour, and now I can hours "writing" and only have 1000 words to show for it.  I think part of this is that I overthink things and edit too much as I write instead of just doing a quick draft and going back to edit later like I know a lot of professional writers do.  The upside of this is that I don't have to do as much editing later because I'm usually happy with the first draft, but the downside is that I feel less productive.  I also blame social media.  Twitter is very distracting LOL.  So is this forum lately, but I love it!

I still feel good about the strengths I mentioned then - grammar, research, and dialogue.  None of that has changed.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 08, 2021, 11:45:50 PM ---Y'all bring it out of me. I also saw in the "Bingo 2" thread that I promised you some word egg laying chickens with prosthetic limbs, so if you never saw that, let me get on that in the next week or so.

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LMAO!  I don't remember seeing those, but I would love some!


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 08, 2021, 11:59:28 PM ---LMAO!  I don't remember seeing those, but I would love some!

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Done. They'll come your way soon!


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