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The Writing Thread

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I agree with your take on Howie.  He's always been on the quieter side in interviews and doesn't reveal as much personal info as some of the other guys do.  I think it's harder to get to know the real Howie - not that we really know any of them, but hopefully you know what I mean.  Compare him to Nick and AJ, who have always been a lot more open.  Howie is more guarded, which may be smart on his part because look what has happened to people's perceptions of Brian.

I love the friendship Nick and Howie have developed.  They're so different from each other in many ways, but they complement each other well.  I've always felt the same way about AJ and Brian.

Related question for everyone:  What are your favorite pairings of Boys to write about and why?  This could be either slash or platonic or both, depending on what you write.

Now that we're over twenty pages, I thought I'd pop back in with the summary of the questions post. Please find them below.

The questions:

1. Are any of the Boys your muse? Do any of them in particular lead you to new and great ideas? What kinds of ideas? (generalizing is fine!)

2. What has been the weirdest or most random/obscure/unexpected source of inspiration for one of your story ideas?

3. What kind of music do you listen to on Spotify?

4. Anyone else interested in reflecting on "7 Writing Lessons Learned in 2020" by K.M. Weiland?

5. What's THE story for you that you've written? Are you defined by it and how have you felt about that?

6. What do you usually have the hardest time writing - the beginning, the middle, or the end?  How about the easiest?

7. Anyone else have any writing-related mementos they hang on to?

8. Has anyone else had luck resurrecting really old ideas or unfinished stories?

9. What's the most random note you ever wrote about and/or for a story?

10. Challenge for everyone: Go find some old physical writing thing you saved that's worth sharing!

11. Anyone else have a writing-related silver lining from Covid?

12. What you feel you are good at (writing strengths) and where you think you could improve (writing weaknesses)? If you responded to the original post, have your answers changed?

13. What are your favorite pairings of Boys to write about and why?

The planning process questions post:

1. When an idea strikes, what's the first thing you do?

2. Are there any things you consider integral to your planning process? For example, Julie mentioned earlier in the thread that she often makes a banner when she's in the planning stages.

3. If you use outlines, how faithful are you to outlines? How detailed are your outlines? If you write first and plan later, how do you keep track of your ideas? Anyone go between the two?

4. What's the easiest part of planning? The hardest?

5. How far into the planning process do you know that an idea is definitely something you'll finish writing? Or the opposite, when can you tell if it should be scrapped?

6. Are there any clear signs to you that you're fully invested in an idea, either early or late?

7. Do you have a specific point where you decide you'll post something or do you just post everything you write?

And if you didn't see Julie and I answer them, just click our names: Julie and Dee

Questions asked in the context of a conversation that can be answered by all:

1. Do you have a project lined up for after [Bethlehem] already or not yet? Where in the story would you say you are in the writing process (beginning, middle, or end)? Everyone else can substitute out [Bethlehem] and replace it with your current project to answer.

2. Summer 2010, the summer of sadness... Maybe it was vibe going around?

3. Like [getting rid of the wives] always goes to killing, but divorce?

4. How unbelievable is too unbelievable for 2020 and/or a story set in 2020? Murder hornets? Alien abduction?

5. Is "if it could happen, it will happen" a rule on the internet?

6. Does every idea you have get to the outline stage?

7. Do you have any sort of planning notes that help keep track of characters and their motivations throughout a story?

8. [Medical] research, how daunting is that? Do you look for accredited sources? Everyone else, feel free to replace [medical] with whatever you find yourself researching a lot!

9. How often do those bursts of inspiration happen?

10. Do you ever have a hard time going back and writing the beginning, which may not be as interesting as the heart of the story?

11. How often do [ideas] "just go away?"

12. How many docs are in the [outlines and ideas] folder right now?

13. Did you ever write [HP fanfic] outside of that crossover? Anyone write fanfic for other fandoms besides BSB?

14. Do any of your current options feel like "What's next after [Bethlehem]"? Or do you feel like a new idea will strike? Again, replace [Bethlehem] with whatever you're currently working on.

15. Do you use a different notebook for each story?

16. What do you think it is about the Boys that stuck with you so much [to write about them] over other fandoms?

17. How do you like jumping around stories? Is it doing multiple things at once that's frustrating or not having the clear idea for the next project?

18. Did you find it nice or frustrating to have a "between projects" story?

19. On purple prose: What was wrong with just calling them "eyes"? How did calling them "orbs" make it any more descriptive?

Off-topic Questions:

1. So did you like the Cats movie?

2. Do you think the Boys would ever sign off on a biopic musical with their songs? If they did, would you see it? Or, do you think they would ever sign off on a musical with their songs as the plot? If they did, would you see it? Also what would be the plot of that musical?

3. It's definitely a weird world... don't you know it?  ;)

4. What will the first restaurant I go to feel like? Will I be able to see the Boys in [August]?

5. Why is a guest printing [my old PBox update thread]?

6. OMG, a Zombie Burlesque show?

7. Do we have a list of the BSB fanfic rules? See here.

8. Are all these toys weird? Do I just think they're weird because they're updates of toys I liked as a kid? Did my mom think modern barbies were weird compared to the two that existed when she was a kid (blonde or brunette harsh face barbie)?

9. I've been there! It's pretty base-ic? (I'll see myself out...)

10. Can you just tell me what [HP] houses the Boys were in?

11. But then if they're all in Slytherin, do they care [about being betrayed by their friends]?

12. Have you ever seen "Cannibal: The Musical"?

13. Are you experiencing revertigo these days?


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 09, 2021, 01:32:34 PM ---I agree with your take on Howie.  He's always been on the quieter side in interviews and doesn't reveal as much personal info as some of the other guys do.  I think it's harder to get to know the real Howie - not that we really know any of them, but hopefully you know what I mean.  Compare him to Nick and AJ, who have always been a lot more open.  Howie is more guarded, which may be smart on his part because look what has happened to people's perceptions of Brian.

I love the friendship Nick and Howie have developed.  They're so different from each other in many ways, but they complement each other well.  I've always felt the same way about AJ and Brian.

Related question for everyone:  What are your favorite pairings of Boys to write about and why?  This could be either slash or platonic or both, depending on what you write.

--- End quote ---

Apparently Howie and I are kindred spirits in my old age, haha. I think part of that too is that AJ and Nick were just kids when they started, so we watched them grow up. And a kid doesn't really know how to balance a private life with a public one, so you get more "I am all of this" from them. Similarly, I always thought it was pretty smart that you made your persona a pen name. I was young and dumb when I started writing fanfic and was like "I am Dee!" (at least I went with a nickname, haha) If I could go back, I think I would probably make up a pen name instead.

I think Nick has a little of all of them in him, and that's why it's most fun to write Nick & whoever. Because the similarities are uncanny, but the clashes are explosive.

I actually wrote about this in one of my author talks. Let me pull it up!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on December 30, 2020, 09:07:22 PM ---(I'm so sorry AJ and Howie!), I'm forever team Frick & Frack and Big Bro & Little Bro (does this have a name I'm unaware of?). I've consciously tried to have different dynamics in PBox & PNecklace as much as possible, but you'll definitely still catch leanings in there, especially when the groups split up. Frick & Frack is really nostalgic for me and their banter is just great. Plus I love that Brian can still make the dumbest jokes and Nick will die every time. It just gets me! And I melt every time for the dynamics of Nick and Kevin foiling, supporting, and loving each other. "The little one is the oldest and usually has to take care of people and the big one's the youngest and gets taken care of by people, but now in their chosen family, they're the opposite. Aww..." And then their serious vs silly dynamic, but the older I get, the more I think in the 90's that had a heavy basis in age dichotomy in addition to personality. In general, I'm a sucker for "band of brothers/chosen family/true companions," probably because of the Boys. It will get me every time, so I try to use it as much as possible in my own writing (even outside of BSB fanfic, but especially in BSB fanfic).
--- End quote ---

Although, like I said, I think I'm on a Nick & Howie kick here recently. So I guess looking at this, I gotta get on an AJ & someone kick, because poor AJ! I really do love you, buddy!

I figured everyone would like an update on my coffee mug. It fits all the coffee I would like to drink without overflowing and because the inside is black, it keeps the coffee warm longer. 10/10 will enjoy over and over again. I was a little annoyed at staring at Brian this morning because I am right handed, though.

There's another question for everybody. How does whatever the Boys are up to affect your writing? Do you let it affect your writing?

Right now, I'm at the chunk of PBox where there's three separate storylines: Nick, Brian, and Minako; AJ, Kevin, and Howie; and Renee and NSYNC. I edited the AJ, Kevin, and Howie portions first because they come first and then I decided to edit the Nick, Brian, and Minako portions last because they're interwoven through the others. I also thought that knowing that once I finished the Renee and NYSNC portions, I would get to edit the Nick, Brian, and Minako portions would motivate me to finish the Renee and NSYNC portions without dilly dallying. They're some of my favorite chapters in the story. But now I'm afraid I'll be unmotivated because of all this Brian nonsense. Hopefully what I said when we talked romance was true, "It's been in my head so long that they're just characters at this point and kind of removed from what the Boys are up to in real life." If that's the case, I can focus on PBox Brian, probably...


--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 09, 2021, 02:18:31 PM ---Apparently Howie and I are kindred spirits in my old age, haha. I think part of that too is that AJ and Nick were just kids when they started, so we watched them grow up. And a kid doesn't really know how to balance a private life with a public one, so you get more "I am all of this" from them. Similarly, I always thought it was pretty smart that you made your persona a pen name. I was young and dumb when I started writing fanfic and was like "I am Dee!" (at least I went with a nickname, haha) If I could go back, I think I would probably make up a pen name instead.

--- End quote ---

Very true.  It's clear that Nick and AJ in particular didn't really even know who they were yet back then because they were so young, so we saw them both go through the awkward phases of trying to figure that out as they grew up.  AJ's "bad boy" phase, Nick's ghetto fab phase, etc.  Howie and Kevin were already adults with some actual education and life experience to draw on, and Brian was somewhere in the middle.

You know, I first made up a pen name to start posting my fanfics because I didn't want my friends, who were also still BSB fans back then, to find out about them.  I have never been comfortable sharing my writing with people in my real life.  The anonymity of the internet and writing under a pen name makes it easier.  But now, being a teacher, I'm extra glad I made that choice as a fifteen-year-old because now I would be worried about students, parents, and coworkers finding them.  Dee is probably vague enough that you're good though.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 09, 2021, 02:18:31 PM ---I think Nick has a little of all of them in him, and that's why it's most fun to write Nick & whoever. Because the similarities are uncanny, but the clashes are explosive.

I actually wrote about this in one of my author talks. Let me pull it up!

Although, like I said, I think I'm on a Nick & Howie kick here recently. So I guess looking at this, I gotta get on an AJ & someone kick, because poor AJ! I really do love you, buddy!

--- End quote ---

I agree about Nick too.  There is something special about his relationship with each one of them.  Frick & Frack has always been my favorite, but I also love Nowie.  Kevin and Nick have a big brother/little brother dynamic I love, and Nick and AJ, as the two youngest, are fun to write together, especially in old-school stories.

Thanks for compiling all those questions!  That's quite a long list we've wracked up just in the last couple days! LOL


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