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The Writing Thread

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--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 09, 2021, 02:26:59 PM ---I figured everyone would like an update on my coffee mug. It fits all the coffee I would like to drink without overflowing and because the inside is black, it keeps the coffee warm longer. 10/10 will enjoy over and over again. I was a little annoyed at staring at Brian this morning because I am right handed, though.

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I'm glad you're enjoying your mug!  Sorry your handedness forces you to look at Brian's face.  I am a lefty, so I also struggle with the pictures on most mugs being on the wrong side if I use the handle with my left hand.  I do have a few that are lefty mugs or have something on both sides.  My favorite writing mug is one a good friend who knows me well got me:  it's purple (my favorite color), left-handed, and says "I'm silently correcting your grammar."

--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 09, 2021, 02:26:59 PM ---There's another question for everybody. How does whatever the Boys are up to affect your writing? Do you let it affect your writing?

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I try not to let it affect my writing.  If anything, it sometimes drives me deeper into writing because I've always considered fanfic my escape from real world problems.  It's tough when those real world problems are also fandom problems, but at least with fanfic, I can write the Boys however I want to and read stories that portray them in a positive light.

Back in 2003-2004, I much preferred my emo but sweet Broken Nick to real life ghetto fab, Paris-dating, pierced-nipple Nick.  I remember watching his Punk'd episode and being so turned off by him, but I just retreated back into Broken land and kept writing about my version of him.  I did the same in 2006 after his DUI, in 2016 after his arrest in Key West, and in 2017 after Melissa Schuman's allegations against him.  The 2000s have certainly been a rollercoaster for Nick fans.

I guess it's time for me to use the same approach with Brian.  I wasn't sure last night if I was even going to try writing anything this weekend, but I woke up this morning, made my coffee, opened my story, and spent a couple hours trying anyway.  And I did get a few paragraphs written.  I also have some more clarity on what story idea I'm going to try tackling next (besides 00Carter), which I think may help me work through this.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 09, 2021, 02:51:21 PM ---Very true.  It's clear that Nick and AJ in particular didn't really even know who they were yet back then because they were so young, so we saw them both go through the awkward phases of trying to figure that out as they grew up.  AJ's "bad boy" phase, Nick's ghetto fab phase, etc.  Howie and Kevin were already adults with some actual education and life experience to draw on, and Brian was somewhere in the middle.

You know, I first made up a pen name to start posting my fanfics because I didn't want my friends, who were also still BSB fans back then, to find out about them.  I have never been comfortable sharing my writing with people in my real life.  The anonymity of the internet and writing under a pen name makes it easier.  But now, being a teacher, I'm extra glad I made that choice as a fifteen-year-old because now I would be worried about students, parents, and coworkers finding them.  Dee is probably vague enough that you're good though.

I agree about Nick too.  There is something special about his relationship with each one of them.  Frick & Frack has always been my favorite, but I also love Nowie.  Kevin and Nick have a big brother/little brother dynamic I love, and Nick and AJ, as the two youngest, are fun to write together, especially in old-school stories.

Thanks for compiling all those questions!  That's quite a long list we've wracked up just in the last couple days! LOL

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I loved Nick's ghetto fab phase. Nick, once you became a Backstreet Boy, you were no longer a thug in any way, shape, or form. I figure Kevin and Howie got all of their "I am a college kid, this is awesome" out in Europe in the early days, then they were ready to focus on business.

I did with a couple friends, but it was very specific people and I doubt they would remember much now that I wrote fanfic back then. You know, I actually doodled some of my costume designs at school during a "fun day" before a break while the kids were also doodling something different. So they're aware I wrote a novel with these characters, but that's as far as it went, I kept it vague on purpose when they asked. I don't think they could find me unless they did some deep diving (as you said, Dee is vague enough), which I don't think I'm as important to them as things like Among Us anyway or the thought that maybe this novel is online somewhere hasn't likely crossed their minds. Although one of them asked, "Why is that one so handsome?" (Nick). And I was like, "You know, he's just a handsome kind of guy!" haha

I enjoy going back and compiling them (and laughing about the more random ones) and figured it was a must do, especially after Rose responded to the first compilation. I guess we're all just itching to talk about some writing!


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 09, 2021, 03:06:00 PM ---I'm glad you're enjoying your mug!  Sorry your handedness forces you to look at Brian's face.  I am a lefty, so I also struggle with the pictures on most mugs being on the wrong side if I use the handle with my left hand.  I do have a few that are lefty mugs or have something on both sides.  My favorite writing mug is one a good friend who knows me well got me:  it's purple (my favorite color), left-handed, and says "I'm silently correcting your grammar."
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It's okay, once I was done drinking my coffee, I switched it back to blonde AJ and Dolphins doorag Nick, haha. That's perfect for you! I got my bff one with a stethoscope on it that says "I limit myself to one cup of coffee a day," but it's one of those novelty gigantic mugs. I enjoy when I get to drink coffee out of an actual mug, because you get to smell it more. However, I think I prefer my to-go mugs because they don't have handles, so handedness and picture isn't an issue. My favorites are my crocodile mug (more recently since I used it every Wednesday this fall) and one I have that says "Cold Hands Warm Heart."

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 09, 2021, 03:06:00 PM ---I try not to let it affect my writing.  If anything, it sometimes drives me deeper into writing because I've always considered fanfic my escape from real world problems.  It's tough when those real world problems are also fandom problems, but at least with fanfic, I can write the Boys however I want to and read stories that portray them in a positive light.

Back in 2003-2004, I much preferred my emo but sweet Broken Nick to real life ghetto fab, Paris-dating, pierced-nipple Nick.  I remember watching his Punk'd episode and being so turned off by him, but I just retreated back into Broken land and kept writing about my version of him.  I did the same in 2006 after his DUI, in 2016 after his arrest in Key West, and in 2017 after Melissa Schuman's allegations against him.  The 2000s have certainly been a rollercoaster for Nick fans.

I guess it's time for me to use the same approach with Brian.  I wasn't sure last night if I was even going to try writing anything this weekend, but I woke up this morning, made my coffee, opened my story, and spent a couple hours trying anyway.  And I did get a few paragraphs written.  I also have some more clarity on what story idea I'm going to try tackling next (besides 00Carter), which I think may help me work through this.

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I always used writing as an escape/processing tool as well, so I'm hoping I'm just overthinking it while I mire around in Renee & NSYNC land. I got half a page of edits done so far today, so I'd say it's going pretty well (with a few "forum refresh" breaks when I stare at a portion too long). Although I woke up kind of late, so I'm more behind than I'd like to be.

I think the 2000s were just a rollercoaster for Nick too. I kind of wished I had someone to talk with during those times that understood my side of it and didn't just jump to "Nick's a terrible person."

I'm just hoping I don't let actual Brian affect PBox Brian in a terrible way. I'd feel so bad. But I'm getting ahead of myself. I guess I'm just more worried about how the other Boys are feeling today, but that's a conversation for the "Everything Backstreet Boys" thread and not this one necessarily.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 09, 2021, 03:07:44 PM ---I don't think they could find me unless they did some deep diving (as you said, Dee is vague enough), which I don't think I'm as important to them as things like Among Us anyway or the thought that maybe this novel is online somewhere hasn't likely crossed their minds. Although one of them asked, "Why is that one so handsome?" (Nick). And I was like, "You know, he's just a handsome kind of guy!" haha

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That's so cute that they thought Nick the most handsome!  They have good taste LOL.

I have a Backstreet Boys poster in my classroom.  It's this picture:  "Stay in school with the Backstreet Boys!"  I shared it on Facebook once years ago and jokingly said I would love a poster of it to put in my classroom, and my teaching partner (who also gave me the lefty grammar mug) found it on Ebay for me!  So it's been hanging behind my desk for the last few years.  Usually I have at least one kid a year notice it and say, "My mom likes the Backstreet Boys!"  Which means I'm getting old LOL, but hey, I'll take it.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 09, 2021, 03:18:54 PM ---I kind of wished I had someone to talk with during those times that understood my side of it and didn't just jump to "Nick's a terrible person."

I'm just hoping I don't let actual Brian affect PBox Brian in a terrible way. I'd feel so bad. But I'm getting ahead of myself. I guess I'm just more worried about how the other Boys are feeling today, but that's a conversation for the "Everything Backstreet Boys" thread and not this one necessarily.

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Aww, you should have come back here years ago.  We've had many conversations about Nick's problems.  The "Nick's a terrible person" people stopping posting here once they realized the rest of us weren't going to participate in dragging him through the mud.

I'm also not going to waste my time ranting about what a terrible person Brian is and judging everyone having a hard time with this.  I'm right there with you.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 09, 2021, 03:37:21 PM ---That's so cute that they thought Nick the most handsome!  They have good taste LOL.

I have a Backstreet Boys poster in my classroom.  It's this picture:  "Stay in school with the Backstreet Boys!"  I shared it on Facebook once years ago and jokingly said I would love a poster of it to put in my classroom, and my teaching partner (who also gave me the lefty grammar mug) found it on Ebay for me!  So it's been hanging behind my desk for the last few years.  Usually I have at least one kid a year notice it and say, "My mom likes the Backstreet Boys!"  Which means I'm getting old LOL, but hey, I'll take it.
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OMG, I love it! I have the old scholastic one still "Everybody... Read a Book!" and I have been dying to put it in my classrooms, but my students always liked to pull down our decorations and my school is bigger on "student centered displays," so it's stayed at home. If you have something in common with their families, you're gold. I relish the times I get called "mom," it makes me feel so important to their lives.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 09, 2021, 03:37:21 PM ---Aww, you should have come back here years ago.  We've had many conversations about Nick's problems.  The "Nick's a terrible person" people stopping posting here once they realized the rest of us weren't going to participate in dragging him through the mud.

I'm also not going to waste my time ranting about what a terrible person Brian is and judging everyone having a hard time with this.  I'm right there with you.

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I really should have. I tried once or twice, but wasn't really ready for it then, still being in the "I have nothing to contribute" phase. I don't know that I can drag them through the mud and I've already done a decent job of separating the music from the people for the most part.

I guess it's been a little off for me since I don't really keep up their personal socials as much, just the @backstreetboys ones, and I hate when my inklings are proven right if they're not good things (as opposed to a "Kevin has forced them all to go on several hikes and AJ is always woefully unprepared" type thing). I'm pretty much over it already though, since we all discussed it and I slept on it, unless something worse happens because of it.

I told myself I had to finish my last chapter edit and was starving to death, so it got quiet here for a minute, haha.


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