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Is it a fantastic idea for a new story or something in If I Knew Then? We were NSYNC twins yesterday, apparently, haha.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 10, 2021, 11:56:23 AM ---The Boys really came through for you at the right time with that one. I never think the title is that important, but I do know that when I don't have a title for something, it usually doesn't get finished. So maybe a title is more important to me than I thought? Although, I often save my stories as weird words in their own folder in my google drive. Like PNecklace is definitely called "blap" and then split into parts every ten chapters or else the document slows down excruciatingly . I think this is my way of making it silly and less serious seeming.

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You people and your Google titling systems!  I was just giving Tracy a hard time (jokingly) on Twitter the other day because she posted a picture of her writing, and I noticed that the document was "Untitled" on Google Docs.  I was like, "Ahh, how can you not give it a title?!"  That would drive me nuts.  But I am definitely a little OCD about stuff like that.  I am all about proper titles and folders and file organization.

I have done the thing where I have to divide a story into multiple smaller files while I'm working on it because I've noticed Google Docs can't handle long stories the way Word can.  Broken, BMS, and Undead were literally too long to even upload to Docs in one document.  I had to break them into parts.  The other long ones I was able to put back into one document once I finished writing them.  Maybe this is subconsciously why I have stopped writing really long stories since switching to Google Docs LOL.

It's for If I Knew Then, actually the current chapter I'm writing right now.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 10, 2021, 03:40:07 PM ---Is it a fantastic idea for a new story or something in If I Knew Then? We were NSYNC twins yesterday, apparently, haha.

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--- Quote from: FrickingKaos on January 10, 2021, 05:14:40 PM ---It's for If I Knew Then, actually the current chapter I'm writing right now.
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Thanks NSYNC! Never thought I would say that...


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 10, 2021, 05:13:39 PM ---You people and your Google titling systems!  I was just giving Tracy a hard time (jokingly) on Twitter the other day because she posted a picture of her writing, and I noticed that the document was "Untitled" on Google Docs.  I was like, "Ahh, how can you not give it a title?!"  That would drive me nuts.  But I am definitely a little OCD about stuff like that.  I am all about proper titles and folders and file organization.

I have done the thing where I have to divide a story into multiple smaller files while I'm working on it because I've noticed Google Docs can't handle long stories the way Word can.  Broken, BMS, and Undead were literally too long to even upload to Docs in one document.  I had to break them into parts.  The other long ones I was able to put back into one document once I finished writing them.  Maybe this is subconsciously why I have stopped writing really long stories since switching to Google Docs LOL.

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Oh I mean, inside the document I have the side outline with all the chapters as headings so I can get to any part easily, then as I'm editing I comment on the chapter title with the original word count. And I also edit by day so I can keep track of what I changed. But yeah, my document to keep track of edits is called "untitled," PBox is "blorp," PNecklace is "blap" if it's been completed, whatever I'm currently working on is "blep," the interesting pieces and tidbits are "blep2." I have another project started called "blup" and I believe I titled my holiday story "blirp." I don't really know why, I just did it when I started and the random words still make me smile. And then each project is in its own folder and parts are numbered in order 1-5.

I don't know why it can't because it's all online, but yeah, each ten chapter chunk is about 100 pages and it is just... ridiculously slow at the end. Very difficult when you like to write epics.


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