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The Writing Thread

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 09, 2021, 11:32:54 PM ---Um, I need to go eat dinner (you know, at 11:30 p.m. LOL) and stop staring at this screen for a while.  But I'm sure I'll be back at some point.

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It's almost midnight! Go eat before you become a gremlin!

I'm going to think on your last post for a minute.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 09, 2021, 11:31:51 PM ---What finally got me into a groove on it was literally Don't Go Breaking My Heart and the lyric "If you're gonna be someone that hurts somebody just for fun, then do it to a heart that isn't mine."  Once I changed the title, I was good.  It sounds so stupid, but I really can't write a story until I've decided on a title LOL.  I am proud of myself for persevering and coming back to this idea because it turned out to be one I really liked.

Anyone else have a story they've struggled with and ultimately finished?  Or maybe one that's still a struggle?  What is it that tends to gives you the most trouble?

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The Boys really came through for you at the right time with that one. I never think the title is that important, but I do know that when I don't have a title for something, it usually doesn't get finished. So maybe a title is more important to me than I thought? Although, I often save my stories as weird words in their own folder in my google drive. Like PNecklace is definitely called "blap" and then split into parts every ten chapters or else the document slows down excruciatingly . I think this is my way of making it silly and less serious seeming.

I remember in PBox, the part that got me the most was ch. 47. I struggled with that one for months! And at the time, I thought it was that I had no ideas on how to write it, but looking back, I think it's because I wasn't ready for Brian to die. Like Brian was so cool about it and I was sitting there like, what have I done? Killing off the Boys... I'm not really sure what snapped me out of that six month writer's block, honestly. I've been poking around old posts here and I don't think I've ever given any indication as to what finally happened other than that  I was "writing today."

In an original novel I'm writing, I've been having a hard time going in and filling in the gaps as I rewrite it. The old version of it had so much filler that I tried to pare down and I've had a hard time deciding what to write instead or which of the "filler type" things are worth expanding into something better. So while the original had... hundreds of chapters? I can't really remember. The rewritten version has snippets of six, maybe.

Okay there, I've had two good ideas ever. I don't know that Gobosei counts, because it's basically "The Backstreet Project" on steroids if it was more fantasy geared rather than sci-fi.

I was thinking about a possible question this morning and I can't remember if it was in the questions thread when I was skimming through.

What's something you do in BSB fanfic that would never fly in an original novel? This can be something as big as a whole plot or something as small as "I often find myself not describing the Boys' appearances."

I am definitely guilty of the appearance one, those short hand things will always trip me up. I think the only reason I even bothered to describe the Boys in PBox is because in the beginning when less of them were introduced, I was trying to make who was who a surprise until it became necessary to know, so the descriptors were clues. Howie was my favorite, because several people told me that they were sure Brian would be the next one introduced. I was excited to fool people. And then when Brian was actually introduced they were like, oh yeah, that's definitely Brian. Not sure why I thought the other one would be him.

Describing clothing is sometimes also a trap for me. Not their fantasy-land clothing, because I do describe that since it's new and different. But if they're the Boys, unless the clothes do something, I just leave them out? I figure you all can imagine them in something?

Like here's Nick: "He picked up a crumpled pair of jeans from the floor between the bed and the window, then pulled them over each leg as he walked toward a chair between the door and a large closet. He grabbed a gray sweatshirt slung over the arm and pulled it over his head quickly before opening the door."

Here's Kevin: "his black button down shirt contrasting against the dark wood."

Brian: "pulled his phone out of his jeans" (I actually went back and just added in somewhere that he was wearing a shirt in passing because I mentioned his pants?)

And then I just skipped AJ and Howie. Oh, AJ got "pulled down his sunglasses." Does anyone else do this or am I a lazy bum? Yell at me if I am, basically.

Back on the "what do you listen to" question, I was clearly listening to The Labyrinth's soundtrack while originally writing the chapter I'm editing right now. I wonder if anyone else noticed that during their read.

Does anyone feel like whatever you're listening to seeps into your writing? Do you ever pick specific things to listen to for that reason because you want it to seep into the feel of your writing?

I definitely get inspired by certain songs when I write. Sometimes it comes across in my chapters, or in a story theme or title. Depends on what I'm writing. Like last night I was listening to NSYNC and got a fantastic idea for something. So yes I'm heavily influenced by music.


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