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The Writing Thread

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Julie, how does day two of being all done feel?

I will ponder more writing questions for tomorrow!

More questions!

What's the weirdest place you've ever worked on one of your stories?

Tell us something semi-ridiculous you do while writing that if someone walked in on would be very confusing for them.

When you're writing, how are you picturing the story? Is it just words on a page? A movie? How do you think this helps or hinders your writing?

What are your favorite kinds of scenes to write?

Not a question or an answer, but I can tell that these last five chapters are going to have some "fun" word salad moments.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 21, 2021, 12:10:22 AM ---Julie, how does day two of being all done feel?

I will ponder more writing questions for tomorrow!

--- End quote ---

Great!  I started rereading it from the beginning last night to see if there's anything important from earlier in the story that I forgot to reference or resolve in the end.  Already found a small continuity error to fix - Kevin broke his phone earlier in the story and was then using said phone toward the end.  Nope, can't do that, Kevy Kev.  This is the nice part of my having gained the willpower to not impulsively post the last five chapters all at once just because I'm done... I can actually take my time to go back and look at it as a whole when editing.

How many more chapters of PBox do you have to edit at this point?


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 21, 2021, 05:29:54 PM ---Great!  I started rereading it from the beginning last night to see if there's anything important from earlier in the story that I forgot to reference or resolve in the end.  Already found a small continuity error to fix - Kevin broke his phone earlier in the story and was then using said phone toward the end.  Nope, can't do that, Kevy Kev.  This is the nice part of my having gained the willpower to not impulsively post the last five chapters all at once just because I'm done... I can actually take my time to go back and look at it as a whole when editing.

How many more chapters of PBox do you have to edit at this point?

--- End quote ---

I hate when I do that too. I'm editing chapter 46 right now and paused to cursory edit 41-45, only to realize that I'd just not mentioned what happened to anyone's swords when they no longer had them in chapter 46. So I was grateful to be able to go back and fix that before posting. Glad Kevin can no longer magic a perfectly functioning phone out of hammerspace, haha.

Four chapters and 3.5 pages left. I'm hoping to finish those 3.5 pages today and maybe get a chunk of the next chapter done. It dawned on me during this editing that if I had originally decided to focus on two characters doing the fighting, then everyone else did ... nothing. :shrug: Which is uncharacterist ic for them. So I've slowly had to add in either *something* or a cop out like "They were enclosed in one of Brian's barriers." Thank goodness for Brian having the power to seal everyone off so I can just focus on AJ or Howie like I did originally without it seeming out of character!

Except Nick, of course, is like, "To hell with that, I hate every minute of this not doing something!" So he gets to do fun things like:

Nick glanced at him, then started trying to walk toward him, but AJ pulled him back. Nick clenched his fist and gnashed his teeth, then whirled on AJ and forcefully poked him in the chest before he started gesturing toward God largely and wildly with his hands. He continued opening his mouth as though he spoke, but no sound came out.


As Kevin and Brian are clearly having a calm conversation about the emerald demons' powers: Meanwhile, Nick pounded on the barrier with his fists and appeared to be shouting.

What's the weirdest place you've ever worked on one of your stories?
I guess the airport?  I know that's not that weird, but I'm not comfortable writing in public, so that was a stretch for me.  That was during one of my daily writing streaks for A Heart That Isn't Mine in 2019, and I was at like 50-something days of writing in a row and determined not to break it when I went to LA with Rose, so I wrote a little bit on my phone at the airport to keep the streak alive.

Tell us something semi-ridiculous you do while writing that if someone walked in on would be very confusing for them.
I get up and pace a lot, especially when I'm writing something that makes me uncomfortable.  I'll just randomly get up and wander into another room, then come back and get back at it.  There's no real rhyme or reason to it, and I don't even realize I'm doing it half the time.

Sometimes I act things out when I'm trying to figure out how to describe them or if what I'm describing is even possible.  For example, Brian broke his ankle in Bethlehem, and I was trying to describe him getting out of a recliner quickly on one leg.  I was having a hard time describing it the right way, so I sat down in my armchair with my feet up on an ottoman and practiced jumping up on one foot.  Dumb stuff like that LOL.  I know I've told this story here before, but my favorite was when I drove my car out onto a rural road in the middle of the night, parked it next to a cornfield, and climbed out of my moonroof just to make sure that a plausible means of escape for a scene from Song for the Undead.  I wanted to try it myself, but I didn't want other people in my apartment complex to see me doing that in the parking lot LOL.

When you're writing, how are you picturing the story? Is it just words on a page? A movie? How do you think this helps or hinders your writing?

I picture it in my head like a movie.  It helps me describe it better.  And when that doesn't work, I act it out myself, like I said above LOL.

What are your favorite kinds of scenes to write?

My favorite scenes are usually the ones with a lot of dialogue.  I love emotional conversations.  I also love brotherly banter scenes with the guys just joking around with each other.


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