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The Writing Thread

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--- Quote from: nicksgal on January 02, 2021, 04:54:56 PM ---I just creeped on the guests again and most of them are reading this! I'm dying!

Dear guests: I'm sorry I sounded so dumb sometimes.

Also, that thread is a gem even if it's only aged okay. New thread: Top Ten Must Read Nostalgia Posts on the Forum.

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I think most of the "guests" are spambots, but that is a fun way to find random old threads.

Yes!  You definitely need to start that thread!


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 02, 2021, 04:05:08 PM ---If I'm really inspired and the words keep coming, I'll keep writing until my eyes cross... and then I'll turn on voice typing so I can close my eyes and dictate to the computer if I have to LOL.  Unless I have to be somewhere, I don't force myself to stop.  But when I hit my wall and start staring at the screen for more than a few minutes without actually typing anything or realize I've spent the last hour refreshing Twitter instead of writing, that's when I know it's time to take a break.  I don't have a set amount of time I'll give it, but I can usually just tell when I'm not going to be productive and continuing to sit at the computer is just wasting my time.  Depending on how late in the day that happens, I may try to come back to it later, but I usually don't have much luck if I was productive earlier in the day.  I call it my little fanfic bubble - when I'm in my bubble, I can focus for hours, but once that bubble bursts, it's hard to blow it back up later.  I used to do my best writing late at night, but the last couple years, I've had better luck writing first thing in the morning, before I get distracted by anything else.  I guess that means I'm getting old LOL.
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I was that way during NaNo, and honestly, I think stay at home was the only reason I finished it (plus a slightly different job this year). Normally November is knee deep into football season for me and I'm a champion tailgater, so most of my weekends are awash. Whereas this year, they were my catch up on writing days. And a slightly different job meant my assessment cycle is a little more lax than typical and lighter conference load, which meant I worked from home after work less and could spend my evenings doing whatever I wanted. Except I was useless at writing on Wednesdays because of Masked Singer. *shrug*

I took more breaks today away from the computer to do household chores, and I think I'm feeling a little better about staring at the computer now (unless I keep looking at the Sexy Humpbacks for Greenpeace, haha). I'm just in the middle of the chunk of chapters that are "there's a battle, but I'd also like to have philosophical discussions with you about life and death, light and darkness, good and evil, the meaning of existence, etcetera" so it's taking twice as long to edit compared to those earlier chapters that were more "Brian and Nick make dumb jokes at each other while they plot along."

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 02, 2021, 04:05:08 PM ---On a Saturday like today, where I have nowhere to be, I'll try to work on it multiple times throughout the day.  I already wrote awhile this morning, then took a break to shower and eat and update my site, but I'll be back at it later.  I'm trying to get as much written as I can before I go back to work next Wed and my bubble bursts again LOL.

I have probably spent more time writing this past year than in the previous few because of the pandemic.  It's given me the perfect excuse to stay home and write to my heart's content without guilt.  I'm not being antisocial; I'm being safe! LOL

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Are we having the same day today? Because this is me today (minus the website updating). I'm really jealous that you have until Wednesday! I am definitely not going to be able to finish my editing plans this break like I wanted and will likely only get 5 chapters of the edit up this week, but I'm trying my best.

LOL This forum is distracting when it's active, but I love it!

We must be having the same day today!  Getting 5 chapters posted this week sounds good to me.  It'll feel so good when you finally finish this project.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 02, 2021, 05:06:49 PM ---It wasn't the leg choppage because I did that in 2003.  I looked back to see what chapters I was posting around that time and still can't pinpoint it, but I'm guessing it had something to do with Nick & Claire relationship drama, the car accident I was planning for the end, or possibly the sequel I considered writing for a short time, which was really ridiculous.  And the poll was tied, so I guess I never got my answer LOL.
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When I mentioned car crash, you seemed particularly ishy, so it was probably that? OMG, a third Broken/BMS? How would you have kept the upward momentum going with the drama?! I think the poll being tied means that we all appreciated entertaining realism, so maybe not drama just to have drama so much as drama that felt like it fit the story and kept it going in a realistic way.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 02, 2021, 05:06:49 PM ---I'm sure there was also some jealousy on our part because most of us had yet to meet the Boys and may have still been at the mercy of our parents to provide money or transportation to go to shows LOL.  I won't deny, it's fun to be a "mature fan" who can travel out of state to go to shows and pay to meet the Boys if they're so inclined.
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I still haven't met them yet because of that money thing. Now that I've been able to save more (thanks COVID?), it's on my soon list. But like at this point, I feel like I would just say "Thanks for helping me get through 2020."  I only did the Vegas trip. If they ever do the cruise again, that's something I would like to splurge for or go to another country when they happen to be in town? Hawaii wouldn't be a bad move either.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 02, 2021, 05:06:49 PM ---I don't really agree with the sex scene stuff anymore though.  A married woman writing graphic sex scenes about herself with a Backstreet Boy still seems a bit weird to me, but there's nothing wrong with writing sex scenes about fictional characters if it fits the story.  You can absolutely be both graphically violent and sexually explicit.  If you want to write it, go for it and don't hold back!  You can always edit and cut some out later if it feels like too much.

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That's true. And I suppose none of us have done self inserts in a while and that was what made it especially creepy. Maybe I'll tinker with it when I get there and see if it ends up being worth it to bother in full compared to the tiny snippets. Haven't really done one before, so from a writing perspective, it may be good to try!


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 02, 2021, 05:08:19 PM ---I think most of the "guests" are spambots, but that is a fun way to find random old threads.

Yes!  You definitely need to start that thread!

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Well, these spambots have good nostalgic taste. I am on it.


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