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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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I love that you had a typewriter, too!  So cool!

The most morbid story I wrote as a kid was an epic survival tale about three kids trying to find their way out of the woods after a grizzly bear ate their parents on a camping trip LOL.  That was my third grade entry for Young Authors, and it did not win.  I should have known my audience better - my teacher that year was not the type to appreciate my illustrations of an angry, blood-soaked grizzly bear.  She picked a cutesy story about a kitten instead. LOL


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 29, 2021, 10:26:45 PM ---LOL I can usually tell which ones are already on Team Dark.  Some of them want to write horror stories or stories where the main character ends up in the hospital.  As long as they can keep them semi-realistic, I let them go for it.  Except for the one year I had a little girl who, when working on a "Somebody... wanted... but... so... then..." summary of her story idea, had a character named "Mangle" who wanted to make the swim team, but she couldn't stop hurting other kids.  Imagining Mangle as a budding young serial killer who couldn't control her impulses to drown her classmates in the pool, I was like, "So... are you saying Mangle's a bully?  And she has to learn to be a better friend and not bully her teammates if she's going to be on the team?"   I'm not sure if that was actually her intent or not, but that's what she went with LOL.  She was a girl after my own heart - sweet and quiet on the outside, secretly dark and twisted on the inside LOL.
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Forget my earlier statement! Give these kids cookies and initiate them already! I love that a character named "Mangle" was sparking your imagination, yet you kept a straight face. There are so many times I have to fight not to react to things. It's usually laughter, to be honest.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 29, 2021, 10:26:45 PM ---Right?!  Although I never liked being forced to write for fifteen minutes right there in the classroom.  I've always written better when I'm by myself, on my own schedule.

By fourth grade, most of them do include dialogue, especially after I've modeled it for them and taught them about showing not telling, but some of their stories are like ALL dialogue... just characters talking back and forth without a lot of description or action in between.

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Oh, I know. I've tried help her come up with ideas when it's not that time because she always says she has no ideas. I have also run out of ideas about princesses getting married to princes, so I understand her struggle.

You can tell a short story with only dialogue! But this way, they just have something to improve on for the next draft. :)


--- Quote from: Rose on March 30, 2021, 09:08:56 PM ---Fun fact, I still have them to this day cause my mom had saved it, but my elementary school had a "publishing" program where they'd pick kids from each grade who wrote the best stories to make a little book with their story. In 2nd grade, which was legitimately the grade I discovered I loved writing, I wrote a story about a Fox that loved life but got hunted down by a hunter and died lmao. In 3rd grade I got picked again and this time it was about a kid who's stepmother tried to cook them after marrying her dad - like a hybrid of cinderella and hansel and gretel LOL.

My teachers were always encouraging but sometimes I wonder if my weird ideas didn't scare them a bit lmao.

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I like to think that if they picked them, they were also Team Dark! ;D Nurture the twisted young and initiate them! :) That poor fox though. Cinderella would have been a wild ride if she was getting cooked instead of married!

My school had something similar. In Kindergarten, my story was about a family of four cats who went to a spooky graveyard. The details are vague in my mind, but there were definitely cats and a graveyard. Third grade was a detective story (because I really liked Harriet the Spy) where the villain was posing as a doctor, but was actually Dracula and in true hammy villain nature called himself "Dr. Acula" because... well, names were not my strong point back then, lol. I think in second grade, I wrote about frogs and it did not get picked; I was bitter and that should have been my indicator that I should have been Team Dark, or maybe my frog story was dark and my teacher was not. I can't remember!

--- Quote from: Rose on March 30, 2021, 09:47:54 PM ---The fox one cracks me up cause I gave the fox a cutesy name, for such a morbid story. Foxy Fox lol. Very 2nd grade. But getting picked twice and asking my mom to buy me notebooks is what got her to buy me a typewriter for my birthday. I loved the hell out of that thing LOL.

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Foxy Fox would love life. Poor Foxy Fox. :(

Aww, the origin story of the oft-mentioned typewriter!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 31, 2021, 06:59:47 PM ---The most morbid story I wrote as a kid was an epic survival tale about three kids trying to find their way out of the woods after a grizzly bear ate their parents on a camping trip LOL.  That was my third grade entry for Young Authors, and it did not win.  I should have known my audience better - my teacher that year was not the type to appreciate my illustrations of an angry, blood-soaked grizzly bear.  She picked a cutesy story about a kitten instead. LOL

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You learned an important lesson that year. Team Fluffy does not like angry, blood-soaked grizzly bears, lol! Team Dark rewards morbid. I approve this morbid tale.

Tomorrow Camp NaNo starts! Come join Julie and I in committing to April writing of some sort for the Absolutely Chaotic Backstreet Project!  ;D


--- Quote from: nicksgal on March 31, 2021, 10:25:52 PM ---Third grade was a detective story (because I really liked Harriet the Spy) where the villain was posing as a doctor, but was actually Dracula and in true hammy villain nature called himself "Dr. Acula" because... well, names were not my strong point back then, lol.

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That is actually really clever!  Of course Dracula would pose as a doctor - easy access to blood!  Dr. Acula LOL - I love that!!  It sounds like something out of Bailey School Kids.


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