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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 08, 2021, 09:42:57 PM ---I just had one of those moments where I was really glad I hang on to chapters before posting as long as I do.  My current story begins in January 2008, and I had written in Chapter 4 that the last time Nick and Kevin saw each other was the previous October when the Boys were in LA doing promo for Unbreakable's release.  I just saw a picture on Twitter of all five guys at Howie's wedding, which was in December 2007, and I thought, "Well, duh... they would have seen each other at Howie's wedding just a few weeks before the story started."  So I went back and fixed that paragraph.  Thankfully I haven't posted that chapter yet.  Yay hoarding!

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It's the Twilight Zone and they didn't actually see each other at Howie's wedding, doo dooo dooo dooo dooo.

Glad you had the hoard and were able to fix it. :)

I had a moment like that where I changed my mind on something this week, but figured "unreliable narrator" and/or knowing specifically about one character and applying that to all others was a good way to excuse the previous term I used. Call it a case of going specific earlier and broad now.

My yay hoarding from today was that I finally wrote some PNecklace, but it was for the very last chapter, lol. So, good thing I have the hoard for now.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 08, 2021, 09:51:18 PM ---I found an article about the pronunciation of "bologna."  The short version is that it was probably anglicized from the original Italian pronunciation ("balonya" or "balonia") to "baloney."  English is definitely full of oddball words though!

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I figured as much, but I appreciate this insightful article on the topic from an author with a similar name, lol! On a side note, bologna is really gross as far as sandwich meats go.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 08, 2021, 09:58:34 PM ---Ooh, maybe that's it. I can't remember where I first heard it.

I've never really talked about laughing outside of writing because I'm either actually laughing or say something to the effect of "I laughed so hard." But there's stories I tell where I would say that I laughed really hard, but then I start laughing all over again. The "Mister Paul sock puppet day" comes to mind, lol; kids are weird.

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That's true.  I guess it's more that I haven't seen the word "chortle" used as often as other synonyms for laughter.

And yes, kids are weird. LOL

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 08, 2021, 09:58:34 PM ---I feel like there's some contempt to a smirk? That's normally how I use it. I looked it up and the definition is too broad! "Irritatingly smug, conceited, or silly smile," that's a broad range of emotions for one expression in addition to some bias on the part of the POV character. Maybe that's why it feels so overused?

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Yes, there can be.  When I describe Nick smirking, it's usually meant to be more mischievous or flirtatious, but it works well for villains too.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 08, 2021, 10:03:43 PM ---It's the Twilight Zone and they didn't actually see each other at Howie's wedding, doo dooo dooo dooo dooo.

Glad you had the hoard and were able to fix it. :)

I had a moment like that where I changed my mind on something this week, but figured "unreliable narrator" and/or knowing specifically about one character and applying that to all others was a good way to excuse the previous term I used. Call it a case of going specific earlier and broad now.

My yay hoarding from today was that I finally wrote some PNecklace, but it was for the very last chapter, lol. So, good thing I have the hoard for now.

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LOL Kevin literally had his arm around Nick in the picture.

Unreliable narrators are a good way to excuse small errors, if you can even call yours an error.

I'm glad you got something written to hoard!  It's nice to know you have something already drafted for the last chapter because last chapters can be intimidating sometimes.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 08, 2021, 10:07:43 PM ---I figured as much, but I appreciate this insightful article on the topic from an author with a similar name, lol! On a side note, bologna is really gross as far as sandwich meats go.

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Agreed!  I haven't eaten it since I was a kid.  The thought of a bologna sandwich on white bread with mayonnaise makes me want to vomit.


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