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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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Does anyone else reward themselves for writing?

I started MBK in 2017 and took an extended break from it in 2018.  During that break, a movie came out that had a similar premise to my story.  I was like, "OMG, I have to see that!"  But since I was working on AHTIM and not MBK at that time, I told myself I would wait until I went back to MBK to watch it so that I could take full advantage of any inspiration I got from it and not get distracted from AHTIM.  Two years later, I finally rewarded myself for finishing the monster chapter I wrote this week by renting that movie last night.  I didn't really get anything out of it in terms of ideas, but I enjoyed it.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 08, 2021, 10:12:03 PM ---LOL Kevin literally had his arm around Nick in the picture.
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I was just trying to make it more dramatic, lol. But I guess they couldn't be dramatic at Howie's wedding, he doesn't deserve that. #TeamHowie

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 08, 2021, 10:12:03 PM ---Unreliable narrators are a good way to excuse small errors, if you can even call yours an error.

I'm glad you got something written to hoard!  It's nice to know you have something already drafted for the last chapter because last chapters can be intimidating sometimes.

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I'll take your if and run with it. It wasn't an error at all, lol.

Two separate little scenes, including the last one of all with its full last line. Now if only I could write this current chapter, lol. Of the chapters left to write, the very last one is actually the only one where I had clear "this happens and this happens" plans, everything else is a vague list of things that happen over x amount of time.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 08, 2021, 10:08:58 PM ---That's true.  I guess it's more that I haven't seen the word "chortle" used as often as other synonyms for laughter.
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It's because it looks like a weird word, way more than chuckle.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 08, 2021, 10:08:58 PM ---Yes, there can be.  When I describe Nick smirking, it's usually meant to be more mischievous or flirtatious, but it works well for villains too.

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Same, if Nick smirks it's mischievous or flirtatious. Glad we're all writing him doing the same things, lol.

All my villains though, smirks of villainy, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 08, 2021, 10:13:12 PM ---Agreed!  I haven't eaten it since I was a kid.  The thought of a bologna sandwich on white bread with mayonnaise makes me want to vomit.

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Blegh, mayonnaise made that worse.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 08, 2021, 10:20:48 PM ---Does anyone else reward themselves for writing?

I started MBK in 2017 and took an extended break from it in 2018.  During that break, a movie came out that had a similar premise to my story.  I was like, "OMG, I have to see that!"  But since I was working on AHTIM and not MBK at that time, I told myself I would wait until I went back to MBK to watch it so that I could take full advantage of any inspiration I got from it and not get distracted from AHTIM.  Two years later, I finally rewarded myself for finishing the monster chapter I wrote this week by renting that movie last night.  I didn't really get anything out of it in terms of ideas, but I enjoyed it.

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When the story is done, will you say the movie?

Hmmmm... I'd say I reward myself for writing by not writing or writing more. That, or "I deserve some skittles for this," lol. I usually try to avoid anything that feels too similar while I'm writing, just in case I unload it on the page on accident.

When I finished PBox originally, I bought a CD I think... One of the singles I didn't have at the time... So maybe that's what I'll do when I finish PNecklace too.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 08, 2021, 10:52:30 PM ---Two separate little scenes, including the last one of all with its full last line. Now if only I could write this current chapter, lol. Of the chapters left to write, the very last one is actually the only one where I had clear "this happens and this happens" plans, everything else is a vague list of things that happen over x amount of time.

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That's awesome that you already have the last scene and line done!  That has to be a good feeling.  Sending good vibes your way to get the current chapter done.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 08, 2021, 10:52:30 PM ---Blegh, mayonnaise made that worse.

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Ugh, I know!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 08, 2021, 10:56:55 PM ---When the story is done, will you say the movie?

Hmmmm... I'd say I reward myself for writing by not writing or writing more. That, or "I deserve some skittles for this," lol. I usually try to avoid anything that feels too similar while I'm writing, just in case I unload it on the page on accident.

When I finished PBox originally, I bought a CD I think... One of the singles I didn't have at the time... So maybe that's what I'll do when I finish PNecklace too.

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Yeah.  Ask me again after you read far enough in MBK to know what it's about, which starts to become clear in Chapter 3 or 4.

I do the opposite; I watch/read anything I can find that's similar to what I'm writing.  I'm not out to copy or steal ideas, but I always think it will help me stay inspired (which doesn't always work), and sometimes it's helpful to see what I've been researching portrayed on screen or described in prose.

Buying yourself something is a good reward!


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 09, 2021, 11:50:30 AM ---That's awesome that you already have the last scene and line done!  That has to be a good feeling.  Sending good vibes your way to get the current chapter done.
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It's a feeling? lol Keep sending them! It might inspire me to be productive in the right places! (And not hitting refresh on my little language until I like the verb conjugation rules that pop up, lol.)

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 09, 2021, 11:50:30 AM ---Yeah.  Ask me again after you read far enough in MBK to know what it's about, which starts to become clear in Chapter 3 or 4.

I do the opposite; I watch/read anything I can find that's similar to what I'm writing.  I'm not out to copy or steal ideas, but I always think it will help me stay inspired (which doesn't always work), and sometimes it's helpful to see what I've been researching portrayed on screen or described in prose.

Buying yourself something is a good reward!

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I will do my best to remember that.

It is helpful sometimes to see other people's way of writing similar things. I think that's always good advice to read while you're writing and especially in your genres or demographics. I just know I'm very sponge-like; that's how I end up accidentally Backstreeting so often, lol.

I think it's easier to stay inspired if it's a book or maybe a movie? I know a tv show would just suck me into the whole series.


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