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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 11, 2021, 09:16:48 PM ---Thanks!  I could, but I don't know that I would do it well.  I don't even know if I'm good at differentiatin g between two different voices, which is why I always just label the character at the top of the chapter.  But I've come to really enjoy writing that way anyway.  After three third person stories in a row, I was ready for another one in first.

The five-voice first person POV would be a good thing to try first with a short story, like one chapter from each perspective.

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Yeah I don't know if I could do a full blown novel that way. HWS was 10 chapters and that was enough. I'm more comfortable with two when it's alternating. I love first person more than 3rd but that's because I just love, love LOVE to get into a character's head and show their thoughts and feelings on things. You can do that in third but there's more of an in depth thing for first.


--- Quote from: Rose on March 11, 2021, 09:14:47 PM ---You know, when I think about fanfic tropes I don't think I did many in terms of actual plotlines. I'm not counting the romance ones cause the one and only fic I have in that genre was to take the most obvious ones on purpose and sort of put my own spin on it. I do have the Bus Crash one in Miles To Go, though that's because that fic is definitely my homage to Misery. Just like how in many ways Song For The Undead did it's thing for The Stand.

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That's true; I can't think of many you've done either.  Your ideas are more outside the box!  Have you ever found other writers seeming to take ideas or inspiration from your stories?


--- Quote from: Rose on March 11, 2021, 09:18:11 PM ---Yeah I don't know if I could do a full blown novel that way. HWS was 10 chapters and that was enough. I'm more comfortable with two when it's alternating. I love first person more than 3rd but that's because I just love, love LOVE to get into a character's head and show their thoughts and feelings on things. You can do that in third but there's more of an in depth thing for first.

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Yeah, first person definitely feels more intimate and personal.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 11, 2021, 09:07:01 PM ---Hyphenates are hard too!  If in doubt, I just Google, but sometimes I don't doubt myself when I should LOL.  I hear you with the conscious/conscience thing too.

Do you have an actual typed up list of those words or just a mental one?  I don't keep actual lists of stuff like that, but I do tend to use similar descriptions and have to watch to make sure I don't repeat myself too often within the same story.  I think it's fine if it's in different stories or even different chapters/scenes.  But yeah, sometimes certain words just work best.

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I also don't doubt myself when I should. Keep on keepin' on!

As a lover of lists... I actually don't have it written down. I do tic them off as I find them though and do my best to not be too repetitive, but I have my pitfalls. Just like fist clenching, Nick smiling is something I've given up on, but that's not necessarily a word choice thing.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 11, 2021, 09:12:30 PM ---That's what I thought!  Yes, it's sad to see the broship end, but I'm sure it's only temporary.  Remember when they killed Kenny off "permanently" for a couple of seasons?  They eventually brought him back.  It was nice to see Mr. Garrison (and Mr. Hat!) back at South Park Elementary.  He's not one of my favorite characters, but I liked the nostalgia of it.  I especially liked that the episode wasn't about Randy and Tegridy Farms.  I'm sick of Randy.

LOL!  You should have your husband teach you how to ride a bike.

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Yes! Mr. Hat was the best part of that! I am very sick of Randy and Tegridy Farms. I stopped caring about it the first episode it appeared in.

You know, he's offered, but he doesn't have a bike right now either, haha.


--- Quote from: Rose on March 11, 2021, 09:14:47 PM ---You know, when I think about fanfic tropes I don't think I did many in terms of actual plotlines. I'm not counting the romance ones cause the one and only fic I have in that genre was to take the most obvious ones on purpose and sort of put my own spin on it. I do have the Bus Crash one in Miles To Go, though that's because that fic is definitely my homage to Misery. Just like how in many ways Song For The Undead did it's thing for The Stand.
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It's more fun to subvert them. I don't think I've actually ever written a kidnapping story or a cancer story? I'll leave those to y'all.

More bus crashes!

What's your next homage, Rose?


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