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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 10, 2021, 10:49:18 PM ---Wow, you go girl!  I love days like that, when I just can't seem to tear myself away from the computer.  Especially on Saturdays because then I know I still have another day before I have to act like a functional adult again. LOL
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Thanks! It's been a whirlwind of a day. I spent entirely too long looking up a couple of cursory things, but on a whole it's been very productive for a chapter I was humming and hawing about.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 10, 2021, 10:49:18 PM ---I have definitely felt that way.  Hell, I feel that way about the story I'm writing right now.  But just remember, most of our readers are also Team Dark, or they wouldn't want to read our stuff.  Don't underestimate their tolerance for dark and depressing content.  I don't think I have ever thought, "This is just too depressing; I can't read it" and clicked out of a story.  As long as you have some lighter moments along the way to contrast the darkness, it's fine.

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Glad I'm not alone. You're right, I should embrace the sadist in me and think "Oh boy, if I feel upset and concerned alongside my secret-keeper and I know what's coming next, those readers will feel extra gutted because they do not. Excellent."  ;D

I can't think of a time I stopped reading something entirely because it was too depressing either. Taken a break to stare off into space aimlessly, sure.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 10, 2021, 10:52:26 PM ---Never say never. There's a 200-chapter epic on your horizon somewhere.

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LOL I know not to say "never" because then I will do it someday!  That's usually how it goes.  Maybe I'll write a fantasy epic someday!  As long as it's not another Nick cancer story LOL.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 10, 2021, 10:52:26 PM ---Oh, 11:59am means morning now? Cool, lol! Great work finishing your twelfth chapter!

I know, I always wonder if I should just leave the chapter unfinished so that I can come back to it and then maybe keep going afterward. Well, Rose can laugh at me too, because I often leave off mid-sentence.

"Nothing" meaning "writing" is way better than "watching tv until I nap on the couch." I usually say "just some stuff around the house," lol.

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AM means morning, so yes!  LOL I have a sign in my kitchen that says "I am a total morning person after 11:30am," and that is so me.  I've always been a night owl.

If I find myself continuing to write in my head after I close the computer, I usually open it up again and keep going while the words are flowing so I don't forget them, but I like when I can leave myself off in the middle of a scene or sentence with some idea of what comes next, but not knowing the exact words.

LOL You know my writing is going well when I start falling behind on TV shows or make it to afternoon without turning on my TV because I usually spend a lot of time lying on the couch watching TV.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 10, 2021, 11:02:08 PM ---Very true.  The whole boyband marketing thing really wasn't fair to any of them.  AJ wasn't really a "bad boy" either, but it's easier to embrace a so-called "bad boy" who's actually a huge softie with a heart of gold, even if he's also an addict, than the "boy next door" who sticks a Trump sign in his yard.

Maybe it's better that we not know what Nick was talking about LOL.  Sometimes ignorance is bliss.
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He was in his early twenties. All guys in their early twenties think they are "bad boys," lol. I love our bad boy with a heart of gold.

Does this make Brian a "bad boy next door"?  :o lol

You're probably right, but now I just want to know more, lol!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 10, 2021, 10:49:18 PM ---While it's not fanfic, I think the Frick & Frack fight was a great example of Nick showing tough love when he confronted Brian about his voice.  No one else wanted to talk about it, but it needed to be addressed, and Nick wasn't afraid to go there, even though he knew it would be hard for Brian to hear.  The love part comes around at the end when he goes into the Michael Jordan analogy, which I adore.

So yes, I think Nick can be the tough love person in the right situation, especially now that he's got his own shit together.  He's on the receiving end of AJ's tough love in my story because AJ is the "sober" one (allegedly), and Nick is not.  (And Kevin is currently not capable of kicking doors down.)

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I did mean in fanfic specifically, but you're absolutely spot on and his Michael Jordan analogy was beautiful. We should all give Nick some more moments to be the tough love person.

That's a perfect situation for AJ to give tough love, allegedly.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 10, 2021, 11:05:34 PM ---Glad I'm not alone. You're right, I should embrace the sadist in me and think "Oh boy, if I feel upset and concerned alongside my secret-keeper and I know what's coming next, those readers will feel extra gutted because they do not. Excellent."  ;D

I can't think of a time I stopped reading something entirely because it was too depressing either. Taken a break to stare off into space aimlessly, sure.

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Oh, absolutely.  I have read plenty of stories that I found depressing, but those usually end up being the ones I love and remember the most because they made me feel something.  I look back at some of the old stuff on my favorites list and think, "This is really not as well-written as I remember it," but I could never remove them when I have such vivid memories of sobbing in front of my computer as I read them for the first time.

So what's the most dark/depressing story everyone has read?  Written?


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 10, 2021, 11:11:02 PM ---LOL I know not to say "never" because then I will do it someday!  That's usually how it goes.  Maybe I'll write a fantasy epic someday!  As long as it's not another Nick cancer story LOL.
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"I can't see myself" is the cop out version of leaving the door slightly ajar on the way to "never," lol. Maybe you should! They're pretty fun, albeit all consuming. Maybe you can write an epic fantasy Nick cancer story... somehow, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 10, 2021, 11:11:02 PM ---AM means morning, so yes!  LOL I have a sign in my kitchen that says "I am a total morning person after 11:30am," and that is so me.  I've always been a night owl.

If I find myself continuing to write in my head after I close the computer, I usually open it up again and keep going while the words are flowing so I don't forget them, but I like when I can leave myself off in the middle of a scene or sentence with some idea of what comes next, but not knowing the exact words.

LOL You know my writing is going well when I start falling behind on TV shows or make it to afternoon without turning on my TV because I usually spend a lot of time lying on the couch watching TV.

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I love that little sign. That's me, but 10am or so.

Oh definitely, if I have exact words, I will never leave the computer/phone/tablet/whatever. It's when they get vague that I think it's time for a break.

Same. I am only caught up on Masked Singer. Our tv is usually on because of hubs, but today, I ate breakfast and then sat in our office all day until dinner. I didn't even turn on any music, which is atypical for me. I was in the zone! (As I mentioned, we seem to be having the same two conversations across several posts, lol.)


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