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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 26, 2021, 10:52:10 PM ---I have an ad blocker on my computer, so none usually LOL.  I also don't use Facebook often on my computer anymore, and I use different Google accounts on my phone vs. computer.  I notice it more on the computer with the recommended videos that pop up on YouTube after I've been using it to research LOL.
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Ooh, ad blocker. The best way to avoid ads for black market organs, lol. I'm guessing your computer is your RokofAges75 stuff and your phone is not, lol, but that makes sense. Ooh, yeah, recommended videos is probably weird for sure. I mostly get ads for stores, so I guess my weird writing-related googling hasn't caught on yet, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 26, 2021, 10:52:10 PM ---Thanks!  I haven't checked out the Nano forums before, but that sounds like a great resource.
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It's good sometimes! There's a wealth of personal experience/expertise on various things since it's a worldwide community.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 26, 2021, 10:52:10 PM ---Very true!  And yes, I have hacked and slashed and even deleted first drafts on occasion, but that's not how I normally operate.  The beauty of publishing it for free on the internet is that as long as I like it, it's fine... and hopefully someone else out there will like it, too.
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Exactly! I agree, as long as you like what you're writing, then write away! :) And if you don't like it, well... that's what those hack and slash times are for, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 26, 2021, 10:52:10 PM ---I did!  Still didn't finish my chapter, but I wrote like 500 words today, which is not bad for a weeknight and is close to what I'm supposed to be writing each day to make my goal.
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Yay! You're so close! I believe in you! I continued on my chapter I was stuck on and finished my edit for this week's update today so far, so I'm pretty excited about that. We've got this!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 26, 2021, 10:52:10 PM ---Hm... maybe somewhere in Transylvania or Forks, WA?  But yes, I could see that being problematic if the vampire children never age.  Would they just keep repeating the same classes for eternity, like Edward Cullen?  That would get boring.  Why even go to school?  This was not a very well thought out career change.

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Maybe get training in something vocational? There's always new things to learn there, lol. I mean, you could realistically pass as a high schooler/college student for eight years or so even if you never age. Elementary, I think the line is smaller. Maybe teach werewolf children at night? They age at least.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 27, 2021, 08:25:16 PM ---Yay! You're so close! I believe in you! I continued on my chapter I was stuck on and finished my edit for this week's update today so far, so I'm pretty excited about that. We've got this!

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Thanks!  I'm glad you were able to continue your chapter and finish your edit!  Go you!

I am feeling better about my goal after tonight's writing.  I wrote almost 1000 words and finished Chapter 14!  It was a long, hot day at school today, and when I got home, I was like, "I need a drink."  So I had a drink.  And damn, it put me in such a better mood, and I was productive!  Usually I prefer caffeine to alcohol, but apparently beer did the trick tonight LOL.  Except I accidentally posted my total word count as my word count for this session, which tricked Nano into thinking I made my goal and gave me a badge I didn't deserve.  I deleted and fixed it, but the badge is still showing up... so damn, I really better make that goal, or I will be living a lie LOL.  1,588 words to go!  But now I have to start a new chapter tomorrow, and of course I have no idea how, so... wish me luck!

Edited to add:  In tonight's edition of "random things I found while researching," here is an article from CNN's website in 1996 about Keiko, the whale from Free Willy, being moved to a new home.  Aww, RIP Keiko.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 27, 2021, 10:17:21 PM ---Thanks!  I'm glad you were able to continue your chapter and finish your edit!  Go you!
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Now I'm stuck on the chapter again, lol. But the other one is going well, so at least the streak continues! I've enjoyed the past couple of days heading in to school later since it's given me time to write in the morning. We'll see how the rest of today, tomorrow, and Friday go! We've got this, two-ish days left!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 27, 2021, 10:17:21 PM ---I am feeling better about my goal after tonight's writing.  I wrote almost 1000 words and finished Chapter 14!  It was a long, hot day at school today, and when I got home, I was like, "I need a drink."  So I had a drink.  And damn, it put me in such a better mood, and I was productive!  Usually I prefer caffeine to alcohol, but apparently beer did the trick tonight LOL.  Except I accidentally posted my total word count as my word count for this session, which tricked Nano into thinking I made my goal and gave me a badge I didn't deserve.  I deleted and fixed it, but the badge is still showing up... so damn, I really better make that goal, or I will be living a lie LOL.  1,588 words to go!  But now I have to start a new chapter tomorrow, and of course I have no idea how, so... wish me luck!
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Go you! That's awesome! I feel you on those days, sometimes you get to the end and go "ugh, I need a beverage." Glad it was productive for you! Oh no! Technology strikes again! I believe in you though and think you can get through without living a lie. Only 500ish words each day! You've got this! Hope your new chapter is going great!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 27, 2021, 10:17:21 PM ---Edited to add:  In tonight's edition of "random things I found while researching," here is an article from CNN's website in 1996 about Keiko, the whale from Free Willy, being moved to a new home.  Aww, RIP Keiko.

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Aww, Keiko. I remember that move to Oregon. Now I want to know what Keiko the whale has to do with Nick and Kevin drama, lol.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 28, 2021, 08:59:58 PM ---Now I'm stuck on the chapter again, lol. But the other one is going well, so at least the streak continues! I've enjoyed the past couple of days heading in to school later since it's given me time to write in the morning. We'll see how the rest of today, tomorrow, and Friday go! We've got this, two-ish days left!

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Oh noes, sorry you're stuck on one chapter, but glad the other one is going well.  Perks of writing two things at a time!  I had a hard time getting Chapter 15 started, but I did finally come up with a beginning tonight, so at least I made it over that hurdle.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 28, 2021, 08:59:58 PM ---Go you! That's awesome! I feel you on those days, sometimes you get to the end and go "ugh, I need a beverage." Glad it was productive for you! Oh no! Technology strikes again! I believe in you though and think you can get through without living a lie. Only 500ish words each day! You've got this! Hope your new chapter is going great!

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Thanks!  It's not going great, but at least it's going.  I probably will not hit my 500 words tonight, but now that the chapter is started, hoping I'll get more into it tomorrow and finish strong on Friday.  I hope you finish strong too!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 28, 2021, 08:59:58 PM ---Aww, Keiko. I remember that move to Oregon. Now I want to know what Keiko the whale has to do with Nick and Kevin drama, lol.

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LOL It's like six degrees of separation... can you make the connection between the plot of my story and the seemingly random things I google while writing it?


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 28, 2021, 09:21:49 PM ---Oh noes, sorry you're stuck on one chapter, but glad the other one is going well.  Perks of writing two things at a time!  I had a hard time getting Chapter 15 started, but I did finally come up with a beginning tonight, so at least I made it over that hurdle.
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It's my fault. I finished a scene and realized I didn't know quite what else I wanted to write for the rest of the chapter... I'm trying to give Nick a break from being the POV character by letting him out of a few chapters, but he's around and I think he has to at least participate in the plot for the chapter to continue for the other characters in the direction it needs to go, lol. The chapter that is going well feels like the finale at the end of the first act of a musical, lol. I say it's going well now. Two scenes of it are going well so far.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 28, 2021, 09:21:49 PM ---Thanks!  It's not going great, but at least it's going.  I probably will not hit my 500 words tonight, but now that the chapter is started, hoping I'll get more into it tomorrow and finish strong on Friday.  I hope you finish strong too!
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I'm glad you found a beginning! The start is what you need to get inspired! So now the hard part is all done; now you just have to get words to the page. I believe!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 28, 2021, 09:21:49 PM ---LOL It's like six degrees of separation... can you make the connection between the plot of my story and the seemingly random things I google while writing it?

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LOL! We need a new six degrees of separation, the youths don't know who Kevin Bacon is anyway.

Kevin bought Nick a therapy whale! No, the line "You're my free willy" is in there somewhere! They're parodying the Michael Jackson song from the movie!

I've run out of ideas, but those are the funniest ones I can think of, lol.

Edited to add: I popped back in originally because google docs corrected my Brian to Brain again, so I backspaced to fix it... and it turned it right back to Brain. I do not use "brain" google docs. If I did, it would be harder to find Brian typos!


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