Fic Talk > General Discussion

The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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Ugh, I'm stuck. Someone help me come up with a funny thing for Nick to do. Just shout out random ideas without thinking too hard about if it works for PBox or not; if I like it, I can make it work. I'm drawing a complete blank right now.

Start randomly juggling


--- Quote from: mare on May 06, 2021, 09:46:31 PM ---Start randomly juggling
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--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 06, 2021, 08:46:21 PM ---I have nothing going on besides work still, but I think my new position will be things I can leave at school at the end of the day, so that's good. Who knows what will happen with summer writing. I feel like I used to be more productive in the winter?

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Do you have to work in the summer with your new position?  That sucks.  Summer is my most productive writing season only because of the time I have off, plus the lack of stress that comes with not working.  Winter is second most productive because there's just not as much to do when the weather sucks - plus, winter break.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 06, 2021, 08:46:21 PM ---Live stream the Unbreakable Tour, then word sprint. I've got zero plans because I do nothing. (I lied, I'm planning on writing, but have zero plans to leave the house, lol.)

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I was hoping to watch it last night, but I had to run a bunch of errands after school to get stuff ready for Mother's Day, and by the time I got home, I was so tired, all I did was eat dinner, watch some TV, and go to bed.  Luckily I did a little writing in the morning because I did not even get on the computer last night.

So hopefully tonight!  I have to watch it when it's dark so I can turn off all the lights and sit close to the TV and pretend I'm there LOL.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 06, 2021, 08:46:21 PM ---I think whether you're able to sleep comfortably on the plane makes a huge difference. I guess coming back from Italy was super rough. We had a layover in Chicago that felt like it would never end, lol. So by the time we got home at like 8pm, I just crashed and then I was fine the next day. I think the worst one for me wasn't even international. We took a red eye on Spirit Airlines to Fort Lauderdale and ended up checking into the hotel early and napping for half the morning, lol. After that, I vowed against taking overnight flights unless they're 7+ hours

You gotta sleep, even when things are exciting, lol. Your body hates you if you don't! Especially if you have to go to work. I would have just called in sick/extended my vacation.

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Ugh, that does sound terrible!  I have a hard time sleeping on planes.  I will doze, but I never really fall asleep long enough to make a difference.

The trade-off for teachers having summers off and holiday breaks is that it's so hard to take off other time during the school year.  I only got two personal days per year at that time, so I had to take a dock day just to be able to go on those cruises, and the thought of calling in sick after taking three days off just filled me with so much guilt, I couldn't do it.  Not to mention I hate writing sub plans, especially when I already haven't been there in three days and have no idea how much of what I planned the class actually got through or what kind of mess I'm coming back to.  So I just sucked it up and dragged myself to school.


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