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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 05, 2021, 08:40:57 PM ---Ooh, I'm intrigued.  It's good to get it down on paper so it will leave you alone - and so you won't forget it later.
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Mum's the word. But it's going to be entertaining (or at least I think it's going to be entertaining).

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 05, 2021, 08:40:57 PM ---Yeah, that's probably the most I've ever written while getting ready.  Now that I am documenting my start and stop times on Nano, I realized I had it open for about 45 minutes as I was getting ready.  Usually it's more like 15 minutes while I dry my hair, and I get less than 100 words written.  This morning I wrote 72, which was the start of the next chapter, so at least that's out of the way.
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Forty-five minutes is a lot! I should start doing that when I get ready, but then I'm abysmally useless before my coffee. So most of the time my morning thoughts are literal narrations of what I'm doing. And I can't picture anyone in the PBox universe saying thing like "Must brush teeth. Mascara. Why are my contacts so hard to put in? I need a coffee..." lol

At least you got a start to the next chapter though! That's half the battle! How's writing going this evening?

And same, keeping track of start and stop times has been enlightening. Sometimes I'm typing furiously and sometimes I am slower than dirt.

Yesterday, I stopped to look up when knapsacks were in use and ended up in this weird spiral on the history of backpacks, lol. And then at the end of all of that, I decided I just needed a bag of some sort and didn't care, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 05, 2021, 08:42:59 PM ---That's awesome!  I love those nights when I just can't stop writing, even if it means I'm extra tired the next day.  The word sprints really do seem to help!

My word count is back down to 2 words a minute LOL, so at least you're faster than me.

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Same! They're awesome and I always feel really accomplished. I'm seeing a lot more word sprints in my future when I start losing focus, haha.

We'll see where it lands today, lol. Still haven't written anything yet.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 05, 2021, 08:40:57 PM ---Glad you get your hubby back for a day... and then more time to yourself tomorrow.  That sounds like a good balance.

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He came back into town to take some clients to the baseball game and... I don't know that he'll wake up before I leave for work tomorrow, lol. So... It's basically me updating and preparing to write. Wish me luck!


--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 05, 2021, 09:10:52 PM ---Forty-five minutes is a lot! I should start doing that when I get ready, but then I'm abysmally useless before my coffee. So most of the time my morning thoughts are literal narrations of what I'm doing. And I can't picture anyone in the PBox universe saying thing like "Must brush teeth. Mascara. Why are my contacts so hard to put in? I need a coffee..." lol

At least you got a start to the next chapter though! That's half the battle! How's writing going this evening?

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LOL!  That is me before my shower and coffee, but those two things wake me up to the point where I can think coherently.  I usually waste too much time playing on my phone in the morning, so I decided if I'm going to be on a device anyway, let's make it the Chromebook and see if I can get some writing done during that time.  It puts me in a better mood when I do.

My writing has been nonexistent so far tonight.  I have been sitting here with the story open for the last hour, but instead of writing, I have:  posted here, nosily listened to my scanner app to see if I could find out why I was hearing so many sirens, watched some YouTube videos, and played my Harry Potter puzzle game.  Now I'm in Nick's montage chapter, which is just as hard to get into as Kevin's was.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 05, 2021, 09:10:52 PM ---Yesterday, I stopped to look up when knapsacks were in use and ended up in this weird spiral on the history of backpacks, lol. And then at the end of all of that, I decided I just needed a bag of some sort and didn't care, lol.

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LOL!  Did you learn anything worth sharing about the history of backpacks?

I haven't researched anything too random in a few days, but I looked up jet lag this morning and discovered that for every time zone you fly across, it takes an average of one day to recover from jet lag.  I have the Boys flying from Los Angeles to Tokyo, which is a 16-hour time difference.  I guess they would be flying the other way, west instead of east, but they'd still have to cross quite a few time zones.  It made me appreciate how hard it must be for them to travel all over the world on a tour and always be performance ready.  I've only been overseas once, but I remember the jet lag - that is a whole different level of tired.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 05, 2021, 09:10:52 PM ---He came back into town to take some clients to the baseball game and... I don't know that he'll wake up before I leave for work tomorrow, lol. So... It's basically me updating and preparing to write. Wish me luck!

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Aww... well, good luck!


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 05, 2021, 09:46:35 PM ---LOL!  That is me before my shower and coffee, but those two things wake me up to the point where I can think coherently.  I usually waste too much time playing on my phone in the morning, so I decided if I'm going to be on a device anyway, let's make it the Chromebook and see if I can get some writing done during that time.  It puts me in a better mood when I do.
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That's why I've tried to write more in the mornings too. It's basically me reading news and getting lost in whatever curated articles google has decided I'd like or I could write. I'm also in a good mood when I write in the mornings. It puts a little pep in my step.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 05, 2021, 09:46:35 PM ---My writing has been nonexistent so far tonight.  I have been sitting here with the story open for the last hour, but instead of writing, I have:  posted here, nosily listened to my scanner app to see if I could find out why I was hearing so many sirens, watched some YouTube videos, and played my Harry Potter puzzle game.  Now I'm in Nick's montage chapter, which is just as hard to get into as Kevin's was.
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Haha! I opened mine forty minutes ago and have a decent start going on where I left off the last chapter. I'm actually trying to write in what I think the order might be once I splice the arcs together, but if I get bored on this one, I'll probably go back to my Frick & Frack goodness/external drama, lol. I figure I have until the end of June to really figure it all out if I get stuck (to align with my goal) or at the very latest August if I really end up on the struggle bus (it took me way too long to figure out how far I had stuff to post until and it's the first week of September here on AC, but I'll make it to October on AO3).

Hope everything is okay with the sirens! And aww, puzzles. I have to do that diamond painting at some point... I feel like you're gonna need a montage. Do you feel ready to pull out your montage playlist again yet or is that a weekend thing? lol If you need a word sprint, you just let me know. I know that tour scenes aren't very fun to write, because getting into a Backstreet mindset for a tour is hard.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 05, 2021, 09:46:35 PM ---LOL!  Did you learn anything worth sharing about the history of backpacks?
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I sure did and I'm glad you asked! So something akin to the precursor of modern backpack was initially used by Scandinavian and indigenous arctic peoples who often had to carry their belongings, and as we know, on your back is a handy place to carry things. However, a rucksack didn't appear until closer to 1900 in Europe and 1920ish in the States. JanSport first made their backpack in 1970 (crazy). So I learned that it took people a ridiculously long time to take a well-established concept and actually make it mainstream. Meanwhile, none of this had anything to do with my actual question, which was "how can Brian carry a bunch of stuff that he's not wearing without pulling it out of thin air?" And I do try to make my fantastical novel at least true to its era in terms of inventions and I found nothing that answered my question. I guess warrior classes didn't need to carry things. Ever. Except for their swords and the clothes on their backs. [/sarcasm]

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 05, 2021, 09:46:35 PM ---I haven't researched anything too random in a few days, but I looked up jet lag this morning and discovered that for every time zone you fly across, it takes an average of one day to recover from jet lag.  I have the Boys flying from Los Angeles to Tokyo, which is a 16-hour time difference.  I guess they would be flying the other way, west instead of east, but they'd still have to cross quite a few time zones.  It made me appreciate how hard it must be for them to travel all over the world on a tour and always be performance ready.  I've only been overseas once, but I remember the jet lag - that is a whole different level of tired.
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Really an entire day for every hour? That's crazy! When we went to Italy/Greece, it wasn't too bad for me. But I also had a headache on the flight there and we were in those sleep pods in first class, so I basically fell asleep at 6:30pm Colorado time and slept until we landed in Germany for our layover. It was awesome and I felt totally fine the next day. When we went to Hawaii for two friends' wedding, I was a mess for days. Waking up at 3am, being exhausted at 5pm. A complete wreck. I got it together in time for their wedding and then the day we got back, I went straight to bed when we got home at like 9am, then slept until 2 or 3, then went to bed at 9pm, lol.

That's definitely got to put a strain on their bodies. I'm specifically thinking of Around the World in 100 hours and they put on concerts every place. That's crazy. Then they released Black & Blue, so it's not like they got a week vacation or anything. This is why the picture of them all sleeping in the one bed exists, lol. I appreciate their hard work.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 05, 2021, 09:46:35 PM ---Aww... well, good luck!

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Thanks. it's going... I have now posted here instead of writing for the past twenty minutes, lol.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 05, 2021, 10:35:45 PM ---Haha! I opened mine forty minutes ago and have a decent start going on where I left off the last chapter. I'm actually trying to write in what I think the order might be once I splice the arcs together, but if I get bored on this one, I'll probably go back to my Frick & Frack goodness/external drama, lol. I figure I have until the end of June to really figure it all out if I get stuck (to align with my goal) or at the very latest August if I really end up on the struggle bus (it took me way too long to figure out how far I had stuff to post until and it's the first week of September here on AC, but I'll make it to October on AO3).

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Wow, that's awesome to know you're good to go for the summer!  And if you're like me, summer is the most productive time of year.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 05, 2021, 10:35:45 PM ---Hope everything is okay with the sirens! And aww, puzzles. I have to do that diamond painting at some point... I feel like you're gonna need a montage. Do you feel ready to pull out your montage playlist again yet or is that a weekend thing? lol If you need a word sprint, you just let me know. I know that tour scenes aren't very fun to write, because getting into a Backstreet mindset for a tour is hard.

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Yeah, all I could get out of the scanner app was that it was a woman in a home who was unconscious, but breathing.  I thought there was a fire or horrible car accident or something from all the sirens I heard, but apparently not.  I live in a fairly small town, so maybe they were just bored and thought they'd all go to the scene and help LOL.

It's an app, Harry Potter Puzzles and Spells.  It's like Candy Crush and those kind of games, which I never played before, but since it's Harry Potter... I'm now addicted LOL.  It's a very well done game.  But speaking of puzzles, I bought one of those damn BSB jigsaw puzzles they offered on the site last year, thinking it would be a fun quarantine project to put it together and turn it into a piece of wall art for my BSB room.  Then it took freaking FOREVER to ship and didn't come until the end of summer, after quarantine, so it's still sitting in my game cabinet untouched.  Whoops.  Maybe this summer.  I'm not a jigsaw puzzle kind of person.  I guess it's also a sign of how well writing has been going for the past year that I haven't gotten bored enough to do a puzzle LOL.

I don't think my montage playlist will help as much with this chapter, although I do enjoy it.  I need to make time to watch the Unbreakable tour this weekend and hope that helps get me into the right mindset.  Maybe we can sprint again this weekend!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 05, 2021, 10:35:45 PM ---I sure did and I'm glad you asked! So something akin to the precursor of modern backpack was initially used by Scandinavian and indigenous arctic peoples who often had to carry their belongings, and as we know, on your back is a handy place to carry things. However, a rucksack didn't appear until closer to 1900 in Europe and 1920ish in the States. JanSport first made their backpack in 1970 (crazy). So I learned that it took people a ridiculously long time to take a well-established concept and actually make it mainstream. Meanwhile, none of this had anything to do with my actual question, which was "how can Brian carry a bunch of stuff that he's not wearing without pulling it out of thin air?" And I do try to make my fantastical novel at least true to its era in terms of inventions and I found nothing that answered my question. I guess warrior classes didn't need to carry things. Ever. Except for their swords and the clothes on their backs. [/sarcasm]

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Wow, that's crazy that modern backpacks weren't around until 1970!  I thought of sporrans, which are the little pouches Scottish highlanders wear in front of their kilts, but I dunno if that would be big enough.  Where's Leighanne with a Wylee bag when you need her? LOL

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 05, 2021, 10:35:45 PM ---Really an entire day for every hour? That's crazy! When we went to Italy/Greece, it wasn't too bad for me. But I also had a headache on the flight there and we were in those sleep pods in first class, so I basically fell asleep at 6:30pm Colorado time and slept until we landed in Germany for our layover. It was awesome and I felt totally fine the next day. When we went to Hawaii for two friends' wedding, I was a mess for days. Waking up at 3am, being exhausted at 5pm. A complete wreck. I got it together in time for their wedding and then the day we got back, I went straight to bed when we got home at like 9am, then slept until 2 or 3, then went to bed at 9pm, lol.

That's definitely got to put a strain on their bodies. I'm specifically thinking of Around the World in 100 hours and they put on concerts every place. That's crazy. Then they released Black & Blue, so it's not like they got a week vacation or anything. This is why the picture of them all sleeping in the one bed exists, lol. I appreciate their hard work.

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Yeah, that sounded longer than I would have expected, too.  When I went to Scotland, I landed there around 8 a.m., which was actually 2 a.m. my time, so that was rough.  I remember taking a nap that day once I got to my room and still going to bed early that night, but I think I was okay by the next day.  Same with coming home.  I think the most tired I have ever been in my life was going back to work the day after coming home from the BSB cruise, especially the first one I went on in 2011.  That was ROUGH!  Not jet lag so much as days of very little sleep LOL.

Kudos to the Boys for their stamina!


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 06, 2021, 07:06:23 PM ---Wow, that's awesome to know you're good to go for the summer!  And if you're like me, summer is the most productive time of year.
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I have nothing going on besides work still, but I think my new position will be things I can leave at school at the end of the day, so that's good. Who knows what will happen with summer writing. I feel like I used to be more productive in the winter?

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 06, 2021, 07:06:23 PM ---Yeah, all I could get out of the scanner app was that it was a woman in a home who was unconscious, but breathing.  I thought there was a fire or horrible car accident or something from all the sirens I heard, but apparently not.  I live in a fairly small town, so maybe they were just bored and thought they'd all go to the scene and help LOL.
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I hope that woman is okay and appreciated the slew of emergency services.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 06, 2021, 07:06:23 PM ---It's an app, Harry Potter Puzzles and Spells.  It's like Candy Crush and those kind of games, which I never played before, but since it's Harry Potter... I'm now addicted LOL.  It's a very well done game.  But speaking of puzzles, I bought one of those damn BSB jigsaw puzzles they offered on the site last year, thinking it would be a fun quarantine project to put it together and turn it into a piece of wall art for my BSB room.  Then it took freaking FOREVER to ship and didn't come until the end of summer, after quarantine, so it's still sitting in my game cabinet untouched.  Whoops.  Maybe this summer.  I'm not a jigsaw puzzle kind of person.  I guess it's also a sign of how well writing has been going for the past year that I haven't gotten bored enough to do a puzzle LOL.
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I've been really good about staying off apps here recently, but there was a stupid one where you just collected cats and I loved it. Then they changed the game play and I'm over it.

I'm glad your writing has gone well and you have not resorted to puzzles, lol. Although I love puzzles, but haven't done one in a while. Hopefully you can do your BSB puzzle some day!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 06, 2021, 07:06:23 PM ---I don't think my montage playlist will help as much with this chapter, although I do enjoy it.  I need to make time to watch the Unbreakable tour this weekend and hope that helps get me into the right mindset.  Maybe we can sprint again this weekend!
--- End quote ---

Live stream the Unbreakable Tour, then word sprint. I've got zero plans because I do nothing. (I lied, I'm planning on writing, but have zero plans to leave the house, lol.)

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 06, 2021, 07:06:23 PM ---Wow, that's crazy that modern backpacks weren't around until 1970!  I thought of sporrans, which are the little pouches Scottish highlanders wear in front of their kilts, but I dunno if that would be big enough.  Where's Leighanne with a Wylee bag when you need her? LOL
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I know, right?! I thought of those too, but yes, it's too small. It didn't need to hold a lot, but more than a little if that makes any sense. Well, she's not in PBox because I don't like writing about the wives; Brian would carry and treasure one of those ugly bags though, lol!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 06, 2021, 07:06:23 PM ---Yeah, that sounded longer than I would have expected, too.  When I went to Scotland, I landed there around 8 a.m., which was actually 2 a.m. my time, so that was rough.  I remember taking a nap that day once I got to my room and still going to bed early that night, but I think I was okay by the next day.  Same with coming home.  I think the most tired I have ever been in my life was going back to work the day after coming home from the BSB cruise, especially the first one I went on in 2011.  That was ROUGH!  Not jet lag so much as days of very little sleep LOL.

Kudos to the Boys for their stamina!

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I think whether you're able to sleep comfortably on the plane makes a huge difference. I guess coming back from Italy was super rough. We had a layover in Chicago that felt like it would never end, lol. So by the time we got home at like 8pm, I just crashed and then I was fine the next day. I think the worst one for me wasn't even international. We took a red eye on Spirit Airlines to Fort Lauderdale and ended up checking into the hotel early and napping for half the morning, lol. After that, I vowed against taking overnight flights unless they're 7+ hours

You gotta sleep, even when things are exciting, lol. Your body hates you if you don't! Especially if you have to go to work. I would have just called in sick/extended my vacation.


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