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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 09, 2021, 12:11:42 AM ---So I guess some questions to discuss here would be:
1. What have been some of Those Scenes for you in your own stories?
2. What are some other Signature Scenes in other people's stories?

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I never really answered these questions myself, so here goes.

The Scene in my stories tends to be a big reveal or shocking moment.  In Broken, I guess there were really two - the cancer diagnosis and the choppage bombshell.  But since the cancer diagnosis came early in the story, the choppage is really that part I was looking forward to getting to for a long time.  In BMS, it was the car accident.  In AHTIM, it was when Nick makes his "discovery."  In Bethlehem, it was the accident and the gunshot.  I also have novels where it's hard to narrow it down to "that scene" because the story is full of big moments, or the drama starts in the beginning and never really stops.

As far as signature scenes in other people's stories go, definitely MINE in "It Stays With You."  The bot fly scene in Steph's "Save a Prayer."  The DWLYN coma scene in Whitney's "Where Can We Go From Here."  The "tentacle rape" scene in Bobbi's "Signal to Noise."  They tend to be scenes we've either talked about a lot here, or scenes that stand out in stories I've read multiple times.  I have a harder time remembering specific scenes from stories I only read once, even if I really liked them.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 13, 2021, 09:37:01 PM ---I never really answered these questions myself, so here goes.

The Scene in my stories tends to be a big reveal or shocking moment.  In Broken, I guess there were really two - the cancer diagnosis and the choppage bombshell.  But since the cancer diagnosis came early in the story, the choppage is really that part I was looking forward to getting to for a long time.  In BMS, it was the car accident.  In AHTIM, it was when Nick makes his "discovery."  In Bethlehem, it was the accident and the gunshot.  I also have novels where it's hard to narrow it down to "that scene" because the story is full of big moments, or the drama starts in the beginning and never really stops.
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Those all make sense and they were really big moments in the stories! I haven't read AHTIM, but I can confirm that the gunshot destroyed me (as I mentioned when I read it).

I wonder if The Scenes become Signature Scenes if the readers are as excited about them as the authors or if it's something that gives a memorable reaction and authors tend to painstakingly craft our "The Scenes"? Because I would definitely call the choppage bombshell a signature scene for Broken.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 13, 2021, 09:37:01 PM ---As far as signature scenes in other people's stories go, definitely MINE in "It Stays With You."  The bot fly scene in Steph's "Save a Prayer."  The DWLYN coma scene in Whitney's "Where Can We Go From Here."  The "tentacle rape" scene in Bobbi's "Signal to Noise."  They tend to be scenes we've either talked about a lot here, or scenes that stand out in stories I've read multiple times.  I have a harder time remembering specific scenes from stories I only read once, even if I really liked them.

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Oh yeah, the tentacles in Signal to Noise! Alright, I clearly need to go back and do some reading at some point, lol. I feel like it's easier to cement a signature scene for a story when a bunch of people all react to it at the same time and/or continue to bring it up.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 13, 2021, 09:22:19 PM ---I'm sure she would have been fine fast-forwarding through the violence/nudity/dead bodies at our house, lol. Titanic stops before they hit the iceberg, don't even have to change the tape, lol!

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Ahh, changing the tape!  And hoping you remembered to rewind it last time you watched it!  Kids today will never know the struggle LOL.

I still have my original VHS of Titanic, even though the VCR tried to eat it once and damaged the car scene so that it messed up in the middle.  I have never been able to bring myself to throw it away, even though I have two copies of the DVD - the regular one and the Collector's Edition.  The Collector's Edition is beautiful, but stupid because it also splits the movie between two discs.  Maybe that's meant to capture the nostalgia of switching the tapes for our generation who watched it that way originally, but it's annoying!  So unless I want to watch the special features, I only actually watch the regular DVD.  I hope they release a special 25th anniversary edition next year with the whole movie on ONE disc and even more special features!  I wish Leo would do a commentary.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 13, 2021, 09:22:19 PM ---I like your strategic planning to watch Leo movies and glad you got to watch most of them because of it. And better to learn about blow jobs and anal sex from Leo than on the streets! ;) I think Titanic (obviously) and Romeo + Juliet are still my two favorites. You?

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I like most of his 90s movies; I think the only one I really did not like was Total Eclipse.  Titanic is obviously my favorite, but after that, probably The Man in the Iron Mask.  Double the Leo, double the fun!  I love the whole movie though, not just the Leo parts.  My favorite of his more recent movies is probably Django Unchained - apparently I like Leo as a villain LOL.  I can't wait till his Netflix movie comes out!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 13, 2021, 09:22:19 PM ---Stop putting your logic into why her house was small, lol. Money is money. (That's not true at all, there's definitely cases where there's money and cases where there's money. Generational wealth is insane.) As they should; she's a badass. Also I don't think they know what a Karen is yet? I've never heard them talk about Karens, so...  :shrug: Or make a clip. The lifeboat scene is the clear one that comes to mind on the badass scale. It was so well cast!

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Yeah, it would definitely be the lifeboat scene.  That is the part of the book I was reading where they called her a Karen, but if they could actually see it play out, they might see it differently.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 13, 2021, 09:53:56 PM ---Ahh, changing the tape!  And hoping you remembered to rewind it last time you watched it!  Kids today will never know the struggle LOL.

I still have my original VHS of Titanic, even though the VCR tried to eat it once and damaged the car scene so that it messed up in the middle.  I have never been able to bring myself to throw it away, even though I have two copies of the DVD - the regular one and the Collector's Edition.  The Collector's Edition is beautiful, but stupid because it also splits the movie between two discs.  Maybe that's meant to capture the nostalgia of switching the tapes for our generation who watched it that way originally, but it's annoying!  So unless I want to watch the special features, I only actually watch the regular DVD.  I hope they release a special 25th anniversary edition next year with the whole movie on ONE disc and even more special features!  I wish Leo would do a commentary.
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They will never know the struggle! I don't own the Collector's Edition because I didn't want to relive switching the discs (lol), but I would buy a 25th anniversary edition. I feel like Leo never does commentary, but he and Kate should just do commentary for a whole track. It would be beautiful.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 13, 2021, 09:53:56 PM ---I like most of his 90s movies; I think the only one I really did not like was Total Eclipse.  Titanic is obviously my favorite, but after that, probably The Man in the Iron Mask.  Double the Leo, double the fun!  I love the whole movie though, not just the Leo parts.  My favorite of his more recent movies is probably Django Unchained - apparently I like Leo as a villain LOL.  I can't wait till his Netflix movie comes out!
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Apparently Man in the Iron Mask slipped my mind, because I also love that one (what is wrong with my brain? lol). I thought it was also really well cast. Django is good. I enjoy Wolf of Wall Street as well. Wait, what, a netflix movie?! I have been so consumed in Backstreet nostalgia that I am not up-to-date on my Leo news, apparently!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 13, 2021, 09:53:56 PM ---Yeah, it would definitely be the lifeboat scene.  That is the part of the book I was reading where they called her a Karen, but if they could actually see it play out, they might see it differently.

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Ugh, the youths! If telling two lifeboats full of fussy rich ladies that they need to get cozy and go back and save some other people is being a Karen, then... I would happily be a Karen. But Molly doesn't deserve that. I strive to be a Molly all the time. Though she's much better at it than I am, lol.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 13, 2021, 09:10:27 PM ---I'm glad you got yourself unstuck!  Are you trying to come up with more ideas for the 2011-2012 part of the timeline or past events?  I'm assuming you will write about the NKOTBSB concert where they announced Kevin was coming back at some point.

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Well right now I'm at the point in 2011 where AJ gets married, and then it's going to be in 2012 because not much else happens in 2011.  In the beginning of 2012 there's not a whole lot of things going on... Other than Nick's sister passing away, Nick's solo tour and then in March or April it's announced that Kevin is coming back. So there's not a whole lot left of the story to go. I'm doing my best to fill in with the memories for one chapter and keeping the "current" events for another but it's been challenging for sure.


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