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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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I think Dee asked if I am or was a frick and frack girl and the answer is no lol maybe because I wasn’t a teenager when I started loving them. If I was, I probably would’ve been totally team frick and frack. Unfortunately though, even though the two of them together did produce a number of warm fuzzy moments. I used to find Nick at his most annoying when he was with Brian. Truthfully, I’ve always been a Kevin and Nick girl, which should be no big shock to anyone who has read my stuff. I also do enjoy Nick and Howie too.

I also saw an It Stays question somewhere? I think it was about scenes that you were excited to write. By far my favorite chapter to write was the one where Brian remembers carving MINE into Nick’s arm. I couldn’t wait for people’s reactions to that. It wasn’t my all time favorite anticipation scene though. That one was when the code is cracked in To Protect and Serve. I was really looking forward to people’s reactions to that too.

Hope everyone is doing well and your writing is thriving.

Happy weekend!

I’m getting my second Pfizer shot on Sunday.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 13, 2021, 09:52:17 PM ---Those all make sense and they were really big moments in the stories! I haven't read AHTIM, but I can confirm that the gunshot destroyed me (as I mentioned when I read it).

I wonder if The Scenes become Signature Scenes if the readers are as excited about them as the authors or if it's something that gives a memorable reaction and authors tend to painstakingly craft our "The Scenes"? Because I would definitely call the choppage bombshell a signature scene for Broken.

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Thanks!  Yeah, I think that's exactly why there is overlap between The Scenes and Signature Scenes, because they both tend to be big, memorable moments in the story.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 13, 2021, 09:52:17 PM ---Oh yeah, the tentacles in Signal to Noise! Alright, I clearly need to go back and do some reading at some point, lol. I feel like it's easier to cement a signature scene for a story when a bunch of people all react to it at the same time and/or continue to bring it up.

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I reread Signal to Noise in its entirety a few years ago, and it still held up!  Great suspense story.   Yeah, the discussion of specific scenes in stories a lot of us have read definitely make them more memorable.  Otherwise I tend to remember stories I've only read once more generally in terms of the overall plot and how I felt reading the story, rather than specific scenes that stuck with me.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 13, 2021, 10:21:31 PM ---They will never know the struggle! I don't own the Collector's Edition because I didn't want to relive switching the discs (lol), but I would buy a 25th anniversary edition. I feel like Leo never does commentary, but he and Kate should just do commentary for a whole track. It would be beautiful.

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Yes!  The Collector's Edition has three different commentary tracks - I think Kate is on one, James Cameron does one, and I can't remember the third... maybe James Horner, the composer?  I have watched them all once, but it's been a long time.  I would thoroughly enjoy a Kate and Leo commentary.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 13, 2021, 10:21:31 PM ---Apparently Man in the Iron Mask slipped my mind, because I also love that one (what is wrong with my brain? lol). I thought it was also really well cast. Django is good. I enjoy Wolf of Wall Street as well. Wait, what, a netflix movie?! I have been so consumed in Backstreet nostalgia that I am not up-to-date on my Leo news, apparently!

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LOL I had to go to his IMDB page and look at the list before I answered because he has so many great movies!  More good ones than bad ones.  I liked Wolf of Wall Street too.  Once Upon a Time in Hollywood was great as well.  It's always nice to see Leo in roles that aren't so serious.  I enjoyed The Revenant too, but damn, that movie is depressing and hard to watch - and I say that as someone who generally enjoys depressing dramas LOL.

Yeah, he made a movie with Jennifer Lawrence for Netflix called "Don't Look Up."  They play astronomers who have to warn people about a comet that's coming to destroy the world.  Sounds like my kind of movie!  It's supposed to be released sometime this year, but they haven't announced a specific date yet.


--- Quote from: FrickingKaos on May 14, 2021, 01:54:48 AM ---Well right now I'm at the point in 2011 where AJ gets married, and then it's going to be in 2012 because not much else happens in 2011.  In the beginning of 2012 there's not a whole lot of things going on... Other than Nick's sister passing away, Nick's solo tour and then in March or April it's announced that Kevin is coming back. So there's not a whole lot left of the story to go. I'm doing my best to fill in with the memories for one chapter and keeping the "current" events for another but it's been challenging for sure.

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That's exciting that you're getting close to the end!  It is definitely challenging to stick to a specific format or pattern like that, where you alternate between two types of scenes or POVs.  Sometimes you have too much content for one and not enough for the other.  But you're doing a great job keeping it balanced so far!


--- Quote from: mare on May 14, 2021, 01:30:09 PM ---I think Dee asked if I am or was a frick and frack girl and the answer is no lol maybe because I wasn’t a teenager when I started loving them. If I was, I probably would’ve been totally team frick and frack. Unfortunately though, even though the two of them together did produce a number of warm fuzzy moments. I used to find Nick at his most annoying when he was with Brian. Truthfully, I’ve always been a Kevin and Nick girl, which should be no big shock to anyone who has read my stuff. I also do enjoy Nick and Howie too.

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You know, I actually agree with you about Nick being his most annoying when he was with Brian back in the day LOL.  That is one reason I wasn't a big fan of Nick back in the day.  He always sounded so dumb in interviews, and he tried too hard to be as funny as Brian and AJ.  Obviously my opinion of him changed as he got older and found himself.  I still love the friendship they had, but I enjoy Nowie and whatever we call Nick and Kevin too.

--- Quote from: mare on May 14, 2021, 01:30:09 PM ---I also saw an It Stays question somewhere? I think it was about scenes that you were excited to write. By far my favorite chapter to write was the one where Brian remembers carving MINE into Nick’s arm. I couldn’t wait for people’s reactions to that. It wasn’t my all time favorite anticipation scene though. That one was when the code is cracked in To Protect and Serve. I was really looking forward to people’s reactions to that too.

Hope everyone is doing well and your writing is thriving.

Happy weekend!

I’m getting my second Pfizer shot on Sunday.
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--- Quote from: FrickingKaos on May 14, 2021, 01:54:48 AM ---Well right now I'm at the point in 2011 where AJ gets married, and then it's going to be in 2012 because not much else happens in 2011.  In the beginning of 2012 there's not a whole lot of things going on... Other than Nick's sister passing away, Nick's solo tour and then in March or April it's announced that Kevin is coming back. So there's not a whole lot left of the story to go. I'm doing my best to fill in with the memories for one chapter and keeping the "current" events for another but it's been challenging for sure.

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Yay, you're almost done! You've been working so hard! It's hard keeping two timelines straight. But I think you've got this. The flashback parts were adorable. I still need to catch up.


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