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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 15, 2021, 09:06:49 PM ---Happy weekend! Overall, well. I had a sneak peak of my new job at work on Friday to fill in for one of the other Admins who was out and I was so exhausted by the end of the day (it probably didn't help that I was up at 4:30am panicking about getting to work on time to open the school, haha). I ended up in bed by 9pm and asleep maybe half an hour later after trying to fall asleep on my keyboard. But, I woke up fairly early this morning ready to write, so...

Writing has been going well! I finally came up with a funny Nick scene to finish out that chapter (it's Nick and a frog in case anyone was wondering), so that felt like it lightened my "stuck feeling" sitting in the back of my mind. And then I finished the other chapter I'd been working on today. So now I officially have four chapters written! Ten to go! I started the next chapter today and I did take the afternoon off to meal prep, then wrote for an hour, then ate dinner, then checked in here, but the chapter's been on my mind since I finished the first one, so it feels like I might chunk it out today or at least get a good portion of it on paper. Wish me luck!

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I'm glad writing went well for you this weekend!  You were productive!  Was that the mundane thing you were trying to come up with?  I hope it doesn't also involve a chimp... LOL.  How's today's writing going?

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 15, 2021, 09:06:49 PM ---Oh, I guess on a less exciting note, our washer made a leak in our ceiling, so that's been fun. We've still been using the old one that tried to catch fire since they wouldn't install the new one without installing the dryer too (which is backordered for two more weeks). :( Time for a laundry mat.

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Oh noes!  That damn washer is trying to ruin your house!  Time for the laundry mat indeed.  Hopefully you can get away with only going once or twice until your new washer and dryer come. 

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 15, 2021, 09:06:49 PM ---You've got the end of the school year! That probably feels like a lot of more pressing things on your plate. But you've been writing consistently, even though it's just a little each day, so I believe in you! I bet school will end, you'll take a couple days to nap and prep for summer vacation and then write a million words.  :biggrin:

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I hope so!  The streak is still alive.  Yesterday was not a great writing day, but I also did not follow my usual weekend morning routine.  This morning I did, and I ended up writing 800 some words and finishing my chapter!  So I'm feeling better about it now.  I think the next chapter will be easier to write once I get it started.

I also wanted to share that I tried the Comic Sans trick last night.  I only wrote 199 words, so I don't think it made a difference.  I did keep the story in Comic Sans until I finished my chapter today, but I think my success today had more to do with coffee and getting back into my morning routine than writing in a different font.  I promptly switched back to my usual Georgia when I finished the chapter.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 16, 2021, 02:34:07 PM ---Aww, no, Mare and I are definitely in the minority.  Almost every other fan I know has always adored Nick.  I was just a late bloomer LOL.
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Young and naive me had a great time, lol. It's always been fun over here in the pro Nick camp, although his current cryptocurrency phase is not what I wanted to see when I decided to follow him on twitter and my phone says "Ah yes, you like Nick Carter, let's show you every single tweet he makes" and I think, oh dear... I've made a mistake. But I said that in the "all things BSB thread."

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 16, 2021, 02:34:07 PM ---Absolutely!  Those scenes are usually big moments for the character(s) too, which make them exciting to look forward to and write, but a lot of that anticipation does come from imagining and hoping for the reader reaction, especially when they're meant to be shocking moments.
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I think I enjoy it more for the big moment for the characters aspect, that's what makes them big for me. I feel like I thought more about audience reaction in the moments I was more worried to write than in the ones I enjoyed and anticipated.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 16, 2021, 02:34:07 PM ---Less often than I used to.  I've always been someone who rereads and rewatches books, movies, and shows I enjoy, and so I used to reread favorite fanfics often.  Now I only do if I'm feeling nostalgic or bored or looking for inspiration.  I started reading several of my old favorite suspense stories when I was working on AHTIM, but Signal to Noise is the only one I actually read all the way through.  I guess that means it held up the best, but that's not to say the others didn't.  I just don't have the attention span I used to for reading fanfic.

That said, there are definitely old fanfics that I loved back in the day, but look at now and go, "Wow, this is hot mess of grammar mistakes" or "This is so cheesy and unrealistic."  I still love them in the same way I love "Saved by the Bell" - I know they're not good, but they're still fun and entertaining.  But if I came across them for the first time now, I would probably not get sucked in the same way I did as a teenybopper.
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I am also a "re____er." 9 times out of 10, I would rather revisit something I know I'll love than try something new, but every now and again, I'll find something new and adore it. The Good Place comes to mind immediately as one of those, but here I am giving into HBO Max and rewatching the Big Bang Theory, lol. I think I've said it before, but nostalgia is a powerful emotion... though it either gets underplayed or overplayed and there's no happy medium for it.

Did you try to read all of them in one sitting? Like one after the other? I think that would make it hard to stick with them all.

Aww, Saved by the Bell. I loved that show. I own it on DVD, but yes, it definitely makes me think about how ridiculous some... (most?) of the plotlines are, which was made painfully obvious by the reboot, which, unfortunately, does not quite capture the good feelings of the original.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 16, 2021, 02:34:07 PM ---Definitely watch Once Upon a Time in Hollywood when you get a chance!  And yes... he had to get attacked by a bear, but he finally got his Oscar!  Well-deserved!

Yeah, it sounds awesome!  I love Jennifer Lawrence too.

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Will do! I'll start dropping subtle hints to the hubs that an at-home movie night would be fun, lol.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 16, 2021, 02:43:32 PM ---I'm glad writing went well for you this weekend!  You were productive!  Was that the mundane thing you were trying to come up with?  I hope it doesn't also involve a chimp... LOL.  How's today's writing going?
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It was the mundane type thing. I'll be honest, I was thinking about when Mare had Nick fall out a window and borrowed inspiration from it. So, Mare, thanks? Hope you don't mind. If you mind, I can change it; I have until the beginning of September for edits. And no chimps, just a frog. (I just looked up what I think you're referring to and I am horrified, also confused that I'm just finding out about this.)

Today's writing is going great, but I feel like it could have been better? I woke up and was like "Yes, this is what happens next in the chapter, then this, and here are two amusing parts and a line that sticks out." But, we were getting lunch with a friend for their birthday, so I hurriedly wrote down these ideas in note form and hoped that post-lunch I would still feel the inspiration. And I did and finished up the chapter, but I feel like I could have kept chugging along into the next one if I'd just been able to sit down and write this morning. Oh well! Finishing a chapter is still great progress!

Five down, nine left to go! I'm also almost halfway to my word count goal, so I'm feeling fairly productive. (Although, I think I need to up again, since my leftovers are only about 8 chapters worth.) I'm following my little outline pretty faithfully (I guess I was correct on how much space the events in this arc would take up), so I only have two or three more chapters until it's finished, then pop back to the other one. Though I think I may be ready to pop back after this next chapter's cliffhanger so I can get them both to the same spot in time.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 16, 2021, 02:43:32 PM ---Oh noes!  That damn washer is trying to ruin your house!  Time for the laundry mat indeed.  Hopefully you can get away with only going once or twice until your new washer and dryer come.
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It really is. So frustrating. I'm thinking of just buying new clothes to circumvent the issue, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 16, 2021, 02:43:32 PM ---I hope so!  The streak is still alive.  Yesterday was not a great writing day, but I also did not follow my usual weekend morning routine.  This morning I did, and I ended up writing 800 some words and finishing my chapter!  So I'm feeling better about it now.  I think the next chapter will be easier to write once I get it started.

I also wanted to share that I tried the Comic Sans trick last night.  I only wrote 199 words, so I don't think it made a difference.  I did keep the story in Comic Sans until I finished my chapter today, but I think my success today had more to do with coffee and getting back into my morning routine than writing in a different font.  I promptly switched back to my usual Georgia when I finished the chapter.

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Glad the streak is still alive and you finished your chapter! Now you can get past this montage section, I hope, and back into more dramatic good times. I feel you on the routine. I think it helps a lot. Hopefully you can get back into your routine groove this next week.

I wonder how much you would have written without comic sans. We need more information to test the theory! lol I think coffee and routine are bigger indicators of productivity too. Stick with georgia.

Alright, time to dinner and then see if I can at least start one of the scenes from the next chapter! I beleive.

Julie, how do you get productive post nap? I was exhausted and took a nap this evening, then tried to get back into writing and made myself a hot chocolate and it's going, but it's going so slowly. Like I sit and contemplate each line, then I type it, then I think about it, then repeat. But then I feel like if I hadn't taken a nap, I wouldn't be typing at all, I would just be a zombie. Are you really productive post nap usually or also kind of ruminating?


--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 16, 2021, 06:56:10 PM ---I think I enjoy it more for the big moment for the characters aspect, that's what makes them big for me. I feel like I thought more about audience reaction in the moments I was more worried to write than in the ones I enjoyed and anticipated.

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I can definitely see that too.  A lot of my Scenes involve bad things happening to the Boys, so there's always that fear of, "What are the readers going to think about this?"  I have learned by now that readers generally enjoy bad things happening to the Boys, just as we enjoy making them happen, so I really shouldn't worry about their reaction, but I still get that nervous feeling when I post a big part like the choppage or the gunshot.  When it's a happy moment, like Nick and Claire finally getting back together, then I look forward to the reaction, but I'm also happy for the characters.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 16, 2021, 06:56:10 PM ---I am also a "re____er." 9 times out of 10, I would rather revisit something I know I'll love than try something new, but every now and again, I'll find something new and adore it. The Good Place comes to mind immediately as one of those, but here I am giving into HBO Max and rewatching the Big Bang Theory, lol. I think I've said it before, but nostalgia is a powerful emotion... though it either gets underplayed or overplayed and there's no happy medium for it.

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LOL This is like me renewing my Hulu last year as a pandemic gift to myself, only to use it to watch old episodes of ER instead of catching up on The Handmaid's Tale like I intended to.  And I own all 15 seasons of ER on DVD... but damn, it's so much easier to just click through Hulu then get off the couch to change the DVD LOL.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 16, 2021, 06:56:10 PM ---Did you try to read all of them in one sitting? Like one after the other? I think that would make it hard to stick with them all.

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Oh no, definitely not.  I didn't even read Signal to Noise in one sitting.  But I guess I got what I wanted out of them because my writing went well.  I tend to read less when the writing's going well and more when it isn't.  I guess that's why I haven't read very much in the last year.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 16, 2021, 06:56:10 PM ---Aww, Saved by the Bell. I loved that show. I own it on DVD, but yes, it definitely makes me think about how ridiculous some... (most?) of the plotlines are, which was made painfully obvious by the reboot, which, unfortunately, does not quite capture the good feelings of the original.

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I watched the first episode of the reboot, and yeah... I didn't think it was terrible, but it wasn't good enough to make me want to watch more.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 16, 2021, 07:23:12 PM ---And no chimps, just a frog. (I just looked up what I think you're referring to and I am horrified, also confused that I'm just finding out about this.)

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Yeah, it is horrifying!  And after Nick tweeted that video out, there were fans going, "I wanna be the frog to your chimp!"  Effed up.  I think that was during your hiatus, 2011 or so.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 16, 2021, 07:23:12 PM ---Today's writing is going great, but I feel like it could have been better? I woke up and was like "Yes, this is what happens next in the chapter, then this, and here are two amusing parts and a line that sticks out." But, we were getting lunch with a friend for their birthday, so I hurriedly wrote down these ideas in note form and hoped that post-lunch I would still feel the inspiration. And I did and finished up the chapter, but I feel like I could have kept chugging along into the next one if I'd just been able to sit down and write this morning. Oh well! Finishing a chapter is still great progress!

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Plans with friends are fun, but do interfere with writing.  As an introvert, I sometimes have to force myself to break out of the writing bubble and be social because I would rather just stay home and write.  But I usually end up having fun when I do go out with friends.  I hope you enjoyed the birthday lunch!  And even if you didn't write as much as you thought you should, at least you finished a chapter!  That is definitely an accomplishment .


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