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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 20, 2021, 10:23:30 PM ---LOL Same.  I clicked on one yesterday with a poll about how many subscriptions your longfic had.  The choices ranged from under 10 to over 200.  I looked up my stats, and the most subscriptions any of my stories had was 6.  And that was my ER crossover, so it was across two fandoms LOL.  I felt better when I saw that the most popular choice on the poll results was under 10, but the third most popular choice was over 200.  What a range!  I'm sure that has a lot to do with what fandom you write for and what "ships" you're writing.

Technically you did win a Felix Award for 00Carter.  But I know what you mean... it's nice to win one for a solo story too!
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I saw that one too, and I was like 200 subscribers? So many! I don't think any of my stories have subscribers on AO3, but I have 2 user subscriptions, I think? (Confirmed, two user subscriptions.) I dug back into my AC stats and 19 people list me as a favorite author, PBox has 18 people who favorited it, and PNecklace has 1. Very grateful for you always, Tracy, because I think you're one of each of those numbers I just listed. :-*

I think it probably does have a lot to do with what (and who?) you write, just like we always talked about certain genres being more popular than other ones. I also wonder if the people with higher subscriber numbers are writing in very busy fandoms or quieter ones? I feel like it's a lot easier to keep up with our front page over the course of a week than a fandom where hoards of people are updating every day.

Sweet! You know I love a technical loophole. I will take it. I'm a winner! ;D :D Thanks readers of AC back in the late '00s/early new 10s! :biggrin:

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 20, 2021, 10:23:30 PM ---I don't remember visiting until 2001.  I think I had just started posting my stories there when the real person fanfic purge happened.  I read more Harry Potter fanfic there than BSB... which was not much, but that was at the beginning of my HP obsession, so I did give it a try.  I even have the beginning of a Harry Potter fic posted there under a different account I created for the HP fic I thought I was going to write.  But that only lasted a few days before I lost interest.  I just looked up my HP account, and OMG... I sound just as weird and obnoxious as the teenagers on Reddit LOL.  I was also still in the "I just got a story idea and sat down and wrote a chapter without any sort of outline or plan, and now I'm going to post it!" phase, which is probably why said story only has two chapters LOL.

I also looked my BSB account there, and it says I joined in March 2001.  So yep.  I have exactly two stories favorited, both of which are Voldemort humor stories.  That was about as far as I got into HP fanfic - Voldemort humor stories and Marauder MSTs.  I'm cracking up at one of them, "Voldemort Goes to Zimbabwe."  Take a look at this... is this not Dr. Rough or what?!  This was written in 2002, so well before 00Carter's conception, but I've always said my Dr. Rough is inspired by Voldemort, and there it is LOL.
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LMAO! I want to say the RPF purge was in 2001? 2002? I wasn't quite ready to post on, but I remember it happening. I think Rose is the expert? I couldn't even tell you what my account was if I had one.

I mean, I came back here and cringed at things I'd written... in my late teens/early twenties. So I think you're allowed to sound obnoxious at fifteen. And omg, yes, that does remind me of Dr. Rough! Parodies are the best.

Also, I just can't picture you sitting down to write an idea without a plan, lol. That's dangerous Dee territory you're walking into (and Rose, I think?). I say all of this in the most loving way possible, of course.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 20, 2021, 10:23:30 PM ---Thanks!  I like having my own little corner of the web to post my stuff and make it look the way I want it.  I like being able to share more about my stories through the little update blurbs and author's notes I post there, which I don't usually post other places.
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I think that's awesome! I'm sure readers other places would like your little update blurbs and author's notes too. I always wonder if I should do more author notes at the end of the text, rather than just here.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 20, 2021, 10:23:30 PM ---Hm... I know when I started posting old novels that were finished years ago, I did set the number of chapters from the beginning, hoping it would help people realize the story was already finished and would be posted in its entirety.  I can't remember if I changed it once I finished Bethlehem and Heroic Measures, or if I left it as a question mark until the last chapter.  I wanna say I did change it, but I'm not positive.
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I did that with PBox for the same reason. I think it makes sense when it's an old story and you do already know for sure. I guess we're in a weird spot now because we write so far ahead of what we're posting that we know it's done much sooner than we did in the past when we may have decided it would be x chapters, but could never technically be sure until we physically wrote "the end" and then maybe held on to it for a week or two.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 20, 2021, 10:23:30 PM ---It really does work the best!  And it has to be the real kind you can only get from the pharmacy counter, not the PE crap.  I've learned it is worth signing my life away and risking being put on some kind of watch list to have a box on hand when I need it.  I'm about out of my stash, so I need to get some more.

I have not written anything this evening.  I meant to, but then I sat down at the computer and came here instead LOL.  Good thing I wrote some this morning.
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If I learned anything from Breaking Bad, it's that teachers have the power to make drugs. Or Chemistry teachers, at least, lol. If you go through the effort of going to the pharmacy counter and being on a watch list to heal, then I feel like you're less likely to go Walter White. So you have a stash, is it on refillable prescription or something? haha

Here is equally fun! I feel like once a week, we end up here rather than writing. But the streak lives!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 20, 2021, 10:23:30 PM ---I wish!  But would that make it feel like work?  I don't ever want writing fanfic to feel like work.

One more day!  We've got this!

LOL I'm relieved Nick's name came up soon.

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It might. It's better that we keep doing it for free.

I ended up writing a little more this evening, but pushed it back for a walk and some ice cream since it's getting hot. I stopped in the middle of an argument and know the next little bit of the scene, so I think I'll be able to get it finished tomorrow and then I can go back to my Brian scene.

That's why Nick's name only appeared the one time, lol. Contrast today's scene that is a Nick scene and I wrote "Nick" ten times in an hour, lol.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 20, 2021, 11:03:50 PM ---I saw that one too, and I was like 200 subscribers? So many! I don't think any of my stories have subscribers on AO3, but I have 2 user subscriptions, I think? (Confirmed, two user subscriptions.) I dug back into my AC stats and 19 people list me as a favorite author, PBox has 18 people who favorited it, and PNecklace has 1. Very grateful for you always, Tracy, because I think you're one of each of those numbers I just listed. :-*

I think it probably does have a lot to do with what (and who?) you write, just like we always talked about certain genres being more popular than other ones. I also wonder if the people with higher subscriber numbers are writing in very busy fandoms or quieter ones? I feel like it's a lot easier to keep up with our front page over the course of a week than a fandom where hoards of people are updating every day.

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I'm your other subscriber on AO3. ;)  I wish it would tell you who subscribes to you or your stories, just because I'm always curious about that kind of stuff.  

I think who you write is definitely part of it.  The "ships" and, in our fandom, just which Boy(s) you write.  In general, I tend to get more feedback on Nick stories than stories that focus on the other guys.  And while the readers of AO3 love slash, they do not seem to love Nowie slash.  So if I wanted to cater to them and see how many more subscribers/kudos/comments I could get, I would write a kinky but angsty Frick/Frack slash with lots of tags.

I wondered the same thing about if the people with lots of subscribers write for popular or less popular fandoms.  In popular fandoms, there's obviously a larger base of readers, but there's also more competition/less chance of your story standing out in the crowd.  Whereas in quieter fandoms, there may be fewer people reading, but a decent writer who updates consistently would have a pretty good chance of building a loyal following.  Without actually checking stats, it seems like BSB is somewhere in the middle.  We're not a popular fandom anymore compared to some, but there are plenty of smaller, quieter fandoms.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 20, 2021, 11:03:50 PM ---LMAO! I want to say the RPF purge was in 2001? 2002? I wasn't quite ready to post on, but I remember it happening. I think Rose is the expert? I couldn't even tell you what my account was if I had one.

I mean, I came back here and cringed at things I'd written... in my late teens/early twenties. So I think you're allowed to sound obnoxious at fifteen. And omg, yes, that does remind me of Dr. Rough! Parodies are the best.

Also, I just can't picture you sitting down to write an idea without a plan, lol. That's dangerous Dee territory you're walking into (and Rose, I think?). I say all of this in the most loving way possible, of course.

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I thought it had to be one of those years too, but Wikipedia says it was 2003.  Apparently they've also banned NC-17 stories, CYOAs, songfics, and lists.

LOL That just goes to show how much I've changed since then, at least in some ways.  I always had some kind of plan in my head, but I never wrote it down.  The first story I remember making a partial outline for was You'll Never Walk Alone in 2002.  I didn't start it with an outline, but because it was a mystery, it got hard to keep track of when and how I wanted to reveal certain plot points, so I made an outline partway through.  That was the last solo novel I wrote before Broken, which I started with an outline.  That's part of the reason Broken is where I divide the phases of my fanfic career, because my whole writing process changed with that story.

I think Rose has become more of a planner/outliner, at least partly because of me LOL.  We've always used outlines when we write together.  I wish she'd come weigh in on this!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 20, 2021, 11:03:50 PM ---I think that's awesome! I'm sure readers other places would like your little update blurbs and author's notes too. I always wonder if I should do more author notes at the end of the text, rather than just here.

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Yeah, I dunno... I guess I could post them in my update thread here instead of just saying I updated, but I try not to overdo it on author's notes in the actual story.  I sometimes do one at the end of a novel or after a big moment, but not before or after every chapter.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 20, 2021, 11:03:50 PM ---If I learned anything from Breaking Bad, it's that teachers have the power to make drugs. Or Chemistry teachers, at least, lol. If you go through the effort of going to the pharmacy counter and being on a watch list to heal, then I feel like you're less likely to go Walter White. So you have a stash, is it on refillable prescription or something? haha

--- End quote ---

I love Breaking Bad!  And yes... teachers can do anything! LOL  I'm exaggerating; my "stash" is just one box (the largest size box I could find), so now I need to go buy a new box.  I buy it less than once a year, so I'm not likely to be flagged for anything.  But I teach in a town with a meth problem, and that is one way the cops make their drug busts.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 20, 2021, 11:03:50 PM ---Here is equally fun! I feel like once a week, we end up here rather than writing. But the streak lives!

It might. It's better that we keep doing it for free.

I ended up writing a little more this evening, but pushed it back for a walk and some ice cream since it's getting hot. I stopped in the middle of an argument and know the next little bit of the scene, so I think I'll be able to get it finished tomorrow and then I can go back to my Brian scene.

That's why Nick's name only appeared the one time, lol. Contrast today's scene that is a Nick scene and I wrote "Nick" ten times in an hour, lol.

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LOL It's probably Thursday nights, when we're too tired to focus on writing.  I actually did add a little bit more late last night, and then I wrote a little this morning.  I left off midsentence so I will hopefully be able to pick it back up tonight.  I'm close to finishing this chapter already - thanks, cold!  I'm glad you were able to write more last night too!

I wonder what the record is for most "Nicks" in a story...

Edited to add: I was curious, so I looked this up for BMS, which has to feature the most occurrences of Nick's name in one of my stories due to its length and the fact that Nick is the main character.  I wrote "Nick" 7,517 times.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 21, 2021, 08:04:52 PM ---I'm your other subscriber on AO3. ;)  I wish it would tell you who subscribes to you or your stories, just because I'm always curious about that kind of stuff.
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Well thanks to you both for supporting my comeback! Same, because then you could say thank you specifically.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 21, 2021, 08:04:52 PM ---I think who you write is definitely part of it.  The "ships" and, in our fandom, just which Boy(s) you write.  In general, I tend to get more feedback on Nick stories than stories that focus on the other guys.  And while the readers of AO3 love slash, they do not seem to love Nowie slash.  So if I wanted to cater to them and see how many more subscribers/kudos/comments I could get, I would write a kinky but angsty Frick/Frack slash with lots of tags.
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I think it's always felt that way? Though didn't AJ feature in the most stories for a while on AC? I wonder if that's still true. I feel like in the same way that we all feel like Nick is easier to write about because he feels versatile and authentic, maybe readers feel like he's easier to read about because he feels versatile and authentic.

I saw another Nowie on the feed the last time i looked. There's some Nowie support! Even though you know I love experiments, I don't think I have a kinky, but angsty Frick/Frack in me, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 21, 2021, 08:04:52 PM ---I wondered the same thing about if the people with lots of subscribers write for popular or less popular fandoms.  In popular fandoms, there's obviously a larger base of readers, but there's also more competition/less chance of your story standing out in the crowd.  Whereas in quieter fandoms, there may be fewer people reading, but a decent writer who updates consistently would have a pretty good chance of building a loyal following.  Without actually checking stats, it seems like BSB is somewhere in the middle.  We're not a popular fandom anymore compared to some, but there are plenty of smaller, quieter fandoms.
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I could see reasons for both leading to higher stats, just like you said. I think the sweet spot is probably a newer, but growing fandom or an established fandom that sees a lot of "new blood" cycle in. So in order to have higher stats, we need some new BSB fans (or a time machine to go back to 1996, but that seems less likely). If Mariah Carey has taught me anything, it's that lots of people like catchy and well sung Christmas music, lol. Now we wait.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 21, 2021, 08:04:52 PM ---I thought it had to be one of those years too, but Wikipedia says it was 2003.  Apparently they've also banned NC-17 stories, CYOAs, songfics, and lists.
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I'm surprised it's that late! I thought for sure it was when I was in middle school. I could see banning lists, but I wonder why the other three? I never understood why they banned RPF either. Like I know their reasons, but plenty of other places didn't and nothing's happened.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 21, 2021, 08:04:52 PM ---LOL That just goes to show how much I've changed since then, at least in some ways.  I always had some kind of plan in my head, but I never wrote it down.  The first story I remember making a partial outline for was You'll Never Walk Alone in 2002.  I didn't start it with an outline, but because it was a mystery, it got hard to keep track of when and how I wanted to reveal certain plot points, so I made an outline partway through.  That was the last solo novel I wrote before Broken, which I started with an outline.  That's part of the reason Broken is where I divide the phases of my fanfic career, because my whole writing process changed with that story.

I think Rose has become more of a planner/outliner, at least partly because of me LOL.  We've always used outlines when we write together.  I wish she'd come weigh in on this!
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That's me, lol. It's easier now that I'll just write whatever when the mood strikes. I think a mystery is a good story to craft an outline with, because you do need to follow exact threads to a T. Do you think you would have had an outline for Broken if you hadn't made one at the end of You'll Never Walk Alone?

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 21, 2021, 08:04:52 PM ---Yeah, I dunno... I guess I could post them in my update thread here instead of just saying I updated, but I try not to overdo it on author's notes in the actual story.  I sometimes do one at the end of a novel or after a big moment, but not before or after every chapter.
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I always wonder if people love or hate author's notes, lol. Like, do they actually want to have a conversation with me about the story? My update thread says no, haha. But that might have been different if that was how I structured my update thread in 2006-2008 during PBox's initial run. I've been doing them mostly for "here's a fun callback to PBox in this chapter, you can reread the original moment in x chapter." I've always done one at the beginning and the end of a whole story. Though having a "story notes" section now helps with the beginning one.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 21, 2021, 08:04:52 PM ---I love Breaking Bad!  And yes... teachers can do anything! LOL  I'm exaggerating; my "stash" is just one box (the largest size box I could find), so now I need to go buy a new box.  I buy it less than once a year, so I'm not likely to be flagged for anything.  But I teach in a town with a meth problem, and that is one way the cops make their drug busts.
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I enjoyed it too. Hubs was rewatching it this time last year and it was fun to revisit. Of course we can! We're jacks of all trades, really. I appreciate and enjoy your use of hyperbole here. ;) Interesting! I didn't think they actually flagged people's purchases, but that would make it easier to identify people if need be.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 21, 2021, 08:04:52 PM ---LOL It's probably Thursday nights, when we're too tired to focus on writing.  I actually did add a little bit more late last night, and then I wrote a little this morning.  I left off midsentence so I will hopefully be able to pick it back up tonight.  I'm close to finishing this chapter already - thanks, cold!  I'm glad you were able to write more last night too!
--- End quote ---

You're right, it probably is Thursdays, lol. Great work! I did write a little this morning, then got hungry this evening and couldn't focus. Now I'm hoping to get back into it, but it's already 8:30. We'll see what happens.

Was your picking up midsentence productive?

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 21, 2021, 08:04:52 PM ---I wonder what the record is for most "Nicks" in a story...

Edited to add: I was curious, so I looked this up for BMS, which has to feature the most occurrences of Nick's name in one of my stories due to its length and the fact that Nick is the main character.  I wrote "Nick" 7,517 times.

--- End quote ---

I know! We need more data!

That's a lot of Nicks! I decided to check through PNecklace and I'm already up to 2,247 times with about 8 1/3 chapters to go still. That's only slightly more than PBox? (About 250 more times.) I guess Nick's name will forever be 1% of PBox & Co, lol.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 21, 2021, 09:42:36 PM ---I think it's always felt that way? Though didn't AJ feature in the most stories for a while on AC? I wonder if that's still true. I feel like in the same way that we all feel like Nick is easier to write about because he feels versatile and authentic, maybe readers feel like he's easier to read about because he feels versatile and authentic.

I saw another Nowie on the feed the last time i looked. There's some Nowie support! Even though you know I love experiments, I don't think I have a kinky, but angsty Frick/Frack in me, lol.

--- End quote ---

Yeah, there used to be a lot of AJ fans around here.  I think it boils down to Nick being the favorite, but I'm sure there's something to him being more versatile as a character too.

Well hey, maybe I should start posting SAMS!  I meant to post SAMS last summer or fall, but after I posted its one-shot predecessor, Unsuspecting Sunday, and it got zero response, I held off, thinking if no one wanted to read a Nowie one-shot, they're definitely not going to want to read an 80-chapter Nowie novel.  Maybe I'll get around to it this summer.

I wouldn't be opposed to writing an angsty Frick/Frack slash - if I ever wrote another slash, it probably would be Frick/Frack - but I don't do kinky.  But hey... I used to think I didn't do slash either LOL.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 21, 2021, 09:42:36 PM ---I could see reasons for both leading to higher stats, just like you said. I think the sweet spot is probably a newer, but growing fandom or an established fandom that sees a lot of "new blood" cycle in. So in order to have higher stats, we need some new BSB fans (or a time machine to go back to 1996, but that seems less likely). If Mariah Carey has taught me anything, it's that lots of people like catchy and well sung Christmas music, lol. Now we wait.

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I have noticed younger (like late teens/early twenties) fans popping up lately!  Actually, the only one who is consistently commenting on my MBK is a younger fan, and this is the first story of mine she has followed (or at least left feedback on as I was writing it).  So there is hope!  I'm not sure if the new music of the DNA era has attracted new fans, or if it's the 90s nostalgia trend making them cool in a vintage way to the Gen Z kids.  Either way, good for them!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 21, 2021, 09:42:36 PM ---I'm surprised it's that late! I thought for sure it was when I was in middle school. I could see banning lists, but I wonder why the other three? I never understood why they banned RPF either. Like I know their reasons, but plenty of other places didn't and nothing's happened.

--- End quote ---

Yeah, I agree.  If certain celebrities had that big a problem with people writing fanfic about them, they could request that category be removed, but I doubt most of them know or care that much about it.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 21, 2021, 09:42:36 PM ---That's me, lol. It's easier now that I'll just write whatever when the mood strikes. I think a mystery is a good story to craft an outline with, because you do need to follow exact threads to a T. Do you think you would have had an outline for Broken if you hadn't made one at the end of You'll Never Walk Alone?

--- End quote ---

Maybe, because I had also started collaborating on Code Blue in between YNWA and Broken, which also had an outline, but then, would we have done an outline for CB if I hadn't done one for YNWA?  I had written two other stories with the same author, and we never used an outline before.  But I remember thinking that if I was going to write another cancer story, I better step up my game and make it good... so I tried to act more like a "serious writer" with my outlining and research, and it really did help raise the quality of my writing.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 21, 2021, 09:42:36 PM ---I always wonder if people love or hate author's notes, lol. Like, do they actually want to have a conversation with me about the story? My update thread says no, haha. But that might have been different if that was how I structured my update thread in 2006-2008 during PBox's initial run. I've been doing them mostly for "here's a fun callback to PBox in this chapter, you can reread the original moment in x chapter." I've always done one at the beginning and the end of a whole story. Though having a "story notes" section now helps with the beginning one.

--- End quote ---

I like learning behind-the-scenes stuff about stories.  I love author's notes in published fiction.  Besides yours, I don't see too many of those in fanfic, but I'm fine with them.  I don't usually do lengthy author's notes mid-story, but I'm actually am planning to post one tomorrow with my MBK update that tells where the idea for it came from.  I'm not sure how many people actually read them, but sometimes I feel the need to explain myself.  They are fun to write!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 21, 2021, 09:42:36 PM ---I enjoyed it too. Hubs was rewatching it this time last year and it was fun to revisit. Of course we can! We're jacks of all trades, really. I appreciate and enjoy your use of hyperbole here. ;) Interesting! I didn't think they actually flagged people's purchases, but that would make it easier to identify people if need be.

--- End quote ---

It's a great show to binge watch and definitely holds up on rewatches.  Yeah, they have some kind of database where they can track who's buying way more Sudafed than one person should need.  That's why you have to show your license now to get it from behind the pharmacy counter.  It's a pain in the ass, but worth it when you actually need it.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 21, 2021, 09:42:36 PM ---You're right, it probably is Thursdays, lol. Great work! I did write a little this morning, then got hungry this evening and couldn't focus. Now I'm hoping to get back into it, but it's already 8:30. We'll see what happens.

Was your picking up midsentence productive?

--- End quote ---

LOL No.  I'm in the same boat as you.  I opened the story (it's still open, actually), but then I got distracted by Nick getting on Twitch, then getting off again five minutes later to go help Lauren with the baby and promising to be back in 15 minutes... then 30... and then I got hungry and wandered away from the computer, and now I'm too tired and have a headache.  But I'll finish that sentence tomorrow morning for sure! LOL  Good luck writing more tonight!  I'm probably going to bed soon.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 22, 2021, 12:00:14 AM ---Yeah, there used to be a lot of AJ fans around here.  I think it boils down to Nick being the favorite, but I'm sure there's something to him being more versatile as a character too.

Well hey, maybe I should start posting SAMS!  I meant to post SAMS last summer or fall, but after I posted its one-shot predecessor, Unsuspecting Sunday, and it got zero response, I held off, thinking if no one wanted to read a Nowie one-shot, they're definitely not going to want to read an 80-chapter Nowie novel.  Maybe I'll get around to it this summer.

I wouldn't be opposed to writing an angsty Frick/Frack slash - if I ever wrote another slash, it probably would be Frick/Frack - but I don't do kinky.  But hey... I used to think I didn't do slash either LOL.
--- End quote ---

And they were all really active here on the forums too. It was nice talking about some things that didn't involve Nick every now and again, lol. You're right, it probably has nothing to do with him being a great character and more to do with his regular following, lol.

There's always someone who will read it! :) That's part of the beauty of fanfic. I wonder if the longer one would be more popular than the shorter one? More Nowie to enjoy? When you re-post your older fanfics, what do you do? Chapter every day? Chunks on a certain day?

Just make one of them have a medical fetish of some sort. Boom! In your wheelhouse and kinky, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 22, 2021, 12:00:14 AM ---I have noticed younger (like late teens/early twenties) fans popping up lately!  Actually, the only one who is consistently commenting on my MBK is a younger fan, and this is the first story of mine she has followed (or at least left feedback on as I was writing it).  So there is hope!  I'm not sure if the new music of the DNA era has attracted new fans, or if it's the 90s nostalgia trend making them cool in a vintage way to the Gen Z kids.  Either way, good for them!
--- End quote ---

That's awesome! Now we just have to convince them to write fanfics, lol. I'm glad you have a brand new follower (or a less shy follower). Maybe it's a bit of both? Happy our Boys were able to bridge the age gap. I wonder if younger fans have favorites or if they just like the group collectively?

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 22, 2021, 12:00:14 AM ---Yeah, I agree.  If certain celebrities had that big a problem with people writing fanfic about them, they could request that category be removed, but I doubt most of them know or care that much about it.
--- End quote ---

I feel like if they know, they try to avoid thinking about it too much, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 22, 2021, 12:00:14 AM ---Maybe, because I had also started collaborating on Code Blue in between YNWA and Broken, which also had an outline, but then, would we have done an outline for CB if I hadn't done one for YNWA?  I had written two other stories with the same author, and we never used an outline before.  But I remember thinking that if I was going to write another cancer story, I better step up my game and make it good... so I tried to act more like a "serious writer" with my outlining and research, and it really did help raise the quality of my writing.
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So you were very much into outlining by the time Broken came around! I think having some sort of plan, whether that's an outline or something else, is important when writing with other people, that way everyone is on the same page. I get wanting to make sure that your "another x story" needs to stand out in quality from the ones before it, so it makes sense that research would be the key there. As a non-outliner (for the most part), I can see it helping in quality too, but I don't want to say it definitely makes a story better (because then what am I doing with my writing 90% of the time? lol) If anything, I'd say I'm a post-outliner, then I can go back and easily remember where I last referenced something or the last time a character dealt with whatever. That's not to say that I have no plan, but... I'd rather just write and see what happens. Nick always changes my plans anyway, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 22, 2021, 12:00:14 AM ---I like learning behind-the-scenes stuff about stories.  I love author's notes in published fiction.  Besides yours, I don't see too many of those in fanfic, but I'm fine with them.  I don't usually do lengthy author's notes mid-story, but I'm actually am planning to post one tomorrow with my MBK update that tells where the idea for it came from.  I'm not sure how many people actually read them, but sometimes I feel the need to explain myself.  They are fun to write!
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Me too! That's why I wish more writers shared things like that. It's interesting getting in someone's head. I don't typically add them to the story itself either, but maybe I should start adding truncated ones... Like you said, though, I don't know how many people actually read them either, lol. And ooh, fun! Those ones are great.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 22, 2021, 12:00:14 AM ---It's a great show to binge watch and definitely holds up on rewatches.  Yeah, they have some kind of database where they can track who's buying way more Sudafed than one person should need.  That's why you have to show your license now to get it from behind the pharmacy counter.  It's a pain in the ass, but worth it when you actually need it.
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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 22, 2021, 12:00:14 AM ---LOL No.  I'm in the same boat as you.  I opened the story (it's still open, actually), but then I got distracted by Nick getting on Twitch, then getting off again five minutes later to go help Lauren with the baby and promising to be back in 15 minutes... then 30... and then I got hungry and wandered away from the computer, and now I'm too tired and have a headache.  But I'll finish that sentence tomorrow morning for sure! LOL  Good luck writing more tonight!  I'm probably going to bed soon.

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I wrote 140 words, then was tired, then laid on the couch and started falling asleep, then realized I could just go to bed, lol.

I love how Nick's trying to schedule his job when he has a one month old and two other children. You should know better, Nick, lol.

I hope you finished your sentence this morning! ;D

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 21, 2021, 08:04:52 PM ---I think Rose has become more of a planner/outliner, at least partly because of me LOL.  We've always used outlines when we write together.  I wish she'd come weigh in on this!

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I meant to comment on this part yesterday and forgot. I think the tired was setting in... But I wish she'd weigh in too! I think our efforts to summon her like Beetlejuice are not working, lol.

And now for Saturday...

How's writing going today? (I'm guessing well since you haven't updated yet.)

I finished my Nick and Brian scenes for this chapter and started the Kevin one, then really wanted to take a shower, then sort of thought about the chapter and switched to my ideas for my next author talk, then came back to write, then wanted lunch, and now I'm here, lol.

Why do I always procrastinate on Kevin scenes? I'm sorry, Kevin! It would be a much shorter novel if I only focused on Nick, lol. I might just go set myself a timer and make myself word sprint and focus on Kevin...


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