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Author Topic: Just a general pop in thread  (Read 36984 times)


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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #105 on: June 24, 2024, 05:26:32 PM »

As much as I like being able to stream so many shows on demand, I do kinda miss the old days of network and cable TV - the 20-some episode seasons that ran from September to May with only three month in the summer to wait for the next season.  It was just long enough to leave you hanging and give you that sense of anticipation but short enough that you could still remember what happened when the next season started.  And it was nice when everyone at school or work watched the same shows on the same nights, so you could talk about it the next day.  I like that more of the streaming services are releasing new episodes one at a time instead of dropping a whole season at once.  Binge-watching shows can be fun, but there are so many now that it gets overwhelming trying to stay caught up with everything my friends are watching so I can participate in the conversations about various shows.  I do have faith in Stranger Things to be worth the wait, and this next season may have 8 super long episodes like Season 4 did, but still... they take a ridiculously long time to finish a season, especially for a show with so many child actors that have rapidly outgrown their roles.

I don't mind when the POV changes from one character to another, but I'm not a fan of books that switch between first and third person.  That is jarring to me.  I guess I don't really get the point of writing it like that.

I'm the same way.  I like what I like, regardless of the people who created it.  I just don't care that much about most authors/musicians/actors/athletes on a personal level.  BSB are the major exception, and it would take worse than voting for Trump or rape allegations to make me stop supporting them, let alone stop listening to their music.

Another movie score I really like is Transformers by Steve Jablonsky.  The first movie was one of the dumbest movies I have ever wasted my money on watching in theaters, and I haven't bothered to watch any of the others, but they do have great music!

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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #106 on: June 25, 2024, 08:38:46 AM »

Even when shows do stream entire seasons at one pop, I usually only watch one at a time. Sometimes I even try to do once a week, but it's harder to do that in the summer when there's nothing else on. I've only watched the first two episodes of The Boys so far, although I may watch another one today. I'm hoping the Stranger Things final season will be worth the wait. I'm also looking forward to the last season of The Umbrella Academy which I also loved but have been waiting forever for. It's kind of the same situation as Stranger Things but only with one of the characters. All the others were older, but this one was only a teenager who is supposed to be as old as all the others, but he doesn't age, which now should be interesting because when the series started, he was sixteen but between Covid and the strike, he's now 21 and looks it. LOL

I listened to the James Newton Howard link you shared. It wasn't the kind of music I was expecting. Because of the creepy factor of the movies, I was expecting more of a Philip Glass sound. These were really pretty but simple melodies. Thanks for sharing! I'll have to check out Steve Jablonsky too.
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #107 on: June 25, 2024, 01:22:01 PM »

Whether I binge or just watch one or two episodes a day depends on what time of year it is and what else I have going on.  If my writing is going well or I'm on a Sims kick or something, I only watch TV while I take a break to eat.  But if I have nowhere to be and nothing better to do, I can easily watch multiple episodes a day of a show I'm hooked on.  I watched the whole first season of Stranger Things in a weekend.  I will probably try to savor Season 5 more, knowing it's the last, but then I'll have to try harder to avoid spoilers.  I'm almost caught up with The Boys; I have two more episodes in Season 3 to finish; and then I'll be ready to start Season 4.

Those simple but pretty melodies are what I like about James Newton Howard.  I think that's what makes it good writing music, too.  It's pleasing to the ear but not distracting.  Last week, I found an 8-hour version of The Village score and listened to it on and off all day while I was writing without getting tired of it.  His full scores have some creepier parts, but the pretty parts add so much emotional impact that I don't think M. Night Shyamalan's good movies would be nearly as good without them.  That's true of most movie music, though.

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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #108 on: June 26, 2024, 09:45:17 AM »

I never did get around to watching The Boys last night. I usually don't even put the TV on until after dinner. I like to watch Lester Holt and then I'll watch a show or two. Usually, my sister and I will watch something together or baseball is on. I spend most of my day alternating between writing and reading. I can't seem to watch more than two episodes in a row of anything, even Succession. I don't think my brain is wired to pay attention for that long. That's why I tend to struggle with movies. I've done better with watching them in one sitting, but for quite a while it would take me two sittings to get through one movie.

Same with music. I can't listen to music all day long. I kind of surprised myself with how little I actually listen to music now that I'm not teaching. I used to listen on the car rides on the way to and from school and obviously all day during school and then when I got home while I was making dinner. Now I only listen when I clean or exercise.

Movies would be nothing without the score. Especially true for thrillers and huge epics.
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #109 on: June 27, 2024, 01:16:33 AM »

My attention span for movies has decreased, too.  I started Oppenheimer a couple weeks ago, and I don't think I even made it 30 minutes into the movie before I turned it off LOL.  I haven't gone back to it.  Maybe someday.  I tend to prefer TV shows, too.  I finished Season 3 of The Boys last night and started 4 today, so I'm almost caught up!  Everyone who told me I would like that show was right; I really do!

I mostly listen to music when I'm driving, writing, or messing around on the computer.  Sometimes cleaning, but usually I just have the TV on in the background while I'm doing housework or cooking.  I used to listen to music while I was walking or mowing the lawn, but lately I've been listening to podcasts or watching YouTube videos while I walk on the treadmill.

My project this week has been attempting to transfer my site to a new web host because my current one keeps jacking up their prices to renew my plan.  I've only changed hosts once before when I moved from good old Yahoo/Geocities and redesigned my whole site with Wordpress back in 2012.  It was terrifying then because I had no idea what I was doing.  I thought it would be easier this time because everything I read made it sound like such a straightforwar d process - follow these simple steps, and your site should be up and running on the new server in no time!  Yeah, no.  I've been working on this for three days now and only just managed to get my site functioning and looking right on the new server tonight.  I still have to point my domain name at the new server and hope that works the way it's supposed to.  What a pain in the ass.  It's probably not even worth it to have a personal fanfic site anymore with everyone reading on AO3, but I still take pride in maintaining it and wanna make it to 25 years next year!

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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #110 on: June 27, 2024, 09:22:06 AM »

Hello everyone :)

Wow Julie, your site is 25 next year, that's quite an achievement.

Mare, I wish you had written an alternative ending to Merlin as that ending was the worst in TV history lol.

I'm not enjoying being back in work after a two week cruise.  The cruise was really good apart from Tim picking up norovirus and being quite unwell for a couple of days.  And it was hot lol.  But what did I expect from a Mediterrean cruise in June.  Thank god for aircon on the ship and the cabin.

I think I might have some fanfic reading to catch up on as had no internet on the ship and wasn't paying P&O's internet prices.  It was actually nice to be away from social media on sea days, and just have a quick look and put a few photos on FB on port days (and check on family lol).



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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #111 on: June 27, 2024, 09:31:24 AM »

I saw your post on Twitter about moving your site. I can't believe it's going to 25 years! That's amazing!! I was going to ask you about that. It sounds like a giant pain in the ass. I hope it transitioned smoothly. Everyone is hiking up prices for everything nowadays! That's why I'm kind of surprised that AC is still functioning. I thought by now, it would be gone. I'm glad it's still around but every day I click here thinking one day it's just not going to exist anymore.

I surprisingly got through Oppenheimer in two sittings. It was slow and didn't fully have my attention the entire time, but at one point, it did get interesting enough to pull me away from scrolling. I just watched The Iron Claw which I thought I would like because...brot hers. But it wasn't that great. Maybe with a better cast and a much better screenplay. Tonight, since there's no baseball and my sister's out of town, I am going to watch American Fiction, which is something I've been wanting to see for a while.

Because of the rain delay last night, I watched the third episode of The Boys. I love how they are just totally mocking MAGAs relentlessly. I mean the whole series has kind of alluded to them, but I think Erik Kripke was finally you know what? F them! Let's just totally go balls to the wall this year! You'll see what I mean. I plan on starting The Bear soon, but it still annoys me it's being called a comedy. My brain can't get around that fact. It's a great drama! But a so-so comedy.

I tried to get into podcasts, but for whatever reason, they don't seem to hold my attention either. Admittedly I listened to the old Bunny Ears podcast which was Macauley's just to see what he said about his family and Kieran and that's how I found out a lot of crap, but other than that, I've tried a ton but can never seem to get through them. If I wasn't so lazy, I'd swear I had ADHD lol
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #112 on: June 27, 2024, 09:42:07 AM »

Hello everyone :)

Wow Julie, your site is 25 next year, that's quite an achievement.

Mare, I wish you had written an alternative ending to Merlin as that ending was the worst in TV history lol.

I'm not enjoying being back in work after a two week cruise.  The cruise was really good apart from Tim picking up norovirus and being quite unwell for a couple of days.  And it was hot lol.  But what did I expect from a Mediterrean cruise in June.  Thank god for aircon on the ship and the cabin.

I think I might have some fanfic reading to catch up on as had no internet on the ship and wasn't paying P&O's internet prices.  It was actually nice to be away from social media on sea days, and just have a quick look and put a few photos on FB on port days (and check on family lol).

Hi Steph! Your cruise seemed nice. Lots of beautiful places. I'm secretly scared of catching a stomach bug on the cruise. My immune system isn't that great and because of the buffets etc... hopefully not though. I bet it is hard going back to work after a nice vacation like that. Are you planning on cruising again?     

Speaking of cruising

I'm still a little stressed about how I'm going to get around. I rented a scooter but I'm worried about getting into things, like the buffet and restaurants and shows with a scooter. The only other thing I have is a walker. I can't use just a cane anymore and my sister doesn't want to drag the wheelchair and I can understand that because I rented the scooter. our cabin won't be big enough to hold all my handicap equipment. I'm sure I'm not the first person who's had this problem. I'm hoping it will be easier than what I picture in my mind. I can't believe it's only two months away. I have been talking about this cruise forever! LOL

It'll be nice unplugging for at seas days. I am bringing two books with me because in my head, I can't picture what it would be like not being on my phone all day long.

I agree Steph, that Merlin ending was garbage! I'm still mad about it! It deserved so much better!

Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #113 on: June 27, 2024, 02:26:53 PM »

Hello everyone :)

Wow Julie, your site is 25 next year, that's quite an achievement.

Mare, I wish you had written an alternative ending to Merlin as that ending was the worst in TV history lol.

I'm not enjoying being back in work after a two week cruise.  The cruise was really good apart from Tim picking up norovirus and being quite unwell for a couple of days.  And it was hot lol.  But what did I expect from a Mediterrean cruise in June.  Thank god for aircon on the ship and the cabin.

I think I might have some fanfic reading to catch up on as had no internet on the ship and wasn't paying P&O's internet prices.  It was actually nice to be away from social media on sea days, and just have a quick look and put a few photos on FB on port days (and check on family lol).

Welcome back, Steph!  It looks like the cruise was lovely!  I enjoyed seeing your photos on FB.  I bet it was hot, though, and that's too bad about Tim getting norovirus... no fun!!  I hope you were able to avoid catching it, and I'm glad you had a good time otherwise.  It's always so hard going back to work after a holiday!

I bet it was nice to have a break from social media.  I go through phases, but most of the time, I'm too attached to my phone and computer.  I don't usually post much, but I spend a lot of time scrolling LOL.

I haven't updated my site/story in a few weeks, partly because I've been trying to figure out this transfer thing, but I have been writing.  I've finished two chapters and am well into a third, trying to build a buffer back up so I can get back to semi-regular updates.  I am just so slow.  I can't believe it will be 25 years next year either!  Who would have ever thought?

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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #114 on: June 27, 2024, 02:52:09 PM »

I saw your post on Twitter about moving your site. I can't believe it's going to 25 years! That's amazing!! I was going to ask you about that. It sounds like a giant pain in the ass. I hope it transitioned smoothly. Everyone is hiking up prices for everything nowadays! That's why I'm kind of surprised that AC is still functioning. I thought by now, it would be gone. I'm glad it's still around but every day I click here thinking one day it's just not going to exist anymore.

I surprisingly got through Oppenheimer in two sittings. It was slow and didn't fully have my attention the entire time, but at one point, it did get interesting enough to pull me away from scrolling. I just watched The Iron Claw which I thought I would like because...brot hers. But it wasn't that great. Maybe with a better cast and a much better screenplay. Tonight, since there's no baseball and my sister's out of town, I am going to watch American Fiction, which is something I've been wanting to see for a while.

Because of the rain delay last night, I watched the third episode of The Boys. I love how they are just totally mocking MAGAs relentlessly. I mean the whole series has kind of alluded to them, but I think Erik Kripke was finally you know what? F them! Let's just totally go balls to the wall this year! You'll see what I mean. I plan on starting The Bear soon, but it still annoys me it's being called a comedy. My brain can't get around that fact. It's a great drama! But a so-so comedy.

I tried to get into podcasts, but for whatever reason, they don't seem to hold my attention either. Admittedly I listened to the old Bunny Ears podcast which was Macauley's just to see what he said about his family and Kieran and that's how I found out a lot of crap, but other than that, I've tried a ton but can never seem to get through them. If I wasn't so lazy, I'd swear I had ADHD lol

It has been a huge pain in the ass!  Everything I read made it sound so easy - just use a plugin to back up the site, download the backup file, reupload it on the new server, change a few settings, and voila!  Unfortunately, every plugin I tried had the reuploading part behind a paywall or wouldn't work with a site as big as mine, so it became a huge hassle, trying to find something that would work.  I ended up doing most of it manually, and I'm still not sure exactly what I did that finally worked to get everything transferred and showing up right.  I tried it so many times that when I finally got into the back end on the new site, I had duplicates of a bunch of files, so I spent hours last night going through everything and deleting the duplicates.  I also had to re-input all the settings for my layout by hand because that wouldn't transfer.  If I'd known it was going to be that much of a headache, I might have just bit the bullet and paid the price like I have the last few times I've had to renew.  Hopefully I can stay with this new host for awhile so I don't have to do this again for a long time LOL.

I'm surprised AC is still around, too!  That means Ash is still paying for the domain and, I assume, some sort of hosting plan.  Even if it was set to autopay, he would have to update his credit card info every few years when it expires.  I'm glad he's still paying to keep it around as an archive, but I wish he would figure out how to fix it and make it functional again.

I may give Oppenheimer another try at some point.  I'm sure it is good once you get into it.  It's certainly an interesting part of history.

I absolutely love how The Boys parallels our social-political climate of the last few years.  It's gotten more and more blatant with each season.  It's funny because it seems like the kind of show some of the MAGA crowd may have enjoyed in the beginning, being violent and gory - I wonder if any of them stuck with it long enough to see the parallels and realized they were on the side of the villains.  But I bet most of them quit because it was too "woke."

I have to be doing something mindless while I'm listening to a podcast.  Usually that is falling asleep LOL, but like I said, mowing the lawn or walking works, too.  I mostly listen to true crime podcasts, but occasionally I branch out into history or other stuff.  I actually found a fanfic one the other day that is pretty good so far!  It's called The Fanfic Writers' Craft, and it's two female fanfic writers talking about... well, their craft LOL.  I'm only on episode two, which is about plotting, but so far I'm enjoying it more than I thought I would.  I often feel like the stuff I write doesn't really fit in with the discussions I see on other fanfic platforms that revolve around ships and smut.  But their conversations have been more general so far, and they both write Harry Potter fic, among other fandoms, so when they give specific examples from their own writing, I at least know the characters they're talking about.  I would never be able to just sit and actively listen to it without doing something else, though.  I want to watch the podcast/interview Angel did with Taylor Lautner and his wife (who is also Taylor Lautner LOL), but I will probably have to put it on the TV or watch it in spurts while I walk on the treadmill because it is really long, and I don't have the attention span to sit and watch the computer or my phone for that long LOL.

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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #115 on: June 27, 2024, 03:12:37 PM »

I never caught a stomach bug from any of the BSB cruises I went on.  Nick Plague, maybe, but that manifests as more of a cold than stomach issues.  At the risk of giving TMI, I did have diarrhea for several days after returning from Mexico, which I'm sure was from the buffets, since I didn't drink the water down there.  The buffets there were kind of gross; we watched birds swoop in and steal food right from the buffet.  Between that and having food sitting out in 85-degree heat, I'm sure they were full of germs.  I don't remember the food from the cruise buffets being very good, but the dinners we had inside the actual restaurants/dining rooms were much better!  I would stick to places where you can sit down and order something as much as you can.

Do you have an accessible cabin?  You are definitely not the first person with mobility issues to go on a cruise, so hopefully it will be fairly easy for you to get around.  I follow a couple of YouTubers who are full-time wheelchair-users, and they have gone on cruises and seemed to have a great time... but you never know what goes on behind the scenes that doesn't get filmed.  Have you looked at reviews or anything online as far as accessibility goes for this cruise line/ship?  You'll have to let us know how it goes.  I'm excited for you and hopeful that everything will be fine, but I totally get the anxiety of trying something new and not knowing what to expect.  I tend to overthink everything and imagine the worst-case scenarios, but it almost always turns out way better and easier than that.

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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #116 on: June 28, 2024, 09:19:13 AM »

People always make things sound easier than they actually are. How annoying! I'm glad you finally got it to work though. I can't even imagine what a pain in the ass putting everything in manually must have been. I hate doing even the simple HTML to put my chapters up on AO3, let alone the complex stuff you had to do! Hopefully it'll all be worth it and you'll stay where you are for a very long time! At least until your 35th anniversary!

Sometimes I think he just forgot about AC totally, but like you said, I'm also sure he's paying so I think he understands how many people have their stuff archived on there. I'm not sure if he'll ever feel inclined to make it more than an archived site though. It seems like a lot of work to get it up and functioning again only to have a very few people posting. By now, everyone has moved on or even stopped totally. It would be nice if this place did function as a mini AO3 though. Some fandoms but not the crazy amount on that site. If I knew how to do stuff like that and had the means and totally felt I would be able to devote my time into it, it would be something I'd take interest in, but that's the thing. I'm not sure I am that motivated anymore.

As far as the Boys. I think up until this latest season, many of the people that watched the show that are the same people he is mocking, haven't quite realized it. There is NO way to not get it now though and from some interviews I've seen, some of those people are mad.

How ballsy of those people to start a fanfic podcast! I love talking about fanfic and writing etc... but there would be no way I'd ever consider that! Although, it does seem that fanfic doesn't have the cringe worthy reputation it used to have. I guess thanks to 50 shades of Grey and some others, it's become more mainstreamed. I still won't be telling anyone I write it, who doesn't already know.

Sorry to hear you got sick after your Mexico trip. Yeah, those buffets man. I have such mixed feelings about them. On the one hand I LOVE them! But so many people, so many germs. Those other restaurants all cost money. The cheapest is Johnny Rockets. Most of the other restaurants are at least $50 and up per person. We are definitely going to be dining in some of those and the main dining hall, but there's no way to avoid many trips to the buffet. Especially for a 9 day cruise.

I have done a lot of research on that ship to the point, I think I'll be able to navigate it from day one. I know people do use scooters on there, just not sure how easy it'll be to drive one into a dining room or a restaurant etc.. I'll probably have to park it and depend on my walker. I haven't seen a single video of handicap people on a cruise, but I've also been looking specifically for my boat because it does change from ship to ship. Liberty of the Seas is one of the older ships on the Carnival line, so it doesn't have a lot of the amenities that the larger and newer ships have. I also tend to overthink and catastrophize everything before it happens. I wouldn't be me if I didn't do that! LOL
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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #117 on: June 28, 2024, 06:15:14 PM »

I probably made it sound worse than it really was when I said I had to put everything in manually. I didn't have to do much HTML coding other than editing one file to reflect the new server information. It was more going into the settings for the Wordpress theme I had customized (my layout) and manually changing each one (images, colors, fonts, sizes, etc.) back to how I wanted it because none of that transferred.  But today I transferred all the little subdomain sites I have for my collaborated stories (Code Blue, 00Carter, Song for the Undead), and the theme settings for those seemed to transfer over fine!  So that saved me some time, but I don't know why those worked and the main site didn't.  Oh well.  Making progress!

Yes, I agree, it probably would be more work than it's worth to get AC functional again.  Most people have moved on.  I do miss having our own little version of AO3 for BSB fics and the other fandoms people here write.  That's just another reason why it's important to me to keep my site going, so I have somewhere else besides AO3 to post my stories as a backup.  Hopefully Ash will give us some warning when/if he inevitably decides to let the domain expire.  I think I saved copies of all the stories I wanted to save and my reviews a few years ago when we thought the site was going down for good.  That's all I really care about.

I believe AO3's code is open source, meaning anyone could rightfully use it to create their own similar archive, but that still requires paying for a place to put it and having enough skills to be able to run it and troubleshoot when something goes wrong.  I wouldn't know what I was doing with that kind of a site either.  But, like you said, I'm sure anyone could learn with enough motivation.  That's how I learned how to make my site, first on Microsoft Word LOL and then on Wordpress.  I taught myself through trial and error and a lot of googling LOL.

Yes, this season of The Boys makes it very obvious who they're mocking LOL.  I'm on Episode 2, where they go to the Truth Con.  Spot on portrayal of the right-wing conspiracy theorists!

LOL I would never record my voice talking about fanfic on a podcast either.  These two go by their AO3 usernames and never say their real names, which helps to make them more anonymous, but I would still be afraid someone would recognize my voice.  You're right, though, fanfic does seem to be more mainstream these days.  I don't think it's as taboo with Gen Z as it seemed for older generations.  I'm with you, though; I will still never tell anyone in real life that I write it, unless they already know.

That sucks that the restaurants on the cruise cost extra money.  Now that you say that, though, I don't remember eating at any real restaurants on the BSB cruises; it was either the dining room for dinner or the buffets.  The dining room food was good, though, so definitely do that when you can.  I can't speak to specifics because it's been so long and I didn't have accessibility in mind when I went, but all of the BSB cruises were through Carnival, and I know there were people in wheelchairs and probably scooters on them.  We were never on Liberty of the Seas, but I think Imagination, the ship we were on for at least 2 out of the 3 I went on, was also one of the older ships, so it probably had similar features.

Here is a disabled cruising video from two of my fav YouTubers, Cole and Charisma: https://youtu.be/fWLnqFkPZFs?si=csfEroE_5W0nInPj  I'm not sure what cruise line this was, so I'm not sure if it will be helpful at all or not.  If you search their channel for the word "cruise," they have another video where they did a Disney cruise.

Hopefully all goes well, but at least you'll have your sister around to help if it doesn't.  The staff on these cruise ships are usually friendly and helpful, too.  I'm sure they will try to accommodate you however they can and make sure you have a great time!

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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #118 on: June 29, 2024, 09:24:53 AM »

Oh, that's much better than having to HTML everything. Still a major pain in the butt though!

I do miss our little community as well. It was a special time back in the early 2000's when we had AC this MB as well as LD to chat about all thing's fanfic and fandom. It makes me wonder if every other fandom had the same thing, or if we were kind of just special. I'd like to think it was just us. I do hope Ash will give us a warning before the site officially goes away. I saved all the stories I cared about on AO3 but I didn't save reviews. I still haven't gone on there to see if i can access them the way you told me about yet.

Episode two had me cracking up! That's when I could see the lightbulbs going off on some of the knuckleheads. The conspiracy theorist was great! I don't know if you got to episode three yet with the whole cult in the basement of the pizza shop. LOL

Thank you for that link. Even if it's not the same ship, at least maybe I'll pick up some tips. I plan on possibly making a video about the accessibility on my cruise. I know I say that now, but we'll see.

Yeah, there's a list of places that are free, like the buffets and a pizza shop and the main dining hall but everything else you have to pay. It's a flat rate and I think you can order as much as you want, but drinks aren't included unless you have a package, which we will probably be getting. At least the soft drink one. We're not sure if we're going to do the one that is a little more expensive but includes coffee because I can't live without at least one cup of coffee every morning. I am thankful I'll have my sister with me. I think sadly, I've moved passed being able to do things like travel independently anymore. I haven't driven in over a year, but I still haven't had the emotional strength to get rid of my car. I'm sure that'll change when I need the money, but for now I'm still paying monthly insurance and registration etc... just in case I miraculously will be able to drive again someday.  :crazy:

Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #119 on: June 29, 2024, 06:12:24 PM »

Good news!  I changed the settings on my domain to point to the new server last night, and that went fine and actually worked much faster than the 24-48 hours they said it could take.  So the site is officially up and running on its new server, and so far so good!  I'm gonna update and post a new chapter in a little bit.

I miss that time period, too!  I guess it was inevitable that people would move on as we got older and discovered other interests and other social media platforms, but forums like this just lend themselves better to the kind of discussions we had/have better than social media.

Reviews are definitely still accessible if you log in to AC.  I'm glad I saved mine.  I lost years worth of feedback emails from my early days writing when I let my old Hotmail and Yahoo email addresses go inactive, and I regret that.  It's not like I would go back and read them often, but it's nice to have the option when I get nostalgic and revisit old stories.

I'm on Episode 3 now and just got to that part where the guy bursts in demanding to see where they're keeping the kids LOL.  I haven't finished it yet, though.

You should make a video if you feel comfortable doing it!  I'm sure it would be helpful to others who have the same questions and uncertainties you do.

I can't remember if I bought the beverage package on any of the cruises or not, but it seems like a good idea for the coffee and soda, especially if you're not going to drink a lot of alcohol.  It would get boring drinking just water or juice otherwise.

Totally understandable that it would be hard for you to let go of your car and the idea of driving again.  I'm far from an expert on MS, but can't it go into remission, where the symptoms get better?  I would probably hang on to the hope of that happening, too.  In the meantime, have you looked into hand controls or anything like that?  I'm not sure what that costs and how much practice it takes to relearn to drive that way, but it may be an option.

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling
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