Julie, that sucks about your car. Cars are the worst! I'm Glad you managed to get it over to the side and that it didn't just stall while you were driving on the highway! It sounds like it might be an electric issue. The way they make these cars, if a wire loosens on the inside everything comes apart. Although that also sounds like either the alternator or even worse the transmission. How it could be the transmission is beyond me if your car is so new it's still under warranty. That's what my car did when the transmission blew though. Either way, I'm glad it is under warranty, and it won't end up costing you anything. That is stressful! The last thing you'd want to deal with going to or coming home from a long day of work!
And Steph, oh my goodness. Tim's car caught on fire? Jeez Louise! I had a Ford and it lasted me for a very long time but that's also the car that the transmission ended up blowing. lol
I'm so sorry your mom's condition has been accelerating and she's having a hard time dealing with the new medications. Like you said, hopefully when she builds up a tolerance it won't be quite so bad, and the full effects will be noticeable. I'm glad you got a chance to have some fun this weekend going to your concert!
It's okay for the depressing news. Always feel free to share. Here it's a bucket of crazy and sadness too. Now that Kieran's award season is over, I'm not sure what I'm going to do. He has been a great distraction from what's going on here. Hopefully he'll be one of those guys that always comes out the stage door to sign and talk to the fans, so I'll still have content, but honestly, I'm not entirely sure he's going to be doing that. He will most certainly need an entire room in his house to hold all those awards! And hey, if he gets nominated and wins a Tony that would bring the total up to 40, but that's some big expectations considering all the huge names on Broadway this spring.
Speaking of Broadway, I still don't know what to do about that. The one good thing that I forgot about, is the extra money from my car I'll have. I'm not buying a new car so maybe it wouldn't make me feel so bad if I spent a little of that money on a NYC trip for two. Still thinking about it. March is almost all sold out, but if I did it, it wouldn't be until the end of the run in June most likely.
Now that I'm moving on from Jeese Eisenberg, who I've grown quite fond of, and into Bob Odenkirk and Bill Burr territory, encountering some of those fans has been quite interesting. The Bob fans in particular. Anytime I'm posting info I have on Bob, one of his fans always comes on my page and asks me a ton of questions about him and what he's up to and up until now I have thought nothing of it. But a fellow Kieran fan told me to go to her page. So, I go to her page and in her bio it literally says - please don't follow me if you are a Succession fan. I hate Kieran Culkin! lmao because now we are dealing with all the people who are angry that Kieran beat Bob at the Emmy Awards! It will never end. I thought I was finally going to be done with the jealous fans now that the Jeremy Strong Oscar competition is over, but no. A whole new bunch of jealous stans await.
The funniest part about that whole thing, is how genuinely uncompetitive and sincere, Kieran is. It's like throwing stones at a puppy. He's got a snarky sense of humor but he's just this tiny, sweet little guy. I mean he spent part of his Oscar speech praising Jeremy lol
I have really wanted to write a real person fic about him like no one's business, but the thing is, none of these people who love him, like real person fiction. The way I am dying to write one about him and his brother, especially after Mack's interview saying he cried when his brother won. I can't even! But for now, I'll just keep the story in my head.
How's the writing going for you?