The ball is very slowly starting to roll on this, and there are some decisions to make. I'm going to post the first decision here because I don't think it's actually mine to make. I really won't have the time to commit to be the "owner" of the collection if we choose to go that route. So, I'd give first option to Mare if she wants to step in as an owner, but would also open up the idea to any others of you guys who are still here who might be interested in moderating or owning the collection. If there isn't a desire to reopen the collection for new works and/or no one wants to take on the moderating, we can give ownership of the collection to OpenDoors and they deal with all of the creator requests, etc.
Moderating the Collection
Do you want to continue to own (i.e. be in charge of) the AO3 collection after the import? (This would ensure that you would have the authority to delete, transfer, or anonymize works upon creator request. It would also mean that the archivist email we will set up, to which most users send their queries about claiming or deleting their works, would forward to your email address after the import.)
If so, would you like the AO3 collection to be open or closed to new works? (Please note that the collection needs to be closed if Open Doors is the collection owner.)
If open, do you want the collection to be moderated (i.e. new submissions must be approved)? If so, would you be the moderator, or would you find someone else?
If you want to own and/or moderate the AO3 collection, what is the name of the AO3 account from which you would like to do so?
If you don’t already have or intend to create your own AO3 account, you’ll be able to own and/or moderate the collection from the archivist account that we will create for you.
If you want to own the AO3 collection, are you comfortable with Open Doors making changes to the collection (e.g., transferring or deleting works) if creators contact us directly with requests, or would you like Open Doors to forward all creator requests we receive to you?
If Open Doors owns the collection, we will take care of all creator requests by default; the above question only applies if you want to be the collection owner.