Well said, it's hard everyone starts with the cliched stuff cuz honestly it's the EASIEST to think of. It's usually one of the first ideas that comes to mind. Therefore it's not bad to write it at all, they wouldn't be cliched if they didn't have a popular following. But after you've written it go back and be very objective with yourself and say "will someone I don't even know understand what I'm trying to do here?" If that answer is no, then I suggest a re-write, if that answer is yes (first check with your beta reader if you have one) then be like ok it has potential.
Another thing with beta reading although I must admit both stories I beta for I LOVE. It's not always a good idea to have someone who is a huge fan of your story to be your beta. I feel though it's my duty to the authors whom I beta to be objective, (but overall nice about it LOL) and give them my honest opinion about where they're going with their writing. And personally I like knowing that one of my most trusted beta's (Mel!) really wasn't a "fan" of my work like say my friend Anita from Denmark or Crystal here at home are. Though I adore both Anita and Crys, I know that no matter what I do to my story (aside from killing off all five boys LMAO) that they'll love it simply because they like the story. With Mel it's more like okay Teri is this crucial to your plot? If not axe it. And I love that about her being my beta because usually I have this feeling that the scene or idea isn't really going to go anywhere so I'll bounce it off her to see if it may have potential and if she's like "well do you think it will important later in the story?" and I can't come up with a solid answer, I know it wasn't a good idea in the first place.