Name:It's Amy but everyone's called me Moppy since I was 12 lol
What time is it: 12.47am
THE FRUITS OF YOUR LABOR( things you can't live without)
Something important on your desk:uh computer (well duh lol) smokes, mobile...ohh all my cd's with bsb stuff copied on them
When you sleep you wear:tshirt and undies
If you could afford it at the moment, you would buy: prolly a car but then I'd have to get my license...oh man...
Something you don't have a lot of: money and sex... no wait that would be not getting enough of lol
If your house was burning and you could only save 3 items what would they be: only 3?? damn uh of course my son then wallet and my file that holds all my important documents eg birth certificates etc
If there were no side effects, you would enjoy being addicted to: prolly anything that would make me put on weight lol
A time when you purposly hurt someone emotionally: oh...well I know 100% that I've only done it to 1 person. my son's father my ex... we had a fucked up relationship. We'd either fight obsessively or have sex...obsessiv
ely lol
A time you accidentally hurt someone emotionally: :'( my parents when I was younger and went through a kleptomanic phase and prolly my best friend when I dated 2 of her ex's (1 was apprantly same day as she broke up with one and dated the other without telling her and she found out)
One person you have killed in your thoughts:lol ( shouldn't laugh at this) but I can't can't them all on my hands or feet but the main one is my ex son's father
Three traits you look for in a friend - trustworthy, honest, to be there no matter what
Who makes you laugh most often - prolly my son and most of the time it's when I shouldn't laugh at him, poor thing I'm gonna give him a complex
A friend who you can tell anything - Kate
A friend you can got to for advice - Kate
The best piece of advice you had been given: anything that had to do with rasing my son
Two closest friends: kate and Simon ( funny thing is he's the boyfriend I dated the day they broke up

) I'm terrible aren't I...
The friend who uses most of your energy: uh all my friends are in my hometown, have no friends here (sob sob oh woe is so i guess definitely my son
Your 3 best qualities -

caring, trustworthy, funny
Your 3 worst qualities - lazy, zoned out too much and sarcastic (tend to go over board sometimes and piss people off)
Describe your Ideal self - easy... skinnier
A comliment that makes you blush:

I've never gotten a compliment, well there was this one time when my friend's b/f told me I was beautiful but I think he was too stoned and drunk at the time to even know it was me lol
You are embarassed when: I sometimes don't hear things correctly and fill up the gaps with my own words and tend to sound stupid (sometimes it works to my benefit and make my friends laugh)
The greatest physical pain you ever endured: ohh when the bloody doctor was giving me an episiotomy (for those that don't know it when you get snip snip of the skin between your gina and butthole) and he didn't use the right scissors he used the umbilical cord
ice didn't do it right the first time and I didn't get any pain
oody bastard!!!

The greatest emotional pain you ever endured - hmm tough one...prolly when I was in highschool and my close friends (we were a very tight knit group most I knew since we were like 5) spend a malicious rumor about me and it went around all 900 kids at that school and most teachers. I would get hounded and followed by them before school, recess, lunch after school and even during classes which affected my school work and the principal did nothing about it just told me to ignore them. I kept it a secret from my mum for almost 9 months before I cracked an told her and still nothing happened...
Moment you are most ashamed of: breaking into my ex neighbours house and stealing clothes and money (it was during my kleptomanic phase) and when i went through a serious case of post natal depression and ignored my son which has affected him now, has a speech problem (currently working on that now though)
Your best physical feature:

Uhh I guess either my smile (get comments on it more than anything else) or my nose which I was told is a plastic surgeons dream replica (I didn't know what that mean and he said a plastic surgeon would use my nose as a copy for any women wanting plastic surgery on there nose)

go figure?
Who/What makes you happy: BSB, movies, TV, music, my son
Who/what makes you sad: when I feel like I'm fucking up raising my son
Emotion you hide most: anger towards my parents for moving me out of home then leaving the state 2 weeks later and pain about certain things that happened when I was young which should have landed me in therapy or a mental institution
The emotion you tend to experience most: loneliness and anger
The emotion you are feeling most lately: frustration, loneliness, anger, boredom
You have a huge amount of guilt regarding: my son, didn't really know what I was doing in raising him (it's only been me and him since he was 2 months now he's 4) and my depression made it worse.
When you are angry you need: to scream out tell my voice goes and throw things ( I'm never gonna get my bond back lol)
When you are sentimental you need: uh...

*blushes* who put in big words?? is sentimental like when you love something and you go all gooey over it? well then if it is then I don't think I do and if it's not that meaning then *blushes* damn big words!!!
When you are in love you need: never been in love
One of your most peaceful memories: when I was younger and it would be raining and I'd have my windows open and lay on my bed reading my the smell filling my room
One of your most tragic memories: tragic...tragi
c...dammit where's my dictionary? uh prolly when I broke up with my ex (for the final and last time after the biggest fight we ever had) and I told him I never loved him and wished I never met him...
One of your angriest memories: oh god, that would be half my life, was a very angry girl, technically still am just hide it better...
A memory that makes you laugh: old memories with friends when we think back on the times when we were young and stupid (is that a friggin lyric??? bloody hell lol)
a memory that makes you happy: anything to do with my friends
Something someone can say or do that you find extremely attractive:smile or have a great laugh
Something someone can say or do that you find unattractive:lie and manipulate
Two things appealing about people smile and hands
A personality trait you find appealing:funny
Your secret passion:ohh that would be everything I do on the net regarding BSB, forums and fan fics
What you enjoy most about having a committed relationship: err.. I've only had one and it's not something I remember enjoying
DO you have a bf/gf if yes who? no
What do you find sexy about them:
What drives you crazy (in a good way) about this person:
Describe your mate physicaly:
Describle your mate's personality:
You feel most attractive when:
Favorite thing you like to see your mate wear (clothing wise don't say naked)
What would you like your mate to do more of:
If you had more time alone you would: go to the gym
If you had more patience you would: clean my flat more often
If you could change one thing about your physical appearance what would it be: skinner, not like frickin anorexics like *cough*Paris*cough* skinny enough to look great in a bikini

If you had no committments what would you be doing: ahh I'd prolly try work overseas meet new people
If you could have one super power what would it be: ohh read minds
If you could start all over....I'd change a few things but keep most of it the same, like my son I'd still have him. I'd might actually go for my license when I was 16.
All done, wow my heads sore from thinking way too hard and way too that smoke...