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Author Topic: More Than You Want to Know Survey  (Read 5768 times)


  • Villiage Idiot
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More Than You Want to Know Survey
« on: December 18, 2006, 09:36:44 PM »

Heya all! Because I find it hard to come up with things to say about myself in introductions, to get things started I found one of those surveys to use as a template. If you want to use it, too, just copy and paste it into a reply message. Feel free to add or omit questions (or come up with your own introductions. lol.)

What time is it:

THE FRUITS OF YOUR LABOR( things you can't live without)

Something important on your desk:

When you sleep you wear:

If you could afford it at the moment, you would buy:

Something you don't have a lot of:

If your house was burning and you could only save 3 items what would they be:


If there were no side effects, you would enjoy being addicted to:

A time when you purposly hurt someone emotionally:

A time you accidentally hurt someone emotionally:

One person you have killed in your thoughts:


Three traits you look for in a friend

Who makes you laugh most often

A friend who you can tell anything

A friend you can got to for advice

The best piece of advice you had been given:

Two closest friends:

The friend who uses most of your energy:


Your 3 best qualities

Your 3 worst qualities

Describe your Ideal self

A comliment that makes you blush:

You are embarassed when:

The greatest physical pain you ever endured:

The greatest emotional pain you ever endured

Moment you are most ashamed of:

Your best physical feature:

Who/What makes you happy:

Who/what makes you sad:


Emotion you hide most:

The emotion you tend to experience most:

The emotion you are feeling most lately:

You have a huge amount of guilt regarding:

When you are angry you need:

When you are sentimental you need:

When you are in love you need:


One of your most peaceful memories:

One of your most tragic memories:

One of you rangriest memories:

A memory that makes you laugh:

a memory that makes you happy:


Something someone can say or do that you find extremely attractive:

Something someone can say or do that you find unattractive:

Two things appealing about people

A personality trait you find appealing:

Your secret passion:

What you enjoy most about having a committed relationship:


DO you have a bf/gf if yes who?

What do you find sexy about them:

What drives you crazy (in a good way) about this person:

Describe your mate physicaly:

Describle your mate's personality:

You feel most attractive when:

Favorite thing you like to see your mate wear (clothing wise don't say naked)

What would you like your mate to do more of:


If you had more time alone you would:

If you had more patience you would:

If you could change one thing about your physical appearance what would it be:

If you had no committments what would you be doing:

If you could have one super power what would it be:

If you could start all over....
« Last Edit: December 18, 2006, 10:37:12 PM by Chaos »


  • Villiage Idiot
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More than you want to know about Chaos
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2006, 10:16:21 PM »

Name: Ash (aka Chaos)
What time is it: It's just after 9:30pm

THE FRUITS OF YOUR LABOR( things you can't live without)

Something important on your desk: Picture of my family--my life partner, 2 nephews, 1 niece, 5 cats, 2 sisters, and my next door neighbor. All wearing either Santa hats or Reindeer antlers. (Well okay, so 4 of the 5 cats did not have the hats, but hey...)

When you sleep you wear: boxers

If you could afford it at the moment, you would buy: A bigger house.

Something you don't have a lot of: Time! Argh! Too many projects, not enough time. I miss being an insomniac--I got *so* much more accomplished. Okay so I was also really unhealthy but hey...

If your house was burning and you could only save 3 items what would they be: Assuming my family and pets are already outside...my journals, my laptop, and my wallet (having survived a fire that burned down my apartment building, I learned the hard way to make sure that the wallet was accounted for...*cough*)


If there were no side effects, you would enjoy being addicted to: Don't know...adrenal ine maybe.

A time when you purposly hurt someone emotionally: I honestly can't think of a time I've done it purposely. I tend to be very...empathi c toward people, so I just don't purposely do that sort of thing (to a fault at times--I was even way too nice to a girl who was literally stalking me for over a year...*shakes head*)

A time you accidentally hurt someone emotionally: I'm sure I've done it, but I can't think of anything off the top of my head. I know I tend to not be serious a lot of the time and I think that's probably hurt some people now and then who didn't realize I was totally joking about something.

One person you have killed in your thoughts: A person who hurt me very badly when I was young.


Three traits you look for in a friend: Honesty, humor, and patience (to put up with me)

Who makes you laugh most often: Hands down, Blitzen

A friend who you can tell anything: Again that would probably be Blitzen, though would also include Amanda and Kimela

A friend you can got to for advice: Kimela

The best piece of advice you had been given: To stop living in the past. I can't change things that happened, but I can learn from them and move on.

Two closest friends: Blitzen and Kimela

The friend who uses most of your energy: My nephew Brian. He's totally hyperactive and I'm pretty sure he's exactly who people meant when they said "Someday I hope you grow up to have a kid who's just like you."


Your 3 best qualities: Creative, Empathic, and Friendly

Your 3 worst qualities: Self-destructive, Low-Esteem, Extremely shy by nature.

Describe your Ideal self: I would like to be remembered for being kind, for being a loving friend, for being a good dad to my adopted kids. I want people to think of me as honest, and fun. And I want to make a positive difference in as many lives as I can.

A compliment that makes you blush: When I was in a show a couple years ago, the reviewer actually wrote that I was "Sinfully Sexy" which was incredibly embarassing and I *still* get teased mercilessly by friends--and still blush horribly.

You are embarassed when: people compliment me. I don't know why, it's flattering, but also embarassing.

The greatest physical pain you ever endured: I was beat up by 4 guys (against just me) and ended up in the hospital for several weeks...

The greatest emotional pain you ever endured: Conversation ender question, so will only say that it involved my father.

Moment you are most ashamed of: I hit a very bad low a few years ago and did some very very self destructive things.

Your best physical feature: I really don't know. I've been told my hair is good, but it's really unruly. I'd have to go with my hands. LOL

Who/What makes you happy: Feeling loved. My Blitzen and my 3 (adopted) kids.

Who/what makes you sad: Thinking about my past.


Emotion you hide most: I have two that I hide constantly (though both tend to come out in my writing): Fear and Depression

The emotion you tend to experience most: Doubt

The emotion you are feeling most lately: Doubt

You have a huge amount of guilt regarding: Not being able to forgive some people.

When you are angry you need: to vent, to run or otherwise exercise, or to write (which usually is venting anyway)

When you are sentimental you need: To hug

When you are in love you need: reassurance


One of your most peaceful memories: watching a sunrise from the middle of a lake on a small boat with just me and mine.

One of your most tragic memories: The fire that wiped out my apartment. I lost almost everything I owned and was unable to save my cat that I'd had since I was 3 years old.

One of your angriest memories: A fight in which someone I trusted defended the person who they *knew* had hurt me very badly, and blamed me for what had happened.

A memory that makes you laugh: I almost got arrested for playing whiffleball (long but amusing story...)

a memory that makes you happy: My first kiss with my life partner


Something someone can say or do that you find extremely attractive: Laugh

Something someone can say or do that you find unattractive: Excessive cussing.

Two things appealing about people: Humor and Grace

A personality trait you find appealing: Honesty

Your secret passion: I don't know that I have a secret one. LOL. Writing, loving, living.

What you enjoy most about having a committed relationship: Comfort


DO you have a bf/gf if yes who? Yes. Blitzen

What do you find sexy about them: Humor

What drives you crazy (in a good way) about this person: Can't stay mad cuz acts like such a kid sometimes. (Okay, so the same thing could definitely be said about me...)


If you had more time alone you would: go crazy

If you had more patience you would: really don't know, I consider myself to be a very patient person...excep t in traffic. I would get less frustrated in stop-go-traffic.

If you could change one thing about your physical appearance what would it be: I'd be taller.

If you had no committments what would you be doing: Writing

If you could have one super power what would it be: I would want the ability to affect people's moods. lol.

If you could start all over....I'd do pretty much the same things. While there are a lot of experiences I wish I hadn't had, and there are a lot of things in my life that I am ashamed of and embarassed by, but...all in all I like who I've become and all these things have made me who I am. I would say I'd save my sister from the mess her life has become, but the selfish part of me reminds myself that I wouldn't have my kids, who totally mean the world to me.


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Re: More Than You Want to Know Survey
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2006, 05:07:43 AM »

Name: Deanna
What time is it: 3:20 AM (now it's 3:59 AM)

THE FRUITS OF YOUR LABOR( things you can't live without)

Something important on your desk: My single insert autograped by AJ and Nick, my laptop, my jewelry box, my printer, a stuffed penguin, and a photo of my best friend and I dressing up in old west clothes (you know the kind at theme parks). There's also a lamp.....

When you sleep you wear: A tank top (either black or white-it alternates every other week), green pajamas pants with Snoopy and Woodstock on them, and light blue penguin socks with snowflake accents.

If you could afford it at the moment, you would buy: My college tutition.

Something you don't have a lot of: *thinks* Time and sleep.

If your house was burning and you could only save 3 items what would they be: Three items means all the people are outside, right? Ummm.... My photos of my best friend, my autograph, my laptop.


If there were no side effects, you would enjoy being addicted to: Happiness.

A time when you purposly hurt someone emotionally: I don't think I ever hurt someone on purpose...

A time you accidentally hurt someone emotionally: This year, I reacted poorly to my best friend due to lack of sleep and we got in a horrendous fight. It was not pretty, but everything is okay now.

One person you have killed in your thoughts: My ex-best friend before the one I have now. She hurt me a lot. Or possibly Paris Hilton.  ;)


Three traits you look for in a friend: ~kind
~having some trait I admire and don't have

Who makes you laugh most often: My best friend, Kevin

A friend who you can tell anything: My best friend, Kevin

A friend you can go to for advice: My best friend, Kevin

The best piece of advice you had been given: "When bad things happen, you can look bad, you just have to keep going forward, no matter how much you want to run back and be in the saftey of their arms again."

Two closest friends: Kevin and.... Gosh... I'd still say Sarah, but... she doesn't talk to me anymore.  :'(

The friend who uses most of your energy: Again, my best friend, Kevin... Such a busy body...  ::)


Your 3 best qualities: Ummmmm....
~I know how to have fun. :D
~I'm nice
~I listen

Your 3 worst qualities:
~I talk to much
~I'm sort of stupid  :-\
~I procrastinate a lot

Describe your Ideal self: Someone who has the strength and courage to pick up the pieces of my past and move on with all the lessons I learned through my mistakes and shortcomings.

A comliment that makes you blush: When people say I'm pretty.  :-[

You are embarassed when: I do stupid things and don't realize it and no one tells me until later or I do really petty stupid things, like that time I dropped a plate in the dining hall.  :-[

The greatest physical pain you ever endured: When I broke my finger in gym class Sophomore year while playing basketball.

The greatest emotional pain you ever endured: Either losing my best friend this past year for a few months or losing one of my friends to suicide in middle school.

Moment you are most ashamed of: There's plenty. I really can't pinpoint one. Probably all of middle school and how I exhuded drama. Yay....  ::)

Your best physical feature: Mmmmm.... I don't know. Everyone compliments my eyes... Or my figure... Thanks...  ::)

Who/What makes you happy: Who makes me happy? My best friend, Kevin, makes me happy. All my friends make me happy, really. What makes me happy? Sleep. Sleep and getting to write my stories. That's a dream of mine, to have free time. *sigh*  ;)

Who/what makes you sad: My past makes me sad.


Emotion you hide most: Anger.

The emotion you tend to experience most: Happiness or sadness... Sometimes loneliness...

The emotion you are feeling most lately: Stress.

You have a huge amount of guilt regarding: Recently, getting sick and missing a lot of school. Generally, hurting all my wonderful friends... Particuatly my best friend. I know, I'm such a horrendous person.

When you are angry you need: To sit in my room and play the Backstreet Boys. Everyone ought to leave me alone. After that, I want Kevin so I can VENT darnit!

When you are sentimental you need: Kevin, because it's usually about our memories.

When you are in love you need: Kevin to gush to. Or my current boy toy to hang off of... Ah.... Love....  ::)


One of your most peaceful memories: Hmmmm.... The time on the swingset after Junior year Homecoming game. To know I'm liked for just me, as I am.  :)

One of your most tragic memories: Either my parent's divorce or losing my friend to suicide in middle school.

One of your angriest memories: Coming to terms with how badly my ex-best friend really treated me.

A memory that makes you laugh: The time Kevin had decorated his Homecoming shirt so pretty and I knocked it on the concrete on accident while it was still drying and it left a hue glob of gold glitter on our square. It's still there, and that's funny. :D

a memory that makes you happy: Most of my recent ones. Probably getting back my best friend. That was the happiest moment in the world.


Something someone can say or do that you find extremely attractive: Smile.

Something someone can say or do that you find unattractive: Swear, smoke pot, or take me to underground parties where everyone is high on ecstacy.

Two things appealing about people: ~Kindness
~Their comfort with themselves

A personality trait you find appealing: Anything I don't have really. I'm such a moocher.  :-[

Your secret passion: *thinks* Do I have a secret one? Writing and drawing. *shrugs*

What you enjoy most about having a committed relationship: *thinks* I don't know.... Someone to just hold you tight.


DO you have a bf/gf if yes who? No... Not right now. I'm a play girl for the time being.  ;) My last one was Kevin. Yes... let's all laugh. And considering we have this awful relationship where we're friends and then we're hooking up again, I'll just talk about him... (and Mr. Hot Invisible Man.  ;))

What do you find sexy about them: My invisible boyfriend is the hottest man EVER! What I found sexy about Kevin was that he was stable, and yet not at the same time. That sounds weird... :-[

What drives you crazy (in a good way) about this person: My invisible boyfriend... Uhh... That he's invisible...  ::) About Kevin.... He's a cutie. Teehee.

Describe your mate physicaly: Invisible! Kevin... Blonde hair, blue eyes, 5'7", sinewy. *nods*

Describle your mate's personality: Very mysterious....  :D Kevin... Flip floppy. He's outwardly strong, cool, and cofident, but has hidden insecurities that only a few people know about. And I know the most. Yay.

You feel most attractive when: When I do? *thinks* I guess when I'm with people I'm comfortable with and they make me feel that way... Oh, that made no sense.  :-[

Favorite thing you like to see your mate wear (clothing wise don't say naked): Well, he's invisible so.... Kidding... Kevin, polo shirts and jeans. I dunno why, he's just good looking in them. *nods*

What would you like your mate to do more of: Be not invisible. :( Kevin, be more honest about certain things. Some friends are telling me he's keeping some things from me that he ought to be saying.... Which could start our crazy cycle all over again, so I don't know if it's necessarily a good thing for him to come out and say them...  ???


If you had more time alone you would: Take a nap and write!

If you had more patience you would: Be a better person.

If you could change one thing about your physical appearance what would it be: Pretty skin without make up.

If you had no committments what would you be doing: Taking a nap and writing.

If you could have one super power what would it be: *thinks* To control water. That would be cool. *nod*

If you could start all over.... I can't. But if I could. I would be stronger from the beginning and every time my heart shattered, I would rebuild it with my own hands so that I did everything right, instead of handing it off to the next man who could fix it up easy.

That was fun! :D Thanks Ash. (And I finally learned your name, hooray!) Thanks for the wonderful website. :)

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: More Than You Want to Know Survey
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2006, 12:53:40 PM »

Name: Nijntje (at least that's the name I use on message boards)

What time is it: 19.24 pm


Something important on your desk: In my room I don't have a desk and the one the computer is on, is one for the whole family. So on here, nothing that important.. except for the computer  ;D

When you sleep you wear: T-shirt and sweatpants

If you could afford it at the moment, you would buy: a new Ipod with 30GB memory

Something you don't have a lot of: money.. time.. and sleep!!

If your house was burning and you could only save 3 items what would they be: my BSB-cd-collection, a picture of my ex-boyfriend and myself, jewelry


If there were no side effects, you would enjoy being addicted to: shopping!

A time when you purposly hurt someone emotionally: right after my (now ex-)boyfriend broke up with me

A time you accidentally hurt someone emotionally: My mom when she had just put our cat to sleep. I was upset, but didn't know how to show it and said some mean things (I was 12 and still feel guilty).

One person you have killed in your thoughts: my father.


Three traits you look for in a friend: honesty, empathy and knowing I can trust them

Who makes you laugh most often: my mom

A friend who you can tell anything: Ingrid, who I've known since we were 7..

A friend you can got to for advice: Ingrid, Marijana, Fleur, Alouette

The best piece of advice you had been given: Talk to him one last time, so you can let go and move on.. (I didn't listen to that advice when I had the chance to actually go talk to him, and still feel guilty).

Two closest friends: Ingrid and Alouette

The friend who uses most of your energy: Alouette and Nathalie.. mostly when it's the three of us  :D


Your 3 best qualities: empathic, willing to help everyone to a certain limit and I think I'm not a bad writer  ;)

Your 3 worst qualities: Being impatient, sometimes not willing to compromize, not enough willpower to accomplish certain things..

Describe your Ideal self: Someone who has willpower, has empathy, makes other people laugh and can make a small difference in this world..

A comliment that makes you blush: One that a friend of mine gave me: "You have a soothing voice when you sing.. If you'd have vocal training, I think you'd be even better at singing.."

You are embarassed when: I fall off the stairs in the train station.. (did that twice in one week :o :-[)

The greatest physical pain you ever endured: When fell and landed on my already sprained ankle..  :o

The greatest emotional pain you ever endured: When my boyfriend of 3.5 years broke up with me three days after he told me he had seen the cutest house for us to go live together..

Moment you are most ashamed of: not sure..

Your best physical feature: my hair!

Who/What makes you happy: Music and my friends

Who/what makes you sad: Music, seeing how my grandparents are growing old and not able to do certain things..


Emotion you hide most: Sadness

The emotion you tend to experience most: Happiness

The emotion you are feeling most lately: Stress!!!

You have a huge amount of guilt regarding: I lied to my (now ex-)boyfriend about huge events.. (and he still doesn't know..)

When you are angry you need: to vent, either through writing, singing or talking to friends

When you are sentimental you need:  to vent, either through writing, singing or talking to friends

When you are in love you need:  to talk about him and only him, write poems and songs, sing and drive my friends crazy talking about him


One of your most peaceful memories: My ex-boyfriend and me walking on the beach, with no one in sight, just us and the ocean. No words were spoken..

One of your most tragic memories: When my ex-boyfriend broke up with me, we told his parents and his mom being completely upset and hysterical.. And then the morning after (I couldn't go home in the middle of the night) he sat on his bed, holding my hand and said "I will see you again, right?", while crying his eyes out..

One of you angriest memories: Can't recall one right now

A memory that makes you laugh: So many.. When my collagues/friends and me were so tired that EVERYTHING was funny.. or when one of them said to me "I can't hardly understand what the guy is saying.. he's mumbling.." And then I told her he was speaking Latin (which we both don't speak) not Dutch (we both are Dutch)!!!

a memory that makes you happy: When my grandfather told me he was so proud of me when I got my Bachelor-degree in Psychology..


Something someone can say or do that you find extremely attractive: Protecting me from cold, rain or angry people..

Something someone can say or do that you find unattractive: Burp!

Two things appealing about people: their eyes and hands

A personality trait you find appealing: Honesty and not being afraid to say what's troubling you.

Your secret passion: Writing and singing.

What you enjoy most about having a committed relationship: knowing you're not alone in this world.. I know I have family, but having a boyfriend is different.


DO you have a bf/gf if yes who? No..

What do you find sexy about them: -

What drives you crazy (in a good way) about this person: -

Describe your mate physicaly: -

Describle your mate's personality:

You feel most attractive when:

Favorite thing you like to see your mate wear (clothing wise don't say naked) -

What would you like your mate to do more of: -


If you had more time alone you would: train my singing

If you had more patience you would: write more

If you could change one thing about your physical appearance what would it be: I'd be thinner

If you had no committments what would you be doing: writing!

If you could have one super power what would it be: Warp-speed so I can do more in less time!

If you could start all over.... I wouldn't lie to my boyfriend and live my own life more instead of being glued to him.. so maybe, just maybe, we'd still be together right now.. (Gosh, how pathetic can you be that you still miss someone so much after not seeing them for 1 year and not being with him for almost 2..)


Do you write stories/songs/poems? If yes, what kind?  I write stories, fanfics, songs AND wrote poems..

How much have you written?   A LOT! Two short stories, 1 completed fanfic, 1 I'm still working on and 1 I co-write with an amazing author! Songs, maybe 3 work-books full, poems about 12 work-books full.

What genre do you like writing about most? Love and drama.. mostly drama!

Why do you write?  To use my creativity, vent and fantasize about life and 'experiencing' things I'll never do in real life.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2006, 12:59:21 PM by Nijntje »
Not every dream is supposed to come true
Some words are best unsaid
Some love is not really love at all
I keep everything I shared with you
And that's enough.. there's us..


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Re: More Than You Want to Know Survey
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2006, 12:59:03 PM »

Name: Jo
What time is it: 1:34 PM

THE FRUITS OF YOUR LABOR( things you can't live without)

Something important on your desk: The picture of my children that my husband took when I was in the hospital having our daughter. My son (Kevin) is snuggled in my lap, kissing his new baby sister (Katie) on the forehead.

When you sleep you wear: Nothing *blushes*

If you could afford it at the moment, you would buy: A new car

Something you don't have a lot of: Time. Money...

If your house was burning and you could only save 3 items what would they be: My children, my cats, and my computer desk with everything on it ;)


If there were no side effects, you would enjoy being addicted to: Smoking.. Wait, I already enjoy that...

A time when you purposly hurt someone emotionally: I never knowingly hurt someone...

A time you accidentally hurt someone emotionally: When I met the Boys for the first time and forgot to ask for autographs for my best friend. It caused a rift, but we're cool now...

One person you have killed in your thoughts: My sister-in-law


Three traits you look for in a friend: Kindness, Sincerity, Sense of Humor

Who makes you laugh most often: Plumsie

A friend who you can tell anything: Plumsie

A friend you can got to for advice: Plumsie

The best piece of advice you had been given: "When it seems as though there is no way out of your problems, close your eyes, open your heart and let the Lord take over.

Two closest friends: Plumsie and Danielle

The friend who uses most of your energy: Er... My son


Your 3 best qualities: I listen, I'm humorous, and I try to find the bright side of everything

Your 3 worst qualities: I procrastinate, I smoke too much, and I'm very lazy

Describe your Ideal self: I want to be remembered as a good mother and wife. Nothing else matters but that, to me.

A comliment that makes you blush: When people tell me I'm a good writer...

You are embarassed when: Someone puts me in the center of attention

The greatest physical pain you ever endured: Recovering from my c-sections

The greatest emotional pain you ever endured: When my husband and I broke up while dating

Moment you are most ashamed of: Jumping on Nick and knocking him down *blushes*

Your best physical feature: Uh... *thinks* My eyes I guess? *shrug*

Who/What makes you happy: My children, writing, being with my Plumsie

Who/what makes you sad: Having one of my children upset or sick, war, prejudice


Emotion you hide most: Depression

The emotion you tend to experience most: Complacency

The emotion you are feeling most lately: Excitement

You have a huge amount of guilt regarding: Something in my past that I don't ever talk about to anyone

When you are angry you need: A cigarette and peace and quiet

When you are sentimental you need: Someone to hug

When you are in love you need: Someont to hug and kiss


One of your most peaceful memories: When the kids started sleeping through the night and I could sleep for six hours straight!

One of your most tragic memories: Losing my grandmother

One of you rangriest memories: Watching a cat be abused

A memory that makes you laugh: One of my cats surprising my husband and I in bed one night

a memory that makes you happy: Any memory involving my children


Something someone can say or do that you find extremely attractive: Laugh

Something someone can say or do that you find unattractive: Forget to shower

Two things appealing about people: Humor and kindness

A personality trait you find appealing: Sincerity

Your secret passion: Writing, not that it's so secret

What you enjoy most about having a committed relationship: Comfort, steadiness


DO you have a bf/gf if yes who? I have a husband. Robert

What do you find sexy about them: His smile

What drives you crazy (in a good way) about this person: The way he gets excited over new toys we get for the kids

Describe your mate physicaly: He's.... Robert, lol

Describle your mate's personality: He tries to be the strong and silent type, but I know that there's a big cuddly teddy bear in there

You feel most attractive when: Robert tells me I'm beautiful

Favorite thing you like to see your mate wear (clothing wise don't say naked): His black jeans and red shirt...

What would you like your mate to do more of: Talk


If you had more time alone you would: Go crazy

If you had more patience you would: Keep a clean house... lol

If you could change one thing about your physical appearance what would it be: Nothing... I'm happy with me the way I am

If you had no committments what would you be doing: Writing and talking to Plumsie

If you could have one super power what would it be: Invisibility

If you could start all over.... I would do the same things again. The mistakes I made were made for a reason and have made me the person I am today, just as the hardships and problems have made me stronger.


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Re: More Than You Want to Know Survey
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2006, 04:00:23 PM »

Aww those were all great!

Thanks for sharing all that with us.  ;D
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: More Than You Want to Know Survey
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2006, 09:52:47 PM »

okay here's mine and I deleted some of the questions because i'm like that lmao  :P

Name: Mare
What time is it: 10:47 p.m.

THE FRUITS OF YOUR LABOR( things you can't live without)

Something important on your desk: my computer lol

When you sleep you wear: my purple jammies

If you could afford it at the moment, you would buy: a house lol

Something you don't have a lot of: money to buy a house

If your house was burning and you could only save 3 items what would they be: what house? lol kidding...as far as grabbing things, as long as my kitties are out and my pictures, everything else can burn I guess. Oh and perhaps my first copy of Mel's Tree. I'd save that too lol


If there were no side effects, you would enjoy being addicted to: the couch

One person you have killed in your thoughts: lmao  sadly, I have killed many people in my thoughts.


Three traits you look for in a friend: someone who is funny, easy to talk to and knows who they are.

Who makes you laugh most often: The people on LiveDaily because they are insane lmao

A friend who you can tell anything: most of them

A friend you can go to for advice: All of them

The best piece of advice you had been given: when you want to scream, smile instead

Two closest friends: Mersey and Maria, I love them to death!

The friend who uses most of your energy: Krissy


Your 3 best qualities: I'm damn funny, smart and somewhat talented. 

Your 3 worst qualities: I think i'm funny, smart and talented.

Describe your Ideal self: honestly I would love to have more self confidence.

A comliment that makes you blush: pretty much any of them do. I do not take them well lol

You are embarassed when: I do stupid things, which is often

The greatest physical pain you ever endured: Lately now with my leg issues

Your best physical feature: my eyes I guess

Who/What makes you happy: children make me happy.

Who/what makes you sad: children's parents and prinicpals lol


Emotion you hide most: now if I told you it wouldn't be hidden would it?

The emotion you tend to experience most: is confusion an emotion? lol

The emotion you are feeling most lately: merry and jolly

You have a huge amount of guilt regarding: cheesecake

When you are angry you need: see above answer

When you are sentimental you need: pictures of the good old days

When you are in love you need: nothing lol


A memory that makes you laugh: getting my arm caught in a revolving door in college lol

a memory that makes you happy: graduating college


Something someone can say or do that you find extremely attractive: make me laugh while making eye contact

Something someone can say or do that you find unattractive: roll their eyes, ick that turns me off!  ::)

Two things appealing about people: personality and smile

A personality trait you find appealing: Great sense of humor

Your secret passion: writing lol although not so secret anymore.


If you had more time alone you would: sleep

If you had more patience you would: I think I have plenty of patience actually lol

If you could change one thing about your physical appearance what would it be: get rid of my hooves

If you had no committments what would you be doing: writing all the time

If you could have one super power what would it be: kill people with my mind? lmao uh...did I just say that? I meant fly lol

If you could start all over.... I probably wouldn't lol
« Last Edit: December 19, 2006, 09:55:57 PM by mare »
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Re: More Than You Want to Know Survey
« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2006, 11:26:13 PM »

lol i love these things...

Name: I usually just go by my nickname, Dragon(at least, on message boards)
What time is it: 11:53 P.M. (almost an hour after I'm supposed to be in bed LOL)

THE FRUITS OF YOUR LABOR( things you can't live without)

Something important on your desk: uhhh... my computer? other than that, paper and a pencil/pen

When you sleep you wear: sweats/pajama pants and a tank top or t-shirt

If you could afford it at the moment, you would buy: a laptop. with internet access.

Something you don't have a lot of: control over my anger/other emotions, control over what i say and when i say it, money, and at times(rare times): patience.

If your house was burning and you could only save 3 items what would they be: My dogs(they count as one thing!!), my computer(granted I could unplug it properly and carry it, and certain small things with sentimental value.


If there were no side effects, you would enjoy being addicted to: um, i dunno, chocolate/junk food? that'd be awesome!

A time when you purposely hurt someone emotionally: uhhh... its been a while since that's happened, thankfully... probably a few months ago while fighting with a girl i used to be friends with who thankfully has been excorcised(did i spell that right?) from my life

A time you accidentally hurt someone emotionally: probably last month or something, i tend to put my foot in my mouth at times.

One person you have killed in your thoughts: LOL only one? i can't name only one...


Three traits you look for in a friend: ~Sense of humor
~Open mindedness/consideration and concern for people around them
~Common interests

Who makes you laugh most often: Jen. HAS to be Jen.

A friend who you can tell anything: ehhh, tie between Jen and Sara.

A friend you can got to for advice: Sara.

The best piece of advice you had been given:"If it's meant to be, it will." and "Trust your instincts."

Two closest friends: Jen and Sara.

The friend who uses most of your energy: lol none of them, as far as I can tell.


Your 3 best qualities: umm...
1)Sense of humor
2)I'm open to just about everything
3)I know a lot of random facts/I'm really good at doing some quick online research

Your 3 worst qualities: lmao again you impose IMPOSSIBLE limits...
1)my obliviousness at times
2)I can be really loud when I'm hyper
3)I'm stubborn.(Not always a bad thing, just usually really annoying in an argument)

Describe your Ideal self: a little bit more patient, less oblivious, and a LOT more adventurous. can't think of much more than that right now.

A comliment that makes you blush: ANY compliment(except underhanded ones LOL)

You are embarassed when: a LOT of things embarrass me. when my parents tell my friends stories that either i forgot about or i really, really wish never happened in the first place.

The greatest physical pain you ever endured: When I sprained my knee during karate class a few years ago. I could barely walk for weeks.

The greatest emotional pain you ever endured: My friends and I went through a rough period where I honestly didn't know if I was still friends with them and literally had no one to talk to.

Moment you are most ashamed of: no comment.

Your best physical feature: my eyes. second to that would be my boobs/my butt LMAO

Who/What makes you happy: my friends, my family(at times...), my fave TV shows and movies... the list goes on and on.

Who/what makes you sad: losing a friend/family member, certain movie endings, sometimes the news makes me sad...


Emotion you hide most: hurt(emotionally)

The emotion you tend to experience most: is "what the f--k??!?" an emotion? if so, that. if not, then i don't know lol.

The emotion you are feeling most lately: that "what the f--k??!?" one i mentioned, hah.

You have a huge amount of guilt regarding: quite a few personal things.

When you are angry you need: a punching bag and a empty house to walk around cursing and swearing in.

When you are sentimental you need: lol i dunno, tissues, ben & jerry's, and someone/something to hug i guess

When you are in love you need: the person i'm in love with! and some privacy with them! lol


One of your most peaceful memories: lol they're so few and far between that i don't know. maybe when i took those reiki classes with my mom?

One of your most tragic memories: when i had to put my dog Daisy to sleep a few years ago...

One of you rangriest memories: one of my what-iest memories?

A memory that makes you laugh: me and jen on the phone for the first time. "Bliiiiiiiiinde d by the liiiight..."

a memory that makes you happy: Jen and Sara and I hanging out at Jen's house the last time I was down there visiting them.


Something someone can say or do that you find extremely attractive: umm, being open minded...

Something someone can say or do that you find unattractive: being judgemental and purely stupid. pure stupidity is my #1 turn-off.

Two things appealing about people: eyes and personality.

A personality trait you find appealing: sense of humor.

Your secret passion: LOL wouldn't be a secret if i told you, now would it?  ;)

What you enjoy most about having a committed relationship: having someone who loves you for you and who's there for you when you need them.


DO you have a bf/gf if yes who? no

What do you find sexy about them: don't have a bf...

What drives you crazy (in a good way) about this person: eyes usually drive me crazy about a guy.

Describe your mate physically: invisible, considering he doesn't exist!

Describle your mate's personality: n/a

You feel most attractive when: the person i'm with tells me they love me and i can tell they truly mean it.

Favorite thing you like to see your mate wear (clothing wise don't say naked): jeans and a t-shirt usually do it, lol maybe with a suit jacket. thats good enough for me...

What would you like your mate to do more of: um, actually existing would be a start... i keep tellin' ya, i'm single, dang it! you just keep rubbing salt in that wound! lmao


If you had more time alone you would: sleep.

If you had more patience you would: lol i dunno, crochet? no, i'd work on a chain from start to finish.

If you could change one thing about your physical appearance what would it be: i'd lose the 20-30 pounds or so i have left to lose.

If you had no committments what would you be doing: sleeping or sitting on the couch watching TV and movies all day.

If you could have one super power what would it be: I dunno, controlling time? reading minds would be nice, too... its a toss up.

If you could start all over... i'd've started this sooner and been asleep by now. lol but seriously, if you could change your past, you'd end up changing who you are because what you've been through helps shape who you are. cliche, i know, but still true.

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Re: More Than You Want to Know Survey
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2006, 11:56:21 PM »

Name: Lore
What time is it: 10:18pm

THE FRUITS OF YOUR LABOR( things you can't live without)

Something important on your desk: On which desk? At work nothing, I just switched jobs. At home there is my picture from Amanda and many stuffed animals... also my ENTIRE computer

When you sleep you wear: a tank top and pants (men's sleep pants are typically more comfortable)

If you could afford it at the moment, you would buy: My husband's 'cuda so that he can fianlly have it out here (his uncle owns it currently)

Something you don't have a lot of: friends to just call up and say "let's go shopping" my friends all live to far away to do that.

If your house was burning and you could only save 3 items what would they be: (assuming hubby and pets are out) My folder with birth certificate and savings bonds in, my purse and my computer tower ( I want my harddrive darnit)


If there were no side effects, you would enjoy being addicted to: Sugar, oh wait already there

A time when you purposly hurt someone emotionally: I told a guy that I couldn't be friends with him anymore because he kept "hoping" to have a relationship as more then friends.

A time you accidentally hurt someone emotionally: I don't know, if I accidentally did it I'm not aware of it I guess.

One person you have killed in your thoughts: A guy I had the biggest crush on for years, dated him for a bit found out he wasn't who I thought.


Three traits you look for in a friend - kind, caring, doesn't anger easily

Who makes you laugh most often- myself, lol kidding ... probably Bibor, Gigesdi and Mautim when we are in a chat room together, the wild times ensue (if you don't know those are the Lipsticks from CYDMR)

A friend who you can tell anything - Amanda (Murasaki)

A friend you can got to for advice - My mother

The best piece of advice you had been given: - Never go to bed angry

Two closest friends: - Amanda and my husband

The friend who uses most of your energy: probably Dusty or Karin


Your 3 best qualities - I'm the most awesome person in the world! ... LOL kidding.
-I'm typically humble (really I am... I just get cocky when I'm in "Purpura" mode)
-I'm responsible
-I stick up for those I care about

Your 3 worst qualities
-I need to listen better
-I anger easily
-I hold grudges

Describe your Ideal self ??

A comliment that makes you blush: I like your hair

You are embarassed when: Dee starts talking about BSB loud and in public :p

The greatest physical pain you ever endured:  my one migrane... no need to describe

The greatest emotional pain you ever endured: The death of my grandmother and grandfather ... my grandmother a little more because I had said some not so kind words about her to someone a week before she died. I still feel horrible about it to this day and I cry EVERYTIME I think about it.

Moment you are most ashamed of: *see above*

Your best physical feature: My hair and eyes I suppose, I get the most compliments on those

Who/What makes you happy: Talking with friends and laughing with them

Who/what makes you sad:  death


Emotion you hide most:   saddness

The emotion you tend to experience most: anger! :-D but really I'm not an angry person

The emotion you are feeling most lately: confusion

You have a huge amount of guilt regarding: *see above about grandmother*

When you are angry you need: to vent ... I'm not usually mad at someone it's usually something.

When you are sentimental you need: to find someone to be sentimental with

When you are in love you need: to be held, told, respected, appreciated and loved back.


One of your most peaceful memories:  Aug. 1998 first BSB concert, I don't know why, but peaceful and happy I suppose

One of your most tragic memories:  having to drive out for my grandpa's funeral on christmas break.

One of you rangriest memories:  ... so many to choose from... *shrugs*

A memory that makes you laugh: How Purple Lisptick came about.

a memory that makes you happy: My wedding day


Something someone can say or do that you find extremely attractive:  I love upper arms and shoulders ... dont' know why, but being kind to others is attractive also.

Something someone can say or do that you find unattractive:  Talk about their nipples on our first date.

Two things appealing about people Eyes and shoulders? (I'm not sure I understand this question)

A personality trait you find appealing: caring for others.

Your secret passion:  The Backstreet Boys are my secret passion outside of the internet

What you enjoy most about having a committed relationship:  Not having to find a person ... not having to be in the dating world.


DO you have a bf/gf if yes who? I have a husband! :-D

What do you find sexy about them:  He's a very big family man, he will make a great daddy one day. he's kind and caring and ... I like his arms.

What drives you crazy (in a good way) about this person:  His love for me and how he shows it (most days)

Describe your mate physicaly: 6'2", brown hair, blue eyes 200+ lbs. He's a big guy. A big cuddly bear (dont' tell him I told you that)..

Describle your mate's personality: kind, caring, always ready to help a friend (sometimes that gets bothersome), knows when it's okay to be immature but knows when he needs to be more mature

You feel most attractive when: he's holding me

Favorite thing you like to see your mate wear (clothing wise don't say naked), I LOVE when he wears his black dress shirt with black pants and a black tie... don't know why, but I LOVE it

What would you like your mate to do more of: the dishes


If you had more time alone you would:  read a lot more

If you had more patience you would: read on the internet a lot more, doll more

If you could change one thing about your physical appearance what would it be: my 2nd chin that I had even when I was a size 2

If you had no committments what would you be doing: anything I wanted of course. ;)

If you could have one super power what would it be:  to clean the house with a snap of my fingers and know where everything has been put

If you could start all over.... I wouldn't
- Purpura -


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Re: More Than You Want to Know Survey
« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2007, 09:56:38 AM »

Name: Anastacia
What time is it: 10:39am

THE FRUITS OF YOUR LABOR( things you can't live without)

Something important on your desk: That'd be my computer, when I'm actually at a desk, which is usually at college since my room at home is more of a storage unit for the family.

When you sleep you wear: T-shirt and boxers

If you could afford it at the moment, you would buy: A house

Something you don't have a lot of: Tangible, that'd be money. Emotionally, that'd be love and affection.

If your house was burning and you could only save 3 items what would they be: My cats, my computer, my cross-stitch


If there were no side effects, you would enjoy being addicted to: Soda, though, I truly do enjoy being addicted to it now, so that's irrelevant...

A time when you purposly hurt someone emotionally: I can't say that I try to purposely hurt someone emotionally. I try not to, because I know the pain that surrounds it. But, if I do hurt someone emotionally, it's because I'm trying to protect myself from pain.

A time you accidentally hurt someone emotionally: I suppose it's frequent, because I struggle to protect myself.

One person you have killed in your thoughts: I never truly kill someone in my thoughts. Everyone who I've ever encountered enters my thoughts at some point. Though, there are some that I wish to erase.


Three traits you look for in a friend: Affectionate, Humorous, Trustworthy

Who makes you laugh most often: Rachel, when I see her

A friend who you can tell anything: I hide myself from everyone

A friend you can got to for advice: Posie

The best piece of advice you had been given: You can't allow those who hurt you in life to constantly surround your thoughts and put you in a state of depression. Agonizing over them will only hurt you more.

Two closest friends: Posie & Rachel

The friend who uses most of your energy: Uh... Like I know? I guess I put most of my energy into Posie, but that's a good thing.


Your 3 best qualities: *shrugs*

Your 3 worst qualities: Selfish, Clingy, Overly insecure

Describe your Ideal self: Someone completely opposite of what I am now.

A comliment that makes you blush: I don't recieve many compliments

You are embarassed when: Public speaking

The greatest physical pain you ever endured: Growing up with Rheumatoid Arthritis

The greatest emotional pain you ever endured: My biological father

Moment you are most ashamed of: Hurting myself

Your best physical feature: *shrugs*

Who/What makes you happy: Cross-stitching, music, writing

Who/what makes you sad: Biological father


Emotion you hide most: Fear/Depression

The emotion you tend to experience most: Pain

The emotion you are feeling most lately: Despair

You have a huge amount of guilt regarding: Hurting myself

When you are angry you need: Music

When you are sentimental you need:

When you are in love you need: I haven't been in love


One of your most peaceful memories: Spending time alone with my mother

One of your most tragic memories: Realizing my Rheumatoid Arthritis was back forever

One of you rangriest memories: Anything regarding my biological father

A memory that makes you laugh: Rachel snorting a spider while playing Monopoly

a memory that makes you happy: My stepfather saying that he was my real father and that he loved me


Something someone can say or do that you find extremely attractive: Be silly

Something someone can say or do that you find unattractive: Smoke

Two things appealing about people: Humor and Affection

A personality trait you find appealing: Humor

Your secret passion: Cross-stitching

What you enjoy most about having a committed relationship: I have no committed relationship


DO you have a bf/gf if yes who? No

What do you find sexy about them: n/a

What drives you crazy (in a good way) about this person: n/a

Describe your mate physicaly: n/a

Describle your mate's personality: n/a

You feel most attractive when: n/a

Favorite thing you like to see your mate wear (clothing wise don't say naked): n/a

What would you like your mate to do more of: n/a


If you had more time alone you would: Be happy

If you had more patience you would: Stop hurting myself

If you could change one thing about your physical appearance what would it be: My weight

If you had no committments what would you be doing: Writing

If you could have one super power what would it be: Invisibility

If you could start all over... It's pointless to even dream about the woulda-shoulda-coulda's. This is the life I have now and I must make the best of it. Live life and laugh often.


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Re: More Than You Want to Know Survey
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2007, 06:10:01 PM »

Name: Stephanie (AKA Starry Eyes)
What time is it: 5:35pm

THE FRUITS OF YOUR LABOR (things you can't live without)

Something important on your desk: I don't have a desk right now.

When you sleep you wear: T-shirt and sweatpants.

If you could afford it at the moment, you would buy: A new car.

Something you don't have a lot of: Money and time.

If your house was burning and you could only save 3 items what would they be: The laptop, my wallet and cellphone.


If there were no side effects, you would enjoy being addicted to: Honestly? Crystal meth. You lose weight with it! But with how it is... I could never use it.

A time when you purposly hurt someone emotionally: My sister, Natalie. She was with a loser boyfriend and she transformed into a cruel bitch 95% of the time. So I told her off because she purposely made me angry.

A time you accidentally hurt someone emotionally: See above. I meant to do it, but I didn't.

One person you have killed in your thoughts: My friend's ex-boyfriend, Joe.


Three traits you look for in a friend: Trust, compassion and humor.

Who makes you laugh most often: Schel and Ana.

A friend who you can tell anything: Schel, Ana, Nikki and Propst. I know, it's more than one.

A friend you can go to for advice: Schel and Ana.

The best piece of advice you had been given: Sometimes people are just not meant to be.

Two closest friends: Schel and Ana.

The friend who uses most of your energy: Schel, hands down.


Your 3 best qualities: Humor, my eyes and my imagination.

Your 3 worst qualities: Everything else.

Describe your Ideal self: Skinny, a little taller... and beautiful.

A compliment that makes you blush: "You look sexy."

You are embarassed when: People compliment me.

The greatest physical pain you ever endured: Watching one of my friends kiss the man I've had a crush on since I was thirteen. My heart literally ached.

The greatest emotional pain you ever endured: See above.

Moment you are most ashamed of: When I cut myself on purpose.

Your best physical feature: My eyes.

Who/What makes you happy: My family, friends and writing.

Who/what makes you sad: The fear that I'm going to be alone.


Emotion you hide most: Depression.

The emotion you tend to experience most: Cynicism? I don't know.

The emotion you are feeling most lately: Disappointment in myself.

You have a huge amount of guilt regarding: Ana. I haven't been there like I should have and I try to make it up to her, but I don't know if I ever can.

When you are angry you need: To punch the walls.

When you are sentimental you need: Chocolate and Backstreet Boys.

When you are in love you need: Chocolate and Backstreet Boys? Haha, I don't know.


One of your most peaceful memories: Being with my friends and family.

One of your most tragic memories: When my grandfather's passed away.

One of your angriest memories: When I found out my friend dated my crush behind my back.

A memory that makes you laugh: When Ana and I goof off.

A memory that makes you happy: Any memory with my friends and family makes me happy.


Something someone can say or do that you find extremely attractive: Smiling and laughing.

Something someone can say or do that you find unattractive: Not taking a shower.

Two things appealing about people: I don't get the question.

A personality trait you find appealing: Understanding.

Your secret passion: Writing.

What you enjoy most about having a committed relationship: Never really had one.


DO you have a bf/gf if yes who? No and thanks for reminding me.

You feel most attractive when: I never do.


If you had more time alone you would: Work on my unfinished stories.

If you had more patience you would: Work on my unfinished stories.

If you could change one thing about your physical appearance what would it be: Not to be fat.

If you had no committments what would you be doing: Going to school getting my degree.

If you could have one super power what would it be: Invincibility. I know I spelled that wrong.

If you could start all over.... I would fix my past mistakes.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2007, 06:12:13 PM by Starry Eyes »

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Re: More Than You Want to Know Survey
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2007, 12:51:06 AM »

What time is it:

THE FRUITS OF YOUR LABOR( things you can't live without)

Something important on your desk: Post-it's

When you sleep you wear: Basketball shorts and a tee-shirt

If you could afford it at the moment, you would buy: A house in Paradise Valley

Something you don't have a lot of: Romantic Love

If your house was burning and you could only save 3 items what would they be: My two dogs, and my laptop (it has my stories!)


If there were no side effects, you would enjoy being addicted to:
A time when you purposly hurt someone emotionally:
In junior high I think...I was dumb lol
A time you accidentally hurt someone emotionally:
In High school it happens alot
One person you have killed in your thoughts:
Paris Hilton (personally can't stand her)

Three traits you look for in a friend
Honesty, Loyalty, Humor
Who makes you laugh most often
Crystal (Presley)
A friend who you can tell anything
Crystal again
A friend you can got to for advice
Crystal and Trish
The best piece of advice you had been given:
If you're not happy stop what you're doing and go find something that makes you happy.
Two closest friends:
Crystal and Ash (mad at her at the moment lol)
The friend who uses most of your energy:

Your 3 best qualities
My sarcasm/wit, My loyalty, my passion
Your 3 worst qualities
my inability to trust anything male, my laziness, forgetfulness
Describe your Ideal self
Thinner, smarter, more outgoing...etc
A comliment that makes you blush:
You're beautiful (because I know it's not true!)
You are embarassed when:
I trip over my words lol
The greatest physical pain you ever endured:
....besides having endometriosis, having an abusive brother
The greatest emotional pain you ever endured
First senior year I lost my best friend Crystal for a long time, and lost everyone else because of a guy who I refused to date.
Moment you are most ashamed of:
Introducing Ashley to said guy from above before he fucked me over.
Your best physical feature:
My boobs lol had to say it
Who/What makes you happy:
My neices and nephew (Crys and Trish's kids.)
Who/what makes you sad:
Missing my grandma

Emotion you hide most:
The emotion you tend to experience most:
The emotion you are feeling most lately:
You have a huge amount of guilt regarding:
Attempting suicide in high school, no one knew about it, not even my parents.
When you are angry you need:
To scream
When you are sentimental you need:
A tissue lol
When you are in love you need:
To be loved back

One of your most peaceful memories:
Hanging out with my grandma when I went to Maine in hs
One of your most tragic memories:
Losing her this past spring and not being able to say goodbye.
One of you rangriest memories:
When my brother swindled my parents out of 3500 dollars.
A memory that makes you laugh:
Diet coke at 4am
a memory that makes you happy:
Europe trip!

Something someone can say or do that you find extremely attractive:
Just being an honest and all around good person, humor is a plus.
Something someone can say or do that you find unattractive:
Lying and playing mind games
Two things appealing about people
Sense of humor, and they're eyes.
A personality trait you find appealing:
Humor lol
Your secret passion:
Writing fan fic LOL only one friend of mine here in town knows I write it.
What you enjoy most about having a committed relationship:
Never had one

DO you have a bf/gf if yes who?
What do you find sexy about them:

What drives you crazy (in a good way) about this person:

Describe your mate physicaly:

Describle your mate's personality:

You feel most attractive when:
I'm all dressed up
Favorite thing you like to see your mate wear (clothing wise don't say naked)

What would you like your mate to do more of:


If you had more time alone you would:
Write more
If you had more patience you would:
If you could change one thing about your physical appearance what would it be:
Weight lol yeah I'm trying!
If you had no committments what would you be doing:
Writing full time on my own
If you could have one super power what would it be:
If you could start all over.... I wouldn't
Spike: "Hey big guy I'm going to need some new wheels the other one ended up in the...drink..."
Angel: "Spike.... just walk away"
Spike: "You're a..."
Angel: "Don't say it!"
Spike: "You're a bleeding puppet!"


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Re: More Than You Want to Know Survey
« Reply #12 on: January 31, 2007, 01:46:12 AM »

Name: Sarah   
What time is it: 2:22 AM

THE FRUITS OF YOUR LABOR( things you can't live without)

Something important on your desk: my laptop, pictures of family and friends

When you sleep you wear: my brother’s sweats (yeah, they’re his favorite ones, but I like them, too!)

If you could afford it at the moment, you would buy: a car

Something you don't have a lot of: focus

If your house was burning and you could only save 3 items what would they be: well, as long as my family was outside, I guess my laptop/iPod, a pic of my grandfather, and the pic of me and my best bud


If there were no side effects, you would enjoy being addicted to: sleeping…wait, I think I am already

A time when you purposly hurt someone emotionally: I hated doing it, but I had to separate myself from a friend who was dragging me deep into her black hole of despair…but, a year later, we’re both much better for it and still friends

A time you accidentally hurt someone emotionally: I don’t know. I can’t say that I’m an angel, so I must have, but I don’t know.

One person you have killed in your thoughts: actually, there’ve been quite a few. I guess it would have to be that girl in my psych class who started to list and explain all of her psychological problems and comment on how her symptoms were different from what the book said…AUAGH! I didn’t need to know, and neither did the rest of the class LOL


Three traits you look for in a friend: humor, honesty, and kindness

Who makes you laugh most often: LiveDaily. There are some serious funnies on there!

A friend who you can tell anything: weird as this is, my mother

A friend you can got to for advice: Aysha

The best piece of advice you had been given: “Take care of your health first because, without your health, you’ve got nothing. If something is stressing you out that badly, get rid of it.”

Two closest friends: Kim and the MSA girls

The friend who uses most of your energy: Lauren, Maryann


Your 3 best qualities: I’m a good listener, friendly, and dependable

Your 3 worst qualities: low self-esteem, terror of new things, and paranoia

Describe your Ideal self: I don’t think I’d want to be any different because then I wouldn’t be me, and I probably wouldn’t be writing. And I wouldn’t have all the great people in my life that I do have…so me (huge flaws and all!).

A comliment that makes you blush: any compliment…

You are embarassed when: I’m shoved in the spotlight or I say something that comes off weirdly to everyone else.

The greatest physical pain you ever endured: panic attacks. Absolutely horrendous. I went to bed thinking I’d die from the way my heart was beating erratically.

The greatest emotional pain you ever endured: my grandfather’s death.

Moment you are most ashamed of: disappointing my parents

Your best physical feature: umm…my eyes, I guess. Though, really, there’s nothing special about dark brown.

Who/What makes you happy: music, writing, reading, being with people I love, and watching fun movies.

Who/what makes you sad: reading the news…


Emotion you hide most: paranoia, anger, hurt

The emotion you tend to experience most: hurt

The emotion you are feeling most lately: annoyance

You have a huge amount of guilt regarding: food.

When you are angry you need: food. Preferably chocolate. And some fanfiction.

When you are sentimental you need: a hug.

When you are in love you need: I’ve never been, but I’ll let ya know when it happens.


One of your most peaceful memories: swinging on the big swing in my backyard with my grandfather when I was five.

One of your most tragic memories: seeing my grandfather in a casket.

One of your angriest memories: last year, dealing with a friend who made me feel bad about being myself.

A memory that makes you laugh: stealing my cousin’s husband’s shoes at their wedding and making him pay $500 to get them back (it’s a Pakistani custom and very lucrative)

a memory that makes you happy: my first feedback on fanfiction (thanks Julie!)


Something someone can say or do that you find extremely attractive: sing. I melt when a man sings. No matter how unattractive he may be before he opens his mouth, if he can sing…I’m a goner.

Something someone can say or do that you find unattractive: rudeness or offensive jokes.

Two things appealing about people: eyes and smile

A personality trait you find appealing: humor

Your secret passion: writing…but it’s not so secret anymore, I guess!


If you had more time alone you would: focus on anthropology readings.

If you had more patience you would: teach elementary school

If you could change one thing about your physical appearance what would it be: the crazy frizzies in my hair

If you had no committments what would you be doing: writing and/or sleeping all day long

If you could have one super power what would it be: control the flow of time…slow it down, speed it up, pause…you get the picture.

If you could start all over.... that’s a long ways to go back…


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Re: More Than You Want to Know Survey
« Reply #13 on: March 21, 2007, 10:05:27 AM »

Name:It's Amy but everyone's called me Moppy since I was 12 lol
What time is it: 12.47am

THE FRUITS OF YOUR LABOR( things you can't live without)

Something important on your desk:uh computer (well duh lol) smokes, mobile...ohh all my cd's with bsb stuff copied on them ;D

When you sleep you wear:tshirt and undies

If you could afford it at the moment, you would buy: prolly a car but then I'd have to get my license...oh man...

Something you don't have a lot of: money and sex... no wait that would be not getting enough of lol

If your house was burning and you could only save 3 items what would they be: only 3?? damn uh of course my son then wallet and my file that holds all my important documents eg birth certificates etc


If there were no side effects, you would enjoy being addicted to: prolly anything that would make me put on weight lol

A time when you purposly hurt someone emotionally: oh...well I know 100% that I've only done it to 1 person. my son's father my ex... we had a fucked up relationship. We'd either fight obsessively or have sex...obsessiv ely lol

A time you accidentally hurt someone emotionally: :'( my parents when I was younger and went through a kleptomanic phase and prolly my best friend when I dated 2 of her ex's (1 was apprantly same day as she broke up with one and dated the other without telling her and she found out)

One person you have killed in your thoughts:lol ( shouldn't laugh at this) but I can't can't them all on my hands or feet but the main one is my ex son's father


Three traits you look for in a friend - trustworthy, honest, to be there no matter what

Who makes you laugh most often - prolly my son and most of the time it's when I shouldn't laugh at him, poor thing I'm gonna give him a complex

A friend who you can tell anything - Kate

A friend you can got to for advice - Kate

The best piece of advice you had been given: anything that had to do with rasing my son

Two closest friends: kate and Simon ( funny thing is he's the boyfriend I dated the day they broke up  :o ) I'm terrible aren't I...

The friend who uses most of your energy: uh all my friends are in my hometown, have no friends here (sob sob oh woe is me...lol) so i guess definitely my son


Your 3 best qualities -  :-\ caring, trustworthy, funny

Your 3 worst qualities - lazy, zoned out too much and sarcastic (tend to go over board sometimes and piss people off)

Describe your Ideal self - easy... skinnier

A comliment that makes you blush: ??? I've never gotten a compliment, well there was this one time when my friend's b/f told me I was beautiful but I think he was too stoned and drunk at the time to even know it was me lol

You are embarassed when: I sometimes don't hear things correctly and fill up the gaps with my own words and tend to sound stupid (sometimes it works to my benefit and make my friends laugh)

The greatest physical pain you ever endured: ohh when the bloody doctor was giving me an episiotomy (for those that don't know it when you get snip snip of the skin between your gina and butthole) and he didn't use the right scissors he used the umbilical cord scissors....tw ice didn't do it right the first time and I didn't get any pain reliever....bl oody bastard!!! >:(

The greatest emotional pain you ever endured - hmm tough one...prolly when I was in highschool and my close friends (we were a very tight knit group most I knew since we were like 5) spend a malicious rumor about me and it went around all 900 kids at that school and most teachers. I would get hounded and followed by them before school, recess, lunch after school and even during classes which affected my school work and the principal did nothing about it just told me to ignore them. I kept it a secret from my mum for almost 9 months before I cracked an told her and still nothing happened...

Moment you are most ashamed of: breaking into my ex neighbours house and stealing clothes and money (it was during my kleptomanic phase) and when i went through a serious case of post natal depression and ignored my son which has affected him now, has a speech problem (currently working on that now though)

Your best physical feature: ??? Uhh I guess either my smile (get comments on it more than anything else) or my nose which I was told is a plastic surgeons dream replica (I didn't know what that mean and he said a plastic surgeon would use my nose as a copy for any women wanting plastic surgery on there nose)  :o go figure?

Who/What makes you happy: BSB, movies, TV, music, my son

Who/what makes you sad: when I feel like I'm fucking up raising my son


Emotion you hide most: anger towards my parents for moving me out of home then leaving the state 2 weeks later and pain about certain things that happened when I was young which should have landed me in therapy or a mental institution

The emotion you tend to experience most: loneliness and anger

The emotion you are feeling most lately: frustration, loneliness, anger, boredom

You have a huge amount of guilt regarding: my son, didn't really know what I was doing in raising him (it's only been me and him since he was 2 months now he's 4) and my depression made it worse.

When you are angry you need: to scream out tell my voice goes and throw things ( I'm never gonna get my bond back lol)

When you are sentimental you need: uh... :-\ *blushes* who put in big words?? is sentimental like when you love something and you go all gooey over it? well then if it is then I don't think I do and if it's not that meaning then *blushes* damn big words!!!

When you are in love you need: never been in love


One of your most peaceful memories: when I was younger and it would be raining and I'd have my windows open and lay on my bed reading my the smell filling my room

One of your most tragic memories: tragic...tragi c...dammit where's my dictionary? uh prolly when I broke up with my ex (for the final and last time after the biggest fight we ever had) and I told him I never loved him and wished I never met him...

One of your angriest memories: oh god, that would be half my life, was a very angry girl, technically still am just hide it better...

A memory that makes you laugh: old memories with friends when we think back on the times when we were young and stupid (is that a friggin lyric??? bloody hell lol)

a memory that makes you happy: anything to do with my friends


Something someone can say or do that you find extremely attractive:smile or have a great laugh
Something someone can say or do that you find unattractive:lie and manipulate

Two things appealing about people smile and hands

A personality trait you find appealing:funny

Your secret passion:ohh that would be everything I do on the net regarding BSB, forums and fan fics

What you enjoy most about having a committed relationship: err.. I've only had one and it's not something I remember enjoying


DO you have a bf/gf if yes who? no

What do you find sexy about them:

What drives you crazy (in a good way) about this person:

Describe your mate physicaly:

Describle your mate's personality:

You feel most attractive when:

Favorite thing you like to see your mate wear (clothing wise don't say naked)

What would you like your mate to do more of:


If you had more time alone you would: go to the gym

If you had more patience you would: clean my flat more often

If you could change one thing about your physical appearance what would it be: skinner, not like frickin anorexics like *cough*Paris*cough* skinny enough to look great in a bikini  ;D

If you had no committments what would you be doing: ahh I'd prolly try work overseas meet new people

If you could have one super power what would it be: ohh read minds

If you could start all over....I'd change a few things but keep most of it the same, like my son I'd still have him. I'd might actually go for my license when I was 16.

All done, wow my heads sore from thinking way too hard and way too much....is that smoke... :o ;D


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Re: More Than You Want to Know Survey
« Reply #14 on: May 20, 2007, 06:44:20 PM »

What time is it: 2:25am

THE FRUITS OF YOUR LABOR( things you can't live without)

Something important on your desk:books..

When you sleep you wear:PJ

If you could afford it at the moment, you would buy: clothes

Something you don't have a lot of: a women never gets enough of clothes lol

If your house was burning and you could only save 3 items what would they be: my laptop,my cd player and my money...gotta have something to feed me...but in reality i guess i will forget that logic lol


If there were no side effects, you would enjoy being addicted to: Nick carter j/k ice cream

A time when you purposly hurt someone emotionally: it's a secret :P

A time you accidentally hurt someone emotionally: it happens a lot..i'm a klutz

One person you have killed in your thoughts: A LOT...but mainly celebrities


Three traits you look for in a friend: honesty, funny and kind

Who makes you laugh most often: comedy movies, my friends and family

A friend who you can tell anything:my best friend :P

A friend you can got to for advice: also my best friend

The best piece of advice you had been given:i give these a lot  ::)

Two closest friends: i have four

The friend who uses most of your energy: my best friend


Your 3 best qualities: creative, kind and funny...even though people say that..i don't see that lol

Your 3 worst qualities: agressive, hot tempered and sometimes have crazy ideas

Describe your Ideal self: creative, a great wife and mother, a writer, a helper..etc

A compliment that makes you blush: you lost weight

You are embarassed when: i act stupied

The greatest physical pain you ever endured: non so great to brag about lol

The greatest emotional pain you ever endured: when i am lonely

Moment you are most ashamed of: that is also a secret :P

Your best physical feature:my hair

Who/What makes you happy: being with friends and family

Who/what makes you sad: being lonely from those


Emotion you hide most: i can't remember i guess nervousness

The emotion you tend to experience most: anxiety...my exams are coming soon lol

The emotion you are feeling most lately: ^^

You have a huge amount of guilt regarding: torn between travelling to my dad and staying here with my friends...i feel guilty for both

When you are angry you need: to calm down

When you are sentimental you need: love

When you are in love you need: more love


One of your most peaceful memories: in front of the beach

One of your most tragic memories: my grandpa's death

One of you rangriest memories: i can't remember

A memory that makes you laugh:lots

a memory that makes you happy:lots as well


Something someone can say or do that you find extremely attractive: a guy giving me a love you note

Something someone can say or do that you find unattractive: picking his nose would defently ruin the moment

Two things appealing about people: their kindness and their eyes

A personality trait you find appealing: kindness

Your secret passion: hmmm it won't be a secret then  :P

What you enjoy most about having a committed relationship: i am not in a commited relationship yet...i will tell you when i know


DO you have a bf/gf if yes who?no

What do you find sexy about them:i said no

What drives you crazy (in a good way) about this person:^^^

Describe your mate physicaly:^^^^^^ but i would love him to be a nick carter

Describle your mate's personality:

You feel most attractive when:

Favorite thing you like to see your mate wear (clothing wise don't say naked)

What would you like your mate to do more of:


If you had more time alone you would: read..use the internet

If you had more patience you would: be successful

If you could change one thing about your physical appearance what would it be: my nose

If you had no committments what would you be doing: travelling to florida right now

If you could have one super power what would it be: see the future

If you could start all over....  my time on this questionnair j/k  my childhood i miss those days
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