Fic Talk > Featured Story of the Month

Featured Story of the Month for October 2007 - Hawk and a Handsaw by Julilly

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Sounds pretty logical to me.. thanks julilly!

Spoiler Alert!!

Chapter 8...

Okay well I was going to go on strike until you managed to post chapter 15 but since your month is coming to an end I figured i'd be nice.

LMAO at the panties thing. I can so see Nick saying that. Now in my mind up until now I pictured Valerie as an older woman. I'm not sure why I did but like 50-ish or so. This one she seemed a lot younger so now i've confused myself.

You did a great job with Valerie's back story about her dad. I am feeling maybe the two things are connected in some way. Of course me would have liked him to go and try to spook Howie instead of hang with the chick but at least she's not an annoying chick. lol

Now I hope to see chapter 15 by the Thursday!


--- Quote from: mare on October 23, 2007, 05:51:43 PM ---Spoiler Alert!!

Chapter 8...

Okay well I was going to go on strike until you managed to post chapter 15 but since your month is coming to an end I figured i'd be nice.

LMAO at the panties thing. I can so see Nick saying that. Now in my mind up until now I pictured Valerie as an older woman. I'm not sure why I did but like 50-ish or so. This one she seemed a lot younger so now i've confused myself.

You did a great job with Valerie's back story about her dad. I am feeling maybe the two things are connected in some way. Of course me would have liked him to go and try to spook Howie instead of hang with the chick but at least she's not an annoying chick. lol

Now I hope to see chapter 15 by the Thursday!

--- End quote ---

Well, she's not really young, but not very old either. In my mind anyway she is probably 30's.

And I will only say... I wouldn't mention it if it wasn't important later :)

Oh look! An update!


Excellent! The next chapter is due Friday the 2nd! :)


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