Fic Talk > Featured Story of the Month

Featured Story of the Month for October 2007 - Hawk and a Handsaw by Julilly

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SPoiler Alert!

Chapter ten was awesome! :)

I loved the whole black outfit and the beret and when I had just said out loud He can change clothes? You also mentioned it in the story which made me laugh.

When you described Toni I was surprised because I was expecting another Paris. You did a great job with the description. You have throughout this entire story. I also liked that you made Nick fearful to go over and hear what Toni had to say because it shows how hard this is on him as well. I know I want to kick her! lol YAY!!!

And congrats on writing another chapter!


--- Quote from: mare on October 26, 2007, 05:38:25 PM ---SPoiler Alert!

Chapter ten was awesome! :)

I loved the whole black outfit and the beret and when I had just said out loud He can change clothes? You also mentioned it in the story which made me laugh.

When you described Toni I was surprised because I was expecting another Paris. You did a great job with the description. You have throughout this entire story. I also liked that you made Nick fearful to go over and hear what Toni had to say because it shows how hard this is on him as well. I know I want to kick her! lol YAY!!!

And congrats on writing another chapter!

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agh, I forgot to post my thoughts on the last couple of chapters over here. Ditto on everything you just said and I forgot to mention in the review I left that the I also loved how Nick was afraid to go near Toni. That was an interesting mix of emotion there. And I loved that Toni said she saw him talking to himself in the street because every time Brian has a conversation with Nick in public, that's exactly what I think to myself. That Brian doesn't really try very hard not to look completely nuts. lol If I were him I would have a hard time saying a word to Nick if I weren't completely alone with him. (but then, that wouldn't be a very interesting story)

LOL I should leave you reviews too Julilly. Sorry about that. Once your month is done i'll be doing that instead of posting in here.

And yes the part about Brian talking to himself, that always runs through my mind as well. Oh I also loved the bit about him not dressing up in girls' underwear lmao.


--- Quote from: mare on October 26, 2007, 08:54:04 PM ---LOL I should leave you reviews too Julilly. Sorry about that. Once your month is done i'll be doing that instead of posting in here.

And yes the part about Brian talking to himself, that always runs through my mind as well. Oh I also loved the bit about him not dressing up in girls' underwear lmao.

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When I'm writing those parts I love imagining Brian talking to himself lol I made a point of making Nick pull him at one point because I thought it would be funny to see someone suddenly get yanked seemingly from nowhere

LOL I would have enjoyed witnessing something like that.


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