Fic Talk > Featured Story of the Month

Featured Story of the Month for October 2007 - Hawk and a Handsaw by Julilly

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Spoiler for chapter 11

Good informational chapter. We learned a lot of stuff from this one.

I'm always interested to know how people come up with the codes and plans for things like that so how did you come up with the idea of what the dates and abbreviations meant?

Julilly!!! I hadn't read this story since before you started updating again, but I just re-read the whole thing plus the new chapters and am now just WHOA. in a state of WHOA. I LOVE it! I can sort of see what's going to happen, but what Nick is up to now is just...OMG Genius! You are a genius! WRITE MORE. I'll join Mare now and demand that you meet your next deadline.

As we draw closer to the end of the month just wanted to say i've really enjoyed reading this story as the month went along. I don't get many opportunities to do that and lord knows when it will happen again, but you have an awesome story here and I hope you continue to work on it regularly until it's done!!

Now's the time for final thoughts of this one, if anyone wants to jump in and say anything or ask any questions.

Julilly if there's something you want to tell us about the story, that would work as well. :) Any funny stories or blooper type things that happened along the way?


*sigh* I am all caught up now and sad that I have to wait for updates.

SO, what can I say about this story?  *sings like weezy on Dragontales*  LOOOOOOVE IT!

I think this was an excellent pick for feature of the month. It's really a very unique story line (which that in itself makes it worth the read) but It's also very well written! Julilly has obviously planned out all the details very well and is brilliant at dialogue. The mix of emotions in this story is great because it's funny and smart and yet you feel for Nick and what he's going through. Nick and Brian are excellent together. (though I must give the real Nick and Brian partial credit for that I suppose) But Valerie (the dreaded female) is great too and you know its true because even MARE admitted to liking her. lol. I know the month is over, but if you haven't taken the time to read this one yet, I'd say definitely make sure you get to it at some point!!!! It's worth it. Yay Julilly!!! Congrats hun, you earned it!

oh, and one last thing before I go.....    UPDATE!!!  ;D


--- Quote from: mare on October 28, 2007, 01:42:41 PM ---As we draw closer to the end of the month just wanted to say i've really enjoyed reading this story as the month went along. I don't get many opportunities to do that and lord knows when it will happen again, but you have an awesome story here and I hope you continue to work on it regularly until it's done!!

Now's the time for final thoughts of this one, if anyone wants to jump in and say anything or ask any questions.

Julilly if there's something you want to tell us about the story, that would work as well. :) Any funny stories or blooper type things that happened along the way?

--- End quote ---

Phew. A whole month of me coming to an end! Sad, really.

First I need to thank Mare immensely for choosing this story for this month. I know, it wasn't finished, but I'm glad it got the opportunity. I was kind of surprised actually since I thought I had the list of featured stories from my favourite online store -  Mare' but you threw me for a loop! Thanks!

A big thank you also to honey, Rose, Sarah, Nijntje, Teri, and ANYONE else who not only commented and asked brilliant questions in the thread, but also left me feedback on AC. Much appreciated! And Sarah, thanks for telling me I'm a genius because it helped my severely inflated ego get bigger! :)

So, you want bloopers? Hmm. I don't know if there is any per se... though I did once post an entire chapter without noticing that I had written Brain instead of Brian so once I did I raced back to AC and changed them all.

This has been one of my favourite fics. I've written a quite a few before it (and by a few I mean a lot - I just don't have them all posted because pre-2003 they all suck imo lol) but I've never been as meticulous as I am with this one. I'm proud of how H&H has turned out because I didn't really know how it would be recieved when I first started it.

I definitely plan on finishing this one in the next couple of months (hopefully I didn't just jinx myself) so I better be seeing people over on my shameless plugs thread giving me deadlines and bugging me mercilessly for updates! lol

Now, I'm wrapping this oscar-worthy acceptance speech up so that I can go work on a certain chapter... :)


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