Fic Talk > Featured Story of the Month

Featured Story of the Month for October 2007 - Hawk and a Handsaw by Julilly

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I think my favorite part of this story so far is the fact that Nick is dead and the idea that the friendship he and Nick have is so deep that it surpasses death to the point that Nick appears to only Brian, who is then super-compelled to find the murderer. Plus, their conversations made me chuckle, even though it should be sad that Nick's dead LOL

Can you please, pretty please update? ;D

Congrats Julilly! I actually haven't read this one, so I'm going to have to try to squeeze it in this month sometime.

i'm going to read the first chapter tonight and i'm excited about it! :)

Yay, just got done with the first chapter and here are a few of my thoughts.

First of all, I love how you started the story with the guys at the beach celebrating Nick's life. I have to give you props for making Leighanne likable, something you know by reading my stuff, I have a hard time doing lol

Her thoughts about Nick and Baylee were very cute and real. I could see her saying those things.

lmao I also loved the 'I am having a Coke' line by AJ in the middle of Brian's meltdown. It's so AJ! Great job!!

I already knew it was Nick who was dead but if I didn't I would have been guessing between Nick and Kevin. You did a great job at leaving everyone hanging until the very end and also throwing in there the fact that it was a murder.

Now i'm sad to know this story isn't finished so you better get a move on woman!! l thought it was for some reason.

Okay so after reading chapter one here is my first Oprah question to you!

What made you decide on killing Nick for this story? And at any point did you consider any other combination? Like AJ and Brian or Kevin and Howie?

Woot, Oprah question time!

To be honest I only ever thought of Nick being my killed-off character. First I knew that of course it would be harder for the guys to lose him since he's the youngest. I also knew that my Nick would have a bit of innocence and be a bit naive, but would be willing to accept the way things were. I think if I had made it Kevin or AJ, even Howie he wouldn't have suited the personality, he would have been more of a go-getter, probably more determined than Brian (or whomever). The character I had in my head was hesistant, and a bit unsure, and that was more like Nick to me.


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