Fic Talk > Featured Story of the Month

Featured Story of the Month for October 2007 - Hawk and a Handsaw by Julilly

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Just to let everyone know... I have already started the new chapter, so I've at least started to make the effort lol

Congratulations! *throws confetti*

I may read this.... I'll have to sit down and test it at some point. :)

Ok, I just read the first chapter too and ditto on AJ's coke comment! I also loved the part where he "politely" told Brian to get over it. I think that's totally necessary in a lot of cases and I'm sure that in a group of that many, at least one of them would be thinking that. It makes sense to me that AJ would be the one to say it.   I also love how you've written Brian here. I can tell he's really going to go through a lot in this story and I'm excited to see all the turns this story will take.

You started of with a very emotional bang and I love that. That's not easy to do a lot of times because we haven;t had the time to become invested in the story or the characters yet, but somehow you used the emotion to make us invested in both. It was like you forced us to feel the emotion in the situation. Brilliant!

Seeing that there are only 12 chapters was kind of a bittersweet feeling for me lol. Sad because I'll probably get through all 12 of them fairly quickly and then be left waiting for that update you mentioned in the previous post (good for you btw) and at the same time I was relieved because I know I'll have the time to catch up this month and hopefully get to that super awesome, freaking hard challenge Mare posted. 

Congrats on story of the month hun! I'm really looking forward to the rest of this fic!

^ oh yes! I forgot to mention that Line where AJ tells Brian to get over it. I agree, that's important and once again I think it fit AJ the most to say it.

I love when people discuss things as they read :)

And I am purposely going to go nice and slow knowing there are only twelve chapters. I guess my next question, one i'm afriad to ask, is how many more are left to go? In other words, how far from done are we? lol

I have just begun writing the kickstart to the climax actually. I've never really been one to draw things out and have really long fics, all of mine are fairly short, I think this one will probably be the longest. There are 10 chapters left! :) So I'm barely halfway through.


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