Fic Talk > Featured Story of the Month

Featured Story of the Month for October 2007 - Hawk and a Handsaw by Julilly

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Okay i'm really trying to pace myself here but while I have the time I thought i'd read chapter two. First of all I just automatically get the warm and fuzzies whenever Kevin's thoughts come into play. Especially about Nick. It was so great seeing how the events of that day unfolded as told from his eyes. And OMG after reading how they found Nick how could anyone possibly say he wasn't murdered? That was disturbing! lol

I loved this:

“Dude, I am so totally dead! I almost had you honestly believing I was still alive! Even after a year without any practice, I’ve totally still got it!”

lmao that's so Nick.

Okay next Oprah question :)

Did you already know who killed him and how this was all goign to play out before you started or does it kind of happen as you write it? Have you changed your mind at all as this story has been going on?


--- Quote from: mare on October 03, 2007, 08:04:50 PM ---Did you already know who killed him and how this was all goign to play out before you started or does it kind of happen as you write it? Have you changed your mind at all as this story has been going on?

--- End quote ---

I did already know who killed him, the details of how he died, and how everyone fits into place. The only thing I didn't have planned out was the names. In my outline whenever the murderer is described it says "guy" which I guess gives away that it was a guy, but that's not a very significant spoiler :P

PS - I'm 800 words into my homework, Mare :)

Good girl!

chapter three part one:

lol yes since you only have 12 done and i'm tyring to pace myself I only read the first hald of chapter three. I have to say you set a great comedic tone at the start of this one. I love Nick's personality in this, still the same old Nick except for him being dead.

I love how confused he is by just showing up randomly on the beach and is searching for answers from his best friend.

LMAO at the barking dog as well.

just wanted to pop in and say all that. I'll try to be back with some Oprah type questions soon :)

I'm sitting at work writing on chapter 13 when I should be doing... ya know.. work lol


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