Fic Talk > Featured Story of the Month

Featured Story of the Month for October 2007 - Hawk and a Handsaw by Julilly

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--- Quote from: mare on October 13, 2007, 08:51:47 AM ---Spoiler alert!!

My thoughts on chapter 6 then I shall post separately with some Oprah questions for you Julillymallill y

First of all I agree with Nick, what an incredible McJerk Brian was in the first half of the chapter. Good lord, what an ass lol But I loved the conversation they had about the list. I always love it when the BSB in stories like this one, take on the role of detective.

Okay Brian redeemed himself by tell Nick he loves him. Good boy Brian. and aww I want Nick to describe what his heaven is like. I'm hoping we'll get to see it at some point.

lmao I loved the ending of this chapter and all the talk of rattling chains.

--- End quote ---

Coming to you live from my death bed (the black death that is!), tis me! Ok, back to biznaz.

I really wanted Brian to be comfortable enough with Nick to be smug. And really, McDonalds jokes are always ever present in my life, so I took the opportunity to add Mc to almost McEverything.


--- Quote from: mare on October 13, 2007, 08:59:34 AM ---some Oprah questions for you lol

1. Have you stuck to the original plot of this story or have you changed things as you have gone along?

2. Have any or your reviews influenced your decisions while writing this one?

3. Are you considering a sequel?

--- End quote ---

1. I have changed the plot slightly. I had a couple chapters that I cut out completely and replaced them with something else, thus bringing things in a bit of a different direction. It was nothing really drastic though. Otherwise, unless it's pre-planned I don't change things as I write. I find that's how I end up with plot holes, when I just make things up as I go along.

2. I know people will hate me for saying this but I don't really let reviews influence me at all. I think of it this way, if one person left a review saying "Oh I hate that, don't do this..." and I went and changed it, I would then not only be moving maybe in a direction that I don't want to be, but also I could ruin it for the 5 other people who didn't agree with the original review. I will keep things in mind, as I'm going along, like maybe someone pointed out that I had an inconsistency or something, but I don't really let them change the story.

3. A sequel? Hmm. Probably not. To be honest I sat here for a couple seconds and thought about it and I don't really know what I would make it about. It's not really a 'to be continued...'


I liked chapter five a lot. We got to get a feel for how the rest of the story might feel as they take on the role of detectives. And I LOVED how Nick and Brian were having this conversation with AJ right there. That was a really cool moment.

I also liked their fight. I thought it was completely realistic. I can see both men's point of view. Yeah in a way it's selfish of Brian not to want to help Nick after he took the time to show up and got back all his bad memories just to help the man. But at the same time, Brian can't just think about himself. He has a wife and kid to take care of so he can't just go around putting himslef or them in danger. I think you wrote that nicely because they were angry at each other, but it wasn't this over the top dramatic fight. (I myself am often guilty of that.  :P)

then LMAO at chapter 6 I think I'm going to be saying McJerk for like the next week. Brian was such a punk. And yay when Nick knocked his food on the floor I just kept picturing Dean from Supernatural saying "I full on Swayzed that mother." And then of course started singing Unchained Melodies.   <--- thanks for that by the way.

I get excited when they talk about the list too because it's good to see that this story has a real plot to go along with the drama of Brian and Nick stuff. Not that I didn't expect it too, but that happens sometimes so it's always good to see that something will be driving a story. 

Well done, bravo. It's kind of sad to think that one more chapter and I'll be half way to caught up. Though, there have been two updates since the begining of the month, so I must congratulate you on that.   ;D

Ok, so chapter 7!!!

Valerie.  I liked her, and I'm totally intrigued by her. Loved the face to forehead comment, but I'm as disturbed as Nick as to why she could see and hear him. I loved how he tried to warn her and when the guy showed up and couldn't see him Nick just shrugged. For some reason I could totally picture that whole scene as I read it. Oh, and her asking if Nick was a good ginger, I got a kick out of that as well.

Seriously, I don't know if I've said this or not yet, but I love the twist you've put on this story. The boys playing detective is always fun, but having Nick solve his own murder was quite original. Nick as a ghost is just amusing as heck to me. I bet (if he weren't upset about being dead and all) that Nick would really have some fun with the whole haunting people and such.


--- Quote from: honey on October 17, 2007, 08:00:23 PM ---Ok, so chapter 7!!!

Valerie.  I liked her, and I'm totally intrigued by her. Loved the face to forehead comment, but I'm as disturbed as Nick as to why she could see and hear him. I loved how he tried to warn her and when the guy showed up and couldn't see him Nick just shrugged. For some reason I could totally picture that whole scene as I read it. Oh, and her asking if Nick was a good ginger, I got a kick out of that as well.

Seriously, I don't know if I've said this or not yet, but I love the twist you've put on this story. The boys playing detective is always fun, but having Nick solve his own murder was quite original. Nick as a ghost is just amusing as heck to me. I bet (if he weren't upset about being dead and all) that Nick would really have some fun with the whole haunting people and such.

--- End quote ---

Valerie will really throw you for a loop as you read on. She's important that's for sure!

I think that Nick would probably have a lot of fun haunting people too lol I think he would probably have too much fun! I know I would!


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