Fic Talk > Featured Story of the Month

Featured Story of the Month for October 2007 - Hawk and a Handsaw by Julilly

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--- Quote from: Rose on October 11, 2007, 01:53:41 PM ---You should beat your deadline again  ;D :D

--- End quote ---

Oh I'm trying lol This deadline is a lot shorter than the last!

Turns out i'm going to meet mine :) I just finished my chapter! Whee!! lol

Spoiler alert!!

Just finished chapter 5 and it was a great one. I don't blame Nick for being angry at Brian. I loved the line about the wife and kid. And of course I had to lol about Nick and Brian having a spat while AJ is there. Too funny. I can't wait to see what's in the matchbook.

And I agree Kelly, it's fun to read and discuss a story and even though you're a little a head of us Rose you can still join in since you a;ready read what we are talking about.

It seems though when I read and review i'm not as strong on my generic Oprah questions lol so i'll have to come up with a few more of those as well.

Spoiler alert!!

My thoughts on chapter 6 then I shall post separately with some Oprah questions for you Julillymallill y

First of all I agree with Nick, what an incredible McJerk Brian was in the first half of the chapter. Good lord, what an ass lol But I loved the conversation they had about the list. I always love it when the BSB in stories like this one, take on the role of detective.

Okay Brian redeemed himself by tell Nick he loves him. Good boy Brian. and aww I want Nick to describe what his heaven is like. I'm hoping we'll get to see it at some point.

lmao I loved the ending of this chapter and all the talk of rattling chains.

some Oprah questions for you lol

1. Have you stuck to the original plot of this story or have you changed things as you have gone along?

2. Have any or your reviews influenced your decisions while writing this one?

3. Are you considering a sequel?


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