Fic Talk > Featured Story of the Month

Featured Story of the Month for October 2007 - Hawk and a Handsaw by Julilly

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I'm happy to see I can pick up the pace now since you are rocking your deadlines. lol I just didn't want to come to the end of what you had written because then I would have really started to bug you!


--- Quote from: mare on October 10, 2007, 05:03:56 PM ---kelly cover your eyes!

My thoughts on chapter 4 part two: Wow!

It was horrible knowing that he was going to die but even still, there was a small grain of hope that maybe he would escape. Great and morbid description of how being suffocated must feel. Poor Nick and of course once again it's the chicks fault! And knowing that now i'm annoyed she didn't come forward and tell anyone. lol

okay you can look now lol :)

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I totally skipped over this post until after I read the chapter, thnaks Mare. And ditto on the description of suffocation. Very disturbing. But good for it to be there. You're right. This chapter was a lot more dark and intense but I think it was good for the story. We have to keep in mind the seriousness of the situation or the story will lose it's impact. If its all spits and giggles the entire time then we wouldn't really care if Nick ever finds out who killed him or not. I think youy've found a very good balance here because while it's not all cute and joking around, its not really depressing either. It's intense and I liked that.

And LMAO Mare, I think you're starting to rub off on me because as I was reading this chapter I was starting to think of ways to make Toni suffer. So not cool of her to just be let off the hook after like two days and the other guys have no idea of what really happened. If I was Nick I'd soooooooo haunt her ass!

Once again julilly, I'm lovin it!  And this is kind of fun, reading along with you Mare. Anybody else want to jump in on the conversation?

Also, a question for you julilly, what was the inspiration behind the plot for this story. I mean I know I don't have much details yet but it's like this whole crime investigation and bad guys and lists and stuff, like a spy movie or a CSI episode... How'd you come up with the idea?

Well you have to keep in mind that I have a sick and twisted imagination lol I've done a couple crime related fics, Stokholm Syndrome about a kidnapping and Monopoly about a bank robbery (which is currently not up on AC for revisions) so I have those kinds of thoughts. I knew I wanted to do something mob related, and remembered an episode from like 1995 of one of my favourite shows - Due South. (Dunno if you've seen/heard of it) One of the episodes has a mobster chasing a girl because she acquired a matchbook from a random lady that had a hit list written inside. So I started with that concept, modified it to my own liking, then thought how else I could make it interesting and the whole Nick-being-dead plotline was born. I've read a few "XX bsb is a ghost" stories and a lot of them were pretty darn corny (a la casper) so I thought I would definitely make fun of that a little bit, and make it more serious.


--- Quote from: honey on October 11, 2007, 02:20:36 AM ---
Once again julilly, I'm lovin it!  And this is kind of fun, reading along with you Mare. Anybody else want to jump in on the conversation?

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Rose is reading it aswell, but she is waaay ahead of you guys lol


--- Quote from: julilly on October 11, 2007, 08:53:17 AM ---Rose is reading it aswell, but she is waaay ahead of you guys lol

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LOL which is why you're getting reviews, so I don't totally spoil it for them by saying it all in here.

You should beat your deadline again  ;D :D


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