No offense I really see your point but why are you letting parents tell you what should be on your site? That's simply ridiculous. It's yours and our first amendment rights to post whatever we want, if they don't like it, put a parental block on the site. Catering to the whims of people who don't even know what the site is about is simply irresponsible to the authors that post here which without us you wouldn't have a site to begin with.
I wouldn't take offense if you wouldn't tell me that my reason is ridiculous. So thanks for not being offensive in the future.
I made the decision MYSELF to make the site appropriate for all ages and to make the story discussion available to all users of the site. It is my right to do this, whether or not other parents tell me what to put on my site. I am a parent, too, and I understand their point. I WANT to have a site that includes all types of fics, yes, but I am not going to feature a story that is not able to be discussed by all the members of the site that want to participate.
I'm not going to argue this with you. I'm sorry you don't like my policy. I can't make everyone happy. I will think on it and see if I can come up with a reasonable alternative, but I'm sorry, the Featured Story is not going to be NC-17 at this time.
If you would like to run an alternate discussion group, let me know; maybe we can work something out.