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Author Topic: NC-17 Stories Have Plots!  (Read 50401 times)


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Re: NC-17 Stories Have Plots!
« Reply #30 on: October 07, 2007, 05:26:19 PM »

Okay, not trying to argue with you because I agree that people shouldn't assume things about a story just because of it's rating. But I think you also need to keep in mind that this is a site that is intended for people of all ages, so we in general do not feature NC-17 stories because that means that those who are under age are not allowed to read and discuss the stories--and yes I *have* had parents contact me about this. I have had to argue with numerous people about whether or not I should even have NC17 stories on the site at all. I fight for the right of ya'll to keep posting. In fact it's part of the reason I started this site in the first place--fanfiction.net decided at one point that they would not allow any NC-17 stories at all, so I opened this site for a place where those who wrote them would still have a place to write, and those who read them can still have a place to read.

There is a reason why we don't generally feature NC-17 fics. It's not because they're not good enough to be featured, it's because the featured stories are being discussed and we have lots of people in the discussions that are underage.

So please keep that in mind when you're getting upset about NC-17 not being featured. If you want to post an alternate R-Rated version to be featured at the same time so that younger readers can join in without me potentially getting my rear chewed out by a parent, by all means I welcome you to do so.

(And just so you know, they will be considered for any awards, etc. Just not for the Story of the Month/Featured Discussions...)

Okay, I'm not trying to argue here or anything, but then why is there a featured section? I mean, everyone's not given a fair chance, true, you stated that. Why not overrule this and just get rid of it or come up with a new idea to help those out who do have brilliant writing in the genre of NC-17?

And I understand your issues of parents, but there are things, like Teri stated, that can block a site or content that you wish your child not to view.


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Re: NC-17 Stories Have Plots!
« Reply #31 on: October 07, 2007, 05:26:49 PM »

I'm not going to jump into the argument that's going on here because you're entitled to think how you want But I do have to comment about the featured stories thing. If you look at the stories that have been featured since this forum started (mainly going back to February) I have taken great pride in picking from a VARIETY of genres and giving all authors a fair shot. In fact ironically enough, one of you are next up lol so I think it's unfair to complain about that. It takes a lot of work for me to keep that feature going but I do because everyone who has had a chance so far have all said it's helped them keep writing.

We only feature one story a month and we only started in February so be patient.

Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


  • Fledgling
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Re: NC-17 Stories Have Plots!
« Reply #32 on: October 07, 2007, 05:27:48 PM »

I'm not going to jump into the argument that's going on here because you're entitled to think how you want But I do have to comment about the featured stories thing. If you look at the stories that have been featured since this forum started (mainly going back to February) I have taken great pride in picking from a VARIETY of genres and giving all authors a fair shot. In fact ironically enough, one of you are next up lol so I think it's unfair to complain about that. It takes a lot of work for me to keep that feature going but I do because everyone who has had a chance so far have all said it's helped them keep writing.

We only feature one story a month and we only started in February so be patient.

Is it a NC-17 story that will be featured? :]


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Re: NC-17 Stories Have Plots!
« Reply #33 on: October 07, 2007, 05:29:15 PM »

And furthermore telling US to change our rating to R from NC-17 is telling us to conform. And that's not right. I thought this site was a community where EVERYONE got a chance I'm glad you proved me wrong about that one. Now I know how ignorant this whole thing really is. Thank you for enlightening me.
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Angel: "Spike.... just walk away"
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Re: NC-17 Stories Have Plots!
« Reply #34 on: October 07, 2007, 05:31:22 PM »

Nicksgal, must you be so negative? Sorry to be rude, but you're not even trying to comprehend what these young ladies, Trina and Teri are trying to say.

They're not asking for you to read their work with happiness. They just want a fair chance. I'm not sure if you recognize this or not, but Absolute Chaos is very similar to a community. We are a community. In a community, things needs to be equal and fair or everything will be chaotic.

For example, there shouldn't be a featured story section due to that everyone is not given a fair chance. How hard is it to be fair or cut out the section? It's not that big of a life changing event! If the United States can allow women a right to vote then we certainly can come together in choosing the best form of literatures.

In my own opinion, I do not think that the featured stories are even chosen fairly due to that [I'm assuming, yes, it's bad to assume, I apolgize] only one or a few people are in on which story should be featured. Shouldn't the whole website be apart of it? I really don't think the admins here or whoever picks the features stories read every single story on here. Where's the poll at? I don't see us reviewers getting a chose in who has the best work around here.

It's just...assumin g and putting labels on something shows that you have a negative attitude. Their just asking for you to see the other side and give all genres a fair chance. They're not saying that you have to like the genre or the story, but it's based on the literature work and the quality, not if totally one-hundred percent addicted to it.

I disappreciate you calling me negative, considering I am speaking from experience.

Have you given my writing a chance? If not, please do not defend them and put me down because I'm being "negative."

I want a fair chance.

Everyone wants a fair chance.

But facts are facts.

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: NC-17 Stories Have Plots!
« Reply #35 on: October 07, 2007, 05:31:28 PM »

As far as children being exposed to more adult content it's not up to US to police that. It's their parent's job and if they want to blame a site where their child goes instead of putting up a parental block or *gasp* actually being a parent then they shouldn't be surprised that they're child is curious about these sorts of things
Spike: "Hey big guy I'm going to need some new wheels the other one ended up in the...drink..."
Angel: "Spike.... just walk away"
Spike: "You're a..."
Angel: "Don't say it!"
Spike: "You're a bleeding puppet!"


  • Fledgling
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Re: NC-17 Stories Have Plots!
« Reply #36 on: October 07, 2007, 05:33:50 PM »

I disappreciate you calling me negative, considering I am speaking from experience.

Have you given my writing a chance? If not, please do not defend them and put me down because I'm being "negative."

I want a fair chance.

Everyone wants a fair chance.

But facts are facts.

And I disappreciate you for being narrowminded. Do people not understand that things CAN CHANGE?! If everyone is willing to cooperate then everyone can get a fair chance. You just have to be able to convince people in this fact!


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Re: NC-17 Stories Have Plots!
« Reply #37 on: October 07, 2007, 05:36:29 PM »

No offense I really see your point but why are you letting parents tell you what should be on your site? That's simply ridiculous. It's yours and our first amendment rights to post whatever we want, if they don't like it, put a parental block on the site. Catering to the whims of people who don't even know what the site is about is simply irresponsible to the authors that post here which without us you wouldn't have a site to begin with.

I wouldn't take offense if you wouldn't tell me that my reason is ridiculous. So thanks for not being offensive in the future.

I made the decision MYSELF to make the site appropriate for all ages and to make the story discussion available to all users of the site. It is my right to do this, whether or not other parents tell me what to put on my site. I am a parent, too, and I understand their point. I WANT to have a site that includes all types of fics, yes, but I am not going to feature a story that is not able to be discussed by all the members of the site that want to participate.

I'm not going to argue this with you. I'm sorry you don't like my policy. I can't make everyone happy. I will think on it and see if I can come up with a reasonable alternative, but I'm sorry, the Featured Story is not going to be NC-17 at this time.

If you would like to run an alternate discussion group, let me know; maybe we can work something out.


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Re: NC-17 Stories Have Plots!
« Reply #38 on: October 07, 2007, 05:36:53 PM »

Is it a NC-17 story that will be featured? :]

I pick the story by author and then what the author considers their favorite or what their fans consider their favorite based on polls I made when the forum was first started.

The reason I don't post a poll on the AC site about what stories to feature is because I do most of the commenting and talking in the threads. I have tried a poll type thing in the past with my old fanfic of the month club and people go in and vote and then crickets are chirping for the rest of the time. So yes, I do just pick and not leave it up to anyone else except for those polls I made which i'm sure you can find easily and have your say if you really want it.  lol

I have stories prepicked all the way until July ALL different GENRES and FANDOMS! lol jeez louise.
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: NC-17 Stories Have Plots!
« Reply #39 on: October 07, 2007, 05:37:10 PM »

I'm not going to jump into the argument that's going on here because you're entitled to think how you want But I do have to comment about the featured stories thing. If you look at the stories that have been featured since this forum started (mainly going back to February) I have taken great pride in picking from a VARIETY of genres and giving all authors a fair shot. In fact ironically enough, one of you are next up lol so I think it's unfair to complain about that. It takes a lot of work for me to keep that feature going but I do because everyone who has had a chance so far have all said it's helped them keep writing.

We only feature one story a month and we only started in February so be patient.

Thank you Mare for giving your opinion honestly, really I do appreciate that, it's just I'm upset at the fact that there appears to be some discrimination based on rating going on. I mean if we're gonna run scared everytime a parent gets upset then what the hell is the point of posting? Parent's need to realize that they can control what they expose their kids to. And really we're the LEAST threatening. There's sex everywhere that's much worse than anything we write, look at television, movies, hell even the news gets off on sex nowadays it's up to the parent not a web site to police the children in what they're exposed to.
Spike: "Hey big guy I'm going to need some new wheels the other one ended up in the...drink..."
Angel: "Spike.... just walk away"
Spike: "You're a..."
Angel: "Don't say it!"
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Re: NC-17 Stories Have Plots!
« Reply #40 on: October 07, 2007, 05:38:43 PM »

Okay, not trying to argue with you because I agree that people shouldn't assume things about a story just because of it's rating. But I think you also need to keep in mind that this is a site that is intended for people of all ages, so we in general do not feature NC-17 stories because that means that those who are under age are not allowed to read and discuss the stories--and yes I *have* had parents contact me about this. I have had to argue with numerous people about whether or not I should even have NC17 stories on the site at all. I fight for the right of ya'll to keep posting. In fact it's part of the reason I started this site in the first place--fanfiction.net decided at one point that they would not allow any NC-17 stories at all, so I opened this site for a place where those who wrote them would still have a place to write, and those who read them can still have a place to read.

There is a reason why we don't generally feature NC-17 fics. It's not because they're not good enough to be featured, it's because the featured stories are being discussed and we have lots of people in the discussions that are underage.

So please keep that in mind when you're getting upset about NC-17 not being featured. If you want to post an alternate R-Rated version to be featured at the same time so that younger readers can join in without me potentially getting my rear chewed out by a parent, by all means I welcome you to do so.

(And just so you know, they will be considered for any awards, etc. Just not for the Story of the Month/Featured Discussions...)

I appreciate the explanation.  I honestly thought it was just the personal preference of those who got to choose what was featured.  Being an educator of children, I understand that many young people are subjected to things that are not age-appropriate.  I would not want to promote people under the age of 17 to read stories that are inappropriate, of course.  I do think, however, that parents should be monitoring what their children are doing on the internet.  There are a lot worse things available on the internet than NC-17 fan fiction stories about Nick Carter.  I'd rather kids vent their sexual curiosities on READING or WRITING fan fiction compared to going out and doing all the things in the stories.  And the argument of "if they read it, they'll do it" is mostly untrue.  It's the ones that don't have a creative vent that typically act out.  I'm just saying...  If the kids want to find NC-17 stories, they're going to find them, REGARDLESS to if they're featured or not.  Of course, how you run things is ultimately up to you since you run the site and I understand that.  It was just that, honestly, prior to this post, I thought the site administration just glossed over NC-17 stories.  I am glad that NC-17 will be considered for awards because that's definitely important. 

I do hope that individual readers, however, will be more open-minded to read all genres and all stories regardless of ratings.  Judge the story for the story itself, not for the labels put on it.


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Re: NC-17 Stories Have Plots!
« Reply #41 on: October 07, 2007, 05:39:18 PM »

And I disappreciate you for being narrowminded. Do people not understand that things CAN CHANGE?! If everyone is willing to cooperate then everyone can get a fair chance. You just have to be able to convince people in this fact!

I take it from your response at continuing to insult me that your answer to my question is "no."

Things can change, yes, but in something as historied as this, it probably won't.

It happens, and you need to realize this. Just because you worship these authors and their writing does not mean that everyone will.

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: NC-17 Stories Have Plots!
« Reply #42 on: October 07, 2007, 05:42:53 PM »

I wouldn't take offense if you wouldn't tell me that my reason is ridiculous. So thanks for not being offensive in the future.

I made the decision MYSELF to make the site appropriate for all ages and to make the story discussion available to all users of the site. It is my right to do this, whether or not other parents tell me what to put on my site. I am a parent, too, and I understand their point. I WANT to have a site that includes all types of fics, yes, but I am not going to feature a story that is not able to be discussed by all the members of the site that want to participate.

I'm not going to argue this with you. I'm sorry you don't like my policy. I can't make everyone happy. I will think on it and see if I can come up with a reasonable alternative, but I'm sorry, the Featured Story is not going to be NC-17 at this time.

If you would like to run an alternate discussion group, let me know; maybe we can work something out.

I'm an aunt to two beautiful girls myself and I understand about making a site age appropriate but your argument is flawed. There's been rated R stories that have been featured. That include, rape, death, sexual content and offensive language, illness, and violence. So hmmm is Rated R more age appropriate? I think not if you really wanted it to be age appropriate for everyone then the featured story of the month would be at most PG every month.
Spike: "Hey big guy I'm going to need some new wheels the other one ended up in the...drink..."
Angel: "Spike.... just walk away"
Spike: "You're a..."
Angel: "Don't say it!"
Spike: "You're a bleeding puppet!"


  • Fledgling
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Re: NC-17 Stories Have Plots!
« Reply #43 on: October 07, 2007, 05:43:18 PM »

I pick the story by author and then what the author considers their favorite or what their fans consider their favorite based on polls I made when the forum was first started.

The reason I don't post a poll on the AC site about what stories to feature is because I do most of the commenting and talking in the threads. I have tried a poll type thing in the past with my old fanfic of the month club and people go in and vote and then crickets are chirping for the rest of the time. So yes, I do just pick and not leave it up to anyone else except for those polls I made which i'm sure you can find easily and have your say if you really want it.  lol

I have stories prepicked all the way until July ALL different GENRES and FANDOMS! lol jeez louise.

I'm just wondering...do you consider all authors? I mean, if people aren't happy with the way things are then have the admins considered changing it? I really don't believe it's fair that not one NC-17 story has been featured though or a writer that DEFINITELY has some of the most amazing writing skills. I may have not read every single story by every single author on here, but I've read a good bit, and I can say there that has been stories left out where the author has the talent and passion put behind the story.

It's wrong that their not featured and the pre-picked thing is just iffy to me...do you girls or guys consider a new story that is posted and is even more outstanding than the one you had prepicked?


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Re: NC-17 Stories Have Plots!
« Reply #44 on: October 07, 2007, 05:43:32 PM »

There was an interesting discussion about that too at one point on this forum. The children reading NC-17 stories. I would look for the link but i'm too lazy. lol

I agree it should be up to parents to police what their kids are doing but sadly, it's just not the case. I still can't believe how many of my junior high kids have Myspace pages!!
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green
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