Fic Talk > Featured Story of the Month

Featured Story of the month for January 2008 - Just Another Day by Rose

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Congrats Rose! I'll have to check this one out for sure!

Congratulations Rose. *hug*

Wow....did so not expect this. But it made me giddy. hehe so yay and thankies!

And Kelly I love you lol, you've supported the hell out of this story, but yes, sequel! Read! Lord I need to work on an update for that  :P

1) Tell us one thing about your story that no one else knows?
Um....that no one else knows? Probably the fact that it was supposed to originally be in solely Cally's point of view, but I'd been itching to try my hand at being Nick, so I threw him in.

2) How long did it take you to write this entire story?
Yeesh *goes to look* only seven months, quickest one I ever wrote, it flowed scarily well actually.

3) Give us a summary different from the one you have posted on AC, with a few more spoilers to make people tune in.

Oh lord... um....

Meet Calypso Lynn Rayne, odd name but very normal girl, who never could manage to stand out in any crowd, living a life she herself is bored with. She wants change, yet never tries to do so. Always feeling invisible to those around her. Meet Nickolas Gene Carter, lead singer of rock group Flames of Ice, known by everyone. He lives a life of fame and fortune yet feels likes all of it is nothing, that no one can really see him.

Watch as two people from opposite worlds collide in ways no one could have ever predicted.

4) If you could cast this story as a movie who would play the main roles and why?

Well for Cally I always had Melissa Joan Hart in mind, she has that normal look I always pictured, all it'd take is a bit of a weight gain and glasses really. Or someone along that line. I'd want her to look normal, but still pretty in her unique way. I don't want omg stunning looks, it goes against the nature of the story itself.

For Nick? Gah, possibly Shane West. He could pull off the whole rockstar thing pretty well.

5) Have you ever thought of giving up on the story and if you did what made you continue to work on it?

Yes! Lord I hit I think chapter 15 and just got frustrated and wanted to throw it out the window lol. I took a small break, worked on say 00Carter, and then looked at it again, reread it, which helped renew my love for writing that one.

6) What was your writing process? (Outline, make it up as you go along, the characters wrote it, I am Tonja and plagerized lol)

I'm Tinja! Tonja's twin! lol.

I don't do major outlining (except 00Carter but hello major collab so yeah...anywho). I had my character bios, and my major ideas for the story with an idea of where and when, but the rest is in my head. I just had a mental image for how it'd all go.

7) Who was your favorite character in this story and why?

Honestly it's Nick. He's so random and just quirky, and I just adored getting in his head. Which is funny cause I thought Cally would be easier but it was Nick who was easier to write.

8 ) You had to know this was coming, who was your least favorite?
Sadly Brian, I love the boy, really. He's just so cute. But he's hard to write as a character and my struggle to write the most.

9) Are all the boys in this one? If not why did you choose to exclude them?
They make appearances, but the ones in it the most were AJ, Brian, and Nick. But I tried to at least have them in it a tiny bit.

10) If we like this story...then we'd love what story? (Could be by you or someone else) and obviously tell us why lol

Um, either the sequel, Glitz and Glamour, cause it's the sequel, but a separate story in its own right. Or....If We Were a Movie by Kelly. Just Another Day is a little fluffy and Kelly's is fluffy but it's good fluff, fun fluff with comical and a cute story to tell.

aww. Rose, you like my Brian fluff!! Yay!  :-* :-* :-* 


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