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Author Topic: Need Opinions on New Story Please :)  (Read 7368 times)


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Need Opinions on New Story Please :)
« on: March 10, 2008, 11:54:45 AM »

So with Not So Bad coming to an end shortly...I am going to start a new story (or finish an old one). What I was wondering is which one would each of you be most likely to read? These are several ideas that I've had for years...and I am going to eventually write all of them...just looking for input from the readers point of view of what you'd like to see first? Its going to be a LONG post... Here are the ideas...

Sing the Sorrow

Sometimes misunderstandi ng and miscommunicati on can have the worst consequences. When Ayleen thinks her long time boyfriend, AJ, has betrayed her trust, she ends their relationship without taking time to listen to him. When AJ ends up in the hospital and in a coma, Ayleen goes to see him, realizing how quick she was to judge, blaming herself for the situation he is in. She soon befriends Nick, who is there for his little sister, bedridden with cancer, and together they try to get through their emotional demons, seeing that one can only take things day by day, letting go of guilt, and that everything else is left up to fate.

    Summary sucks...need to work on rewording it...but...thi s one has 4 chapters done.

Weird World

Everything is going great for Nick. His career is starting over again as a Backstreet Boy and he is in a strong relationship. His world is turned upside down though when he is drafted in to the army. Nick’s life becomes hell as he is in constant fear through the strenuous training and then sent overseas to fight for his country, while the other four boys continue touring without him. Will Nick return safe and well, getting back to his old life once the nightmare is over, or will BSB be left with it’s 5th member gone forever?

     Now I know that Kevin is no longer in the group...but... this one would have him in it         
     still. The story would take place back when Never Gone was released.


After breaking off their four year relationship with April, Brian flees for an unknown place, determined to start over and forget the life he left behind. Keeping in touch for awhile, the two slowly lose contact with each other all together until nothing is left at all. Years later, Brian moves back to the small town he left. He has a lot of questions in the back of his mind, mainly if April still lives there. It is then that he realizes how much he has missed in his time away from old friends and the woman he came to realize was his soul mate, and if his disappearance could have prevented it all.

    This one would be written as an AU story. The other members will be in this in some
     form or another...but not as a music group.

Love Me Back To Life

Brian, after months of grieving after a breakup, has fallen in love again. The thing is, nobody can see her but him because she is the spirit of a girl who wasn’t supposed to die. She is being given one more chance to be alive again. The catch is, she has to fall in love and have the feelings returned with only 6 months to do so, or else she’ll be a ghost forever. Will the power of love be enough though, or will it take more for Brian to ‘Love her back to live.’

    Okay, I know this story sounds a LOT like that movie...Just Like Heaven...BUT.. .I             
    swear I wrote this summary a couple of years before that movie even came out! I   
     have it planned so the actual story wont sound all that much like the movie at all. 
    Trust me on this one. When the movie came out, my first thought was 'They stole
    my idea!!!' lol.

Underneath the Surface

After going clubbing one night in hopes to meet her perfect match, Dana stumbles upon Nick. After a few dates, Nick and Dana become serious. It isn't until then that she discovers that Nick has a problem...a drinking problem. When he drinks, he becomes violent, taking his anger out on her. Dana won't leave him though because when Nick is sober, he is sweet and romantic, unlike the monster she see's come out almost every night. Even Dana can only take so much though. She threatens Nick, telling him he needs to get some help or else she will leave him. After a few threats, and Dana actually moving out, he quickly enrolls into AA, hoping to win her back. Although the recovery is long, and takes time, Nick finally becomes his true self after much counseling. The guy Dana always knew he was. Nick eventually stops drinking all together and he and Dana have a great relationship that nobody can break. But will he slip back into his old ways and lose her for good when hard times arise later on?

Upside Down

    After a night out, Backstreet Boys Brian, Nick and A.J. are driving home from a club. All three are drunk, including the driver. When they are in an accident on the way back to their hotel, the unthinkable happens, leaving one man dead, one in a coma and the third with severe amnesia. Nobody knows what happens, leaving many unanswered questions in the minds of several people as they try to figure out exactly what went wrong. Kevin and Howie, the only two unharmed learn that nothing can turn back time and erase what happened as their lives are suddenly turned upside down, but can at least set their minds at peace knowing what caused the events of that fateful night to happen and startling facts that may have prevented them.

Or...continue working on/finish one of these first. I stopped writing them due to lack of feedback/interest in them from readers. I will likely finish one of these while doing a new one.

Fresh Start (Sequel to For Better, For Worse)

Kevin, Anna, AJ, Jaime, Nick and Stephanie are back. After being in a coma for months, Kevin finally woke up, deciding it was time to give touring a try in his current state. The tour is over now and new problems are about to surface as old graves are dug up, which bring on a whole new array of events. Nick and Stephanie are on rocky grounds while at the same time, AJ and Jaime are planning a wedding. Anna and Kevin are taking things slow, trying to get their lives back to normal after the events that took place in the beginning stages of their relationship. Will everything turn out the way it is supposed to, or are some things lost forever making the old saying true that ‘some things just aren’t meant to be’ ?


Summary: Kendra has no idea how much her life is about to change when she is diagnosed with Osteosarcoma after a gymnastics competition went wrong. While her long time boyfriend suddenly stops contacting her all together, she meets Anthony, who is going through the same things as her. Not all endings are happy though as tragedy strikes, leaving Kendra wondering if there is anything good that will come of any of the past few months.

    Original fic...no BSB whatsoever.

Future Vision (Trilogy to Permanent Tracings/Mirror Image)

AJ is psychic, having the power to see in to the future, most of his visions being tragic disasters. The thing is, he?s never told anybody, fearing that they will see him as a freak or outcast, including his best friends and group members. So when he has a vison that is a life or death situation for him as well as his friends, will AJ end up telling them to save them, or still hide it, hoping that for just once, what he see?s isn?t what happens.

I know this is a long post...but I have quite a few ideas! lol. Again, if you could leave me some input on what you'd like to see done first...let me know! Thanks so much!
« Last Edit: March 10, 2008, 11:59:36 AM by sweet18_2003 »


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Re: Need Opinions on New Story Please :)
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2008, 02:34:43 PM »

Out of all of them I think Weird World sounds the most interesting and non cliche. It's  REALLY an interesting plot and I don't think its ever been done before, so I'd go with that one.


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Re: Need Opinions on New Story Please :)
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2008, 02:50:16 PM »

I gotta agree with Mel and say that Weird World sounds very promising (though all of them do, but that one stuck out the most). Sounds very interesting!

I also really like Love Me Back To Life because I love the whole supernatural thing. The fact that it centers around Brian and it's romance is all the better! Sounds lovely and sad and awesome! I haven't seen Just Like Heaven so that's certainly not a problem lol Not like it would be anyway, but yeah!

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Re: Need Opinions on New Story Please :)
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2008, 02:54:57 PM »

I agree that Weird World is quite an original idea and I think it would be a good story. However, I also really like the Future Vision idea. So, my opinion would lean towards one of those two.


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Re: Need Opinions on New Story Please :)
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2008, 03:53:09 PM »

I agree that Weird World is quite an original idea and I think it would be a good story. However, I also really like the Future Vision idea. So, my opinion would lean towards one of those two.

I already have some of Future Vision up....i just haven't worked on it in awhile. lol. The two stories that come before this...Permane nt Tracings and Mirror Image...you dont have to read those for it to make sense...lol. 

So far, it seems Weird World is winning by quite a bit!  lol.


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Re: Need Opinions on New Story Please :)
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2008, 04:07:24 PM »

Weird World!  Nick in the army is a definite yes, lol.
~Saka ♥

"Write a lot. Write something you’re scared to write. That’s the best advice I can give: If you have an idea, and you can’t stop thinking about it, but something about it scares you half to death—WRITE THAT."
- Rainbow Rowell


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Re: Need Opinions on New Story Please :)
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2008, 05:18:12 PM »

Well, I'm the medical drama/angst freak, so "Sing the Sorrow" is the one that jumped out at me the most, followed by "Upside Down."  I had also been reading your story "Affliction," and I hardly ever read original fiction online, but I liked that one, so it would be cool if you updated that again too.

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


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Re: Need Opinions on New Story Please :)
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2008, 06:50:58 PM »

Well, I'm the medical drama/angst freak, so "Sing the Sorrow" is the one that jumped out at me the most, followed by "Upside Down."  I had also been reading your story "Affliction," and I hardly ever read original fiction online, but I liked that one, so it would be cool if you updated that again too.

I just updated Affliction. The chapter is dedicated to you! Thanks for the inspiration and kick in the butt to update! haha. Guess all I needed was to know somebody was interested! Enjoy!!!


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Re: Need Opinions on New Story Please :)
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2008, 07:57:18 PM »

Wow, really??  Awesome!!  I'll go check it out... I probably need to read back a ways and refresh my memory!  LOL

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


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Re: Need Opinions on New Story Please :)
« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2008, 08:02:30 PM »

Aww, great update!  You left me torn between thinking Craig's an asshole, yet understanding where he's coming from at the same time... which is hard to do!  Good job!  I'm glad you updated; hope you keep 'em coming! :)

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


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Re: Need Opinions on New Story Please :)
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2008, 08:03:24 PM »

^ I just posted the same thing in a review so that you'd get another one. ;)

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


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Re: Need Opinions on New Story Please :)
« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2008, 08:07:29 PM »

^ I just posted the same thing in a review so that you'd get another one. ;)

Aww...thank you so much!  I plan on updating much more to continue my long term plans for this...to get it published. Hopefully it has what it takes...I mean, Im sure I will have to edit and revise some stuff...but we'll see what happens. Thanks again. Ill be working on Chapter 6 tomorrow!


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Re: Need Opinions on New Story Please :)
« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2008, 08:32:35 PM »

Awesome!  It's totally the kind of story I would have read over and over again in middle school... did you ever read Lurlene McDaniel?  I looooooved her books!  I still do, even if they seem a little formulaic and cheesy now LOL.

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


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Re: Need Opinions on New Story Please :)
« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2008, 08:42:38 PM »

Awesome!  It's totally the kind of story I would have read over and over again in middle school... did you ever read Lurlene McDaniel?  I looooooved her books!  I still do, even if they seem a little formulaic and cheesy now LOL.

I loved Lurlene McDaniel boos. I still do. I have forced them upon friends, swearing they would fall in love too! Some of them still get me a little teary-eyed...and even if they are for a younger group...I still love them!


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Re: Need Opinions on New Story Please :)
« Reply #14 on: March 10, 2008, 08:46:16 PM »

I loved Lurlene McDaniel boos. I still do. I have forced them upon friends, swearing they would fall in love too! Some of them still get me a little teary-eyed...and even if they are for a younger group...I still love them!

Hehe, me too!  I bought one of her newer ones a couple years ago, but the magic wasn't there... but I will always love the old ones I grew up with.  "Don't Die, My Love" is my absolute favorite.  She's been the biggest influence on my writing.

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling
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