Absolute Chaos Discussion Boards

Fic Talk => General Discussion => Topic started by: Sakabelle on May 26, 2008, 12:55:02 PM

Title: Cringe Worthy
Post by: Sakabelle on May 26, 2008, 12:55:02 PM
Do you ever go back and read your old stories and cringe at just how bad they are?  Honestly, sometimes I do this and they really make me laugh.  I'm not saying I'm the best writer ever (not by any stretch of the imagination) but I can honestly say that I've improved quite a bit from a million chapters of... basically no plot and Nick being a complete heartbroken lovesick freak, lol.
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: LenniluvsBrian on May 26, 2008, 01:26:54 PM
Yeah, I've done the same thing. Though, I don't have the heart [nor the will] to change any of them. I've actually posted some of them I've cringed at on here, & they were well liked enough-lol.

Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: Kagoma on May 26, 2008, 01:34:03 PM
Yes, all the time. Its funny  because I'll read it and think, 'I came up with this way again? And people are able to read it?' Its a good laugh really. Good times.
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: honey on May 26, 2008, 01:38:31 PM
LMAO we all have those! I have a few that I'm almost embarrassed to let people read, but I leave them posted cause it's kind of fun at the same time to see what I was like when I wrote my first story. My first one is beyond cringe worthy. But I was like 14 at the time and the biggest teeny you've ever seen in your life. Good to know I've grown up. (a little)
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: mare on May 26, 2008, 02:29:47 PM
Yup lol
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: RokofAges75 on May 26, 2008, 02:30:45 PM
I do!  Like Kelly, my first stories are so embarrassingly awful that I've considered taking them off my website, but also like Kelly, I can't bring myself to do it... they've still got a little spot in my heart, and it does make me feel good to look back at them and see how far I've come since then!

But even my more recent stories make me cringe in parts LOL.  I don't think I'll ever get over that.  There will always be parts that almost impress me a little (like, "Wow, I wrote that??") and even more parts that make me cringe and think "Wow.  I wrote that... *palm to forehead*"
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: AJsKellyMouse on May 26, 2008, 05:26:35 PM
Aaaahhh!!  My first stories are all like that, too!  All the stories I have posted, and the one I'm doing now (aside from the challenges, of course) are old stories that I am re-writing to make them less cringe-worthy (I hope).
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: rebellious_one on May 26, 2008, 06:54:37 PM
OMG... don't I ever!! LMAO. When I look back at my old writing works, I sit there and laugh, saying to myself "What the hell were you thinking?!" Especially when I look at my grammar and spelling, tee hee. Don't mean to sound arrogant or whatever, but I think I've came a long way from how I used to write, and I think that's the case for everybody. I think years later (if I still continue to write) I'll look back at the works I'm doing now and just laugh, thinking the same thing I did when I looked back at my super old writing.

I think we should all post our original works... well, at least one of them. I think it'd be cool for people to see how far you've came with your writing.
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: Sakabelle on May 26, 2008, 07:03:55 PM
Um yeah I would post a link to my old website.. (its still up and running, I just looked haha) but yeah.. soooo embarassing.

Also, every single story features Steph as the main character and of course she is dating Nick lol.
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: Purpura Lipstick on May 26, 2008, 10:33:24 PM
I constantly wonder what I was thinking when I wrote some of mine. Just the other day I was thinking about removing the sequel to More Than That off of AC because it's a story I've decided I'm just not going to finish.. not because I don't like the story ... I truly can't remember where I was going with it honestly.... of course I also wonder why I made it a sequel in the first place, that could be another reason.
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: nicksgal on May 27, 2008, 04:11:21 PM
I think everyone does that sometimes. :) It's just the way life goes. You do it about things outsid of writing too, you know?
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: MellzBellz on May 27, 2008, 09:53:56 PM
Um yeah I would post a link to my old website.. (its still up and running, I just looked haha) but yeah.. soooo embarassing.

Also, every single story features Steph as the main character and of course she is dating Nick lol.

LMAO We should have a thread where we post all our old fiction. Or maybe one of Mare's challenges can be to post an old piece of work that you're incredibly embarassed over.
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: rebellious_one on May 28, 2008, 05:19:22 AM
LMAO We should have a thread where we post all our old fiction. Or maybe one of Mare's challenges can be to post an old piece of work that you're incredibly embarassed over.

That's exactly what I was thinking, lol.
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: mare on May 28, 2008, 05:48:36 AM
That's a good idea and more importantly, less work for me so maybe i'll do that! lol
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: rebellious_one on May 28, 2008, 01:27:21 PM
^LOL. I'm sure this is a challenge people (as in the readers) would enjoy, lol.
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: Sakabelle on May 28, 2008, 02:28:54 PM
Does it count if I already have a story up that I cringe at? lol :P
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: mare on May 28, 2008, 02:34:27 PM
LOL yes because I do too!
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: MellzBellz on May 28, 2008, 04:36:58 PM
^LOL. I'm sure this is a challenge people (as in the readers) would enjoy, lol.

It's a challenge that I'd actually participate in cuz it doesn't require any work! LOL
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: mare on May 28, 2008, 05:00:07 PM
LOL excellent, maybe that would be next month's then. little or no work is a good thing!
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: rebellious_one on May 28, 2008, 05:29:03 PM
It's a challenge that I'd actually participate in cuz it doesn't require any work! LOL

LOL. Exactly!! Well, might have to go do some searching and type it out (cause my works are so old, that the words "computer" and "microsoft word" ceased to exist in my vocabulary, lol.) cause my old work was all written on paper. I've killed sooo many trees. :( Lol.
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: alota_cookin on May 28, 2008, 05:42:53 PM
all my old 'cringe worthy' fics were on my old computer or written in notebooks. either way, I no longer have them. *shruggs*

I would have to sit that challange out. Maybe you should have challenge A and challenge B for next month...that way those of us who can't do one could do the other.
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: MellzBellz on May 28, 2008, 08:46:58 PM
LOL. Exactly!! Well, might have to go do some searching and type it out (cause my works are so old, that the words "computer" and "microsoft word" ceased to exist in my vocabulary, lol.) cause my old work was all written on paper. I've killed sooo many trees. :( Lol.

I have an old website where mine are still posted. I have one completed one and then the rest aren't completed, but still laughable.
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: mare on May 28, 2008, 08:47:52 PM
all my old 'cringe worthy' fics were on my old computer or written in notebooks. either way, I no longer have them. *shruggs*

I would have to sit that challange out. Maybe you should have challenge A and challenge B for next month...that way those of us who can't do one could do the other.

If you can find that one pic from Kelly's thread i'll make that the alternate challenge lol
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: honey on May 28, 2008, 09:13:21 PM
lol it's funny but way back when, I almost sent you (mare) that pic as a suggestion for a challenge. but then my comp crashed and I never tried to re gather all my media... I'll see if it's on the one CD of old files that I have, but if it's too hard to sift through it all, I'll probably give up
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: Sakabelle on May 28, 2008, 09:14:59 PM
I know exactly which pic you're talking about, and I'm digging through BSBSquad and other site to try and find it.. so far no luck.  I think it was from the Around The World In 100 Hours thing they did... when they were on that private plane?
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: RokofAges75 on May 28, 2008, 09:27:40 PM
What if the challenge or one of the challenges was to take a cringe-worthy scene from one of your stories (old or current, if there's a recent part that makes you cringe) and rewrite it to see how much better you can make it?
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: honey on May 28, 2008, 09:40:30 PM
What if the challenge or one of the challenges was to take a cringe-worthy scene from one of your stories (old or current, if there's a recent part that makes you cringe) and rewrite it to see how much better you can make it?

ooh that could be fun. I like that idea!
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: Sakabelle on May 28, 2008, 09:47:11 PM
I like that too!
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: mare on May 29, 2008, 06:06:40 AM
Yeah that would work and then you could post them both up.
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: nicksgal on May 29, 2008, 08:55:51 AM
Jeez you all ran away with that idea. lol[/color
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: cabybakes on May 29, 2008, 12:24:29 PM
Does it count if I already have a story up that I cringe at? lol :P

I had one of my cringers up but I deleted it. 

So, yes - I have some bad ones...
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: rebellious_one on May 29, 2008, 01:36:59 PM
*raises hand* I like that idea too!! (about posting and revising an old piece of work) and which picture are ya'll looking from that's of them on their private plane? During B&B right?! It's funny that this is mentioned cause a friend (luna610) and I were talking about challenges and she mentioned that AC should do a pic challenge of that picture of the four guys all sleeping in that one bed, we were coming up with some funny stuff on LD and she thought it'd be great for an AC challenge, and wanted to suggest it. Don't know if that's the picture ya'll are talking about though, lol, probably not.
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: honey on May 29, 2008, 01:55:38 PM
yeah, I'm pretty sure thats the same one we're talking about. if you have it, you need to post it for me!!!
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: rebellious_one on May 29, 2008, 02:00:08 PM
Yay, I'm psychic!! ;D LOL.
http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii230/luna610/106.jpg (http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii230/luna610/106.jpg)
*stole it from Sel*
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: mare on May 29, 2008, 03:39:14 PM
Yup that's the one!

Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: rebellious_one on May 29, 2008, 03:41:44 PM
Yay me!! ;D *prays that this good deed doesn't take away my title*
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: mare on May 29, 2008, 03:42:48 PM
Well you aren't the first one to send it to me so I think you're safe ;P lol

Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: rebellious_one on May 29, 2008, 03:47:03 PM
*squee* Can't wait for this challenge now!! Lol.
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: luna610 on May 29, 2008, 04:34:18 PM
Yay!! I am super excited about this challenge. The cringe worthy one is a great idea...and for the picture challenge, I've been telling Reb that ya'll need to do that! I love that picture  :D
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: rebellious_one on May 29, 2008, 04:34:50 PM
Sel... I don't know if I should do the picture challenge. :(
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: luna610 on May 29, 2008, 04:36:28 PM
Why Reb??!! You would make it hilarious!!
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: MellzBellz on May 29, 2008, 04:43:55 PM
Hmm rewriting a cringe worthy scene? That could be interesting especially of I dig deep... Only problem is there are just SOOO many cringe worthy moments how do I choose? Lol I find though that what's more cringe worthy than my actual writing skills are the situations I wrote about.
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: Sakabelle on May 29, 2008, 04:49:30 PM
I'm excited!  I've already started thinking about what I'll rewrite hehe
I think any situation can be made un-cringe worthy if done right ;)
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: MellzBellz on May 29, 2008, 06:43:59 PM
Hmm... I actually think I may have an idea now...
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: rebellious_one on May 30, 2008, 12:35:05 AM
Sel: Haha, I'm just pulling your leg my dear. :P

And I sooo can't wait for this challenge!!
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: AJsKellyMouse on June 01, 2008, 03:43:23 AM
I'm already re-writing all of my stuff.  I love that pic though!  It's awesome!!
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: brandy_d on June 09, 2008, 09:52:59 PM
I am no where near as good of a writer as the majority of the girls on here, so I find most of my work cringe worthy. I realize it the most though, right after I have read some really great work, like honey's stuff and shakabelle's stuff.

I do it because I enjoy it. I do see myself getting better, so I guess that is a good thing. I also am trying to broaden my horizons a little and write outside the box.

I am also thinking about re-writing my very first fan-fic. It is sooooo cliche and totally Mary-Sue, but hey I was 16. I don't want to change the story line of anything, just the quality of writing in it.
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: honey on June 09, 2008, 10:35:18 PM
aww. That is so sweet of you to say, Brandy, thank you! Though I hate that I leave you with that feeling. I know what you mean though, I do the same thing myself with others.

I do it because I enjoy it. I do see myself getting better, so I guess that is a good thing. I also am trying to broaden my horizons a little and write outside the box.

as long as you keep with this mentality, though, you'll be surprised at how far you can go! Seriously, we all started somewhere and believe me. My crap is awful awful awful crap.
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: Sakabelle on June 09, 2008, 11:19:10 PM
Aww thank you Brandy!  :-*  Remember, you are your own worst critic!  It's good to try to write outside your box, that's what I'm currently doing and it's really difficult.

Rewriting your first fic can be a lot of fun!  I really enjoyed doing the cringe worthy challenge and rewriting I Want It That Way, almost enough to make me want to redo the whole thing.  Almost.
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: honey on June 09, 2008, 11:49:05 PM
Aww thank you Brandy!  :-*  Remember, you are your own worst critic!  It's good to try to write outside your box, that's what I'm currently doing and it's really difficult.

yeah, but I think that's how you grow a lot as a writer. (writing outside of the box) I mean the difference in writing quality between WTMH and NYACS is crazy to me. And I think it was because I'd never tried to write anything like that before so I forced myself to try harder... And LOL Fan Friction is kicking my butt, and giving me a whole new insight to the writing thing...
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: Sakabelle on June 09, 2008, 11:55:33 PM
I agree with you Kelly, it's good to challenge yourself!  It's a difficult thing to do, but I think once it's finished I'll be proud of it :)
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: honey on June 10, 2008, 12:01:55 AM
I agree with you Kelly, it's good to challenge yourself!  It's a difficult thing to do, but I think once it's finished I'll be proud of it :)

and that's really what matters.
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: Rose on June 10, 2008, 12:06:09 AM
So an old collab friend forwarded one of my old ancient emails from when she hosted my teenified stories back in the day lol. We were just talking about cringe worthy stuff and so she searched her email and sent it lol. It had one of my old chapters that were lost between a new computer and time lol.

I'll post one of the so called "chapters" lmfao. Now, this is the reason why I stopped doing first person till I wrote JAD. Because I saw shortly after how terrible it was.

This is insanely embarrassing.. .just remember I was like 13/14. The story was called "The Twins" and the girl's name was Nickole Gena Carter... how horrible is that? lmao.

Chapter 3

Nick’s POV


            I hate to say it but Geni’s a little naïve. I knew that she knew about my powers the whole time and I know about hers too. Mine differ from hers though. The only power we have in common is the mind control. Like her though it’s very weak and drains me, I only use it in an emergency.  I discovered mine at about nine years old. Mom had taken Geni and the rest of the girls shopping and my dad stayed home and watched me and the other set of twins, Aaron and Angel. While they were napping and dad was in his study probably napping, I can’t really remember, anyways, I was pretending I was superman like the cartoon on T.V. (Now remember I was only 9.) I decided to pretend to lift up the sofa to show my superhuman strength. Well, turned out that I actually did have it, cause I ended up actually lifting up the sofa.


            Except for the superhuman strength, all mine that work with my personality deal with concentration of the mind just like Geni’s deal with focusing and concentrating her eyes on something, only mine’s with the mind. I can mind read instead of see auras. Only difference and advantage Geni has is you can lie in your mind if you know I’m reading it. (There are ways to tell) you can’t lie with your aura. When I get mad and I didn’t know how to control it then, I started earthquakes, I don’t what the term is though for starting earthquakes with your mind. Last but not least I can teleport myself and anyone else I concentrate on to anywhere I want to go at anytime. I just concentrate on what that person looks like if they’re not with me. But let me tell you some things Geni didn’t probably mention.


My parents adopted us when we were about three years old. The thing about this injection is that we have a super clear and accurate memory. I can remember the injection when we had at only a year old, I also remember them saying something about keeping track of us as we get older and if the results are positive getting us back to see how positive. I’m sure that if I remember it she does too cause she has the same memory I do. Only reason I know is that when we were younger she asked me if I remembered being adopted and if that mom and dad weren’t our real mom and dad.


We are the closest thing to being identical twins without being the same sex. She has her hair cut at the chin, curled in, and slightly layered. My hair is shaggy and long and went down to a little past my ears. Both of us had our hair lightened to a light blond (It was naturally dark blond but still blond.) with the same baby blue eyes, and we were both really tall at about 5’11”. Which was surprising for Geni since she was a girl. It was as if we were made from almost the exact same mold. We both had the same trademark Carter move, running our hands bands back through our blond hair. 


Now I know when the story all started, it was when she first announced she was going to be our opening act…


Mom had just walked into the kitchen while one teenage girl and five Backstreet Boys were just going nuts by doing victory dances then hugging Geni then another victory dance. All the while Geni and I are acting like complete idiots by jumping up and down squealing about the tour and how she was going to become famous, and how we might be able to do duets together.


“Whoa, boys, Nick, Nikki, what’s going on?”


All six of us started talking at once.


“Mom, you’ll never believe what happened to Geni…”


“Mom the most incredible…”


“Mrs. Carter you won’t believe what happened to kaotic over here…” (Kaotic is what Brian called Geni. Kaos and kaotic otherwise known as the terrible twins. Terrible twins was stuck to us by Kevin.)


“Jane, Nickole just accomplished something big.” (Only Howie was allowed to call Geni by her full name.)


“Nikki, got a tight ass deal with Lou…”


“A.J. don’t cuss you’re only 18. That’s still young.”


“Whatever Kev.”


“Jane what she did was…”


“HOLD IT!!!!” Mom screamed. “One at a time. Nikki go.”


“Lou signed me and I’m gonna be the opening act for BSB on their next tour! Can I go mom can I? I know that I promised that I’d stay home next tour to go to school but this is a great opportunity for me!” (Geni had gone with us on our last tour and mom made her promise to stay home and go to school because she wasn’t doing too well with our tutor like I was.




“Pleassssseeeee Mom?” Geni and I giving our almost identical puppy-dog faces and using what A.J. calls the famous Carter whine.



            Then it was official. Geni was coming with us. Now it officially starts.


See, we all started somewhere.
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: honey on June 10, 2008, 12:08:44 AM
LMAO Geni? Is that Jenny, by any chance?

And come on, Rose. We've all got 'em. You should be proud to have something so cheesetastic!
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: Rose on June 10, 2008, 12:12:58 AM
LOL it's said like Genie, magical wish granting type.

LOL I'm not so proud as ready to burn any evidence of those. My friend is still laughing at how both of us thought it was amazing back in the day. Even in my supernatural stories I STILL did the cliche twin naming and opening for BSB stereotype lol.
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: honey on June 10, 2008, 12:16:40 AM
lol. nice. I only wrote one BSB story back in the day, but it's bad enough to make up of all of your horrible ones!
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: Rose on June 10, 2008, 12:20:30 AM
Oh it can't be THAT bad lol.

But now do you get why I was hesitant to believe I could actually do 1st person decently?

LMAO I just got sent another horrible example.

Chapter 2

Nikki’s POV


Now, I was going to do everything possible not to get caught. In fact I was ecstatic when Nick became apart of BSB that way if he was ever caught people would know he was gone. It’d be in the news all over the world. Now when I was 16 I went around the world with them on their tour cause I kept begging my mom to go. Mark (their vocal coach) ended up becoming my vocal coach cause he said I had a golden voice just like Nick and it didn’t hurt that I wrote my own songs that he said match up to any pro in the biz.


Then Fatima, their dance coach, started teaching me some dance moves of my own cause she saw how much fun I was having doing the boys’ dance moves. After awhile when we weren’t on tour they called Lou and he signed me. I became the Backstreet Boys’ opening act at only 16.


            On the day I found out…


I came driving home in my little Pontiac grand am, parked the car and went racing into the house.


“MOM! MOM!!” I scream rushing into the kitchen only to find the BSB sitting there discussing how to become famous in the U.S. cause they were only famous in Europe.


“Whoa Nikki, where’s the fire!” Brian asks as he’s getting up to get a drink.


“I just got signed!”


They all rushed up and hugged me.


“Oh, my God that’s great Geni!” (My middle name was Gena soNick’s private nickname for me was Geni and for him mine was Snicker.)


“Wait there’s more, I’m gonna be your guys’ opening act!!!!!”


I didn’t know it then but that was when the trouble officially began.

Oh...wow I'm laughing so hard at myself
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: honey on June 10, 2008, 12:22:06 AM
Oh it can't be THAT bad lol.

ok, that's it... let me see if I can go find it...
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: julilly on June 10, 2008, 05:44:19 AM
Fan Friction is kicking my butt

Being inside my brain does that to people
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: Steph on June 11, 2008, 02:26:56 AM
I am really tempted to dig through my room and try to find my very first fanfiction ever. It. Was. TERRIBLE. *shudders*
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: Kagoma on June 11, 2008, 07:47:50 AM
I am really tempted to dig through my room and try to find my very first fanfiction ever. It. Was. TERRIBLE. *shudders*

I had my first fanfiction in my room, but like a donkey, I threw it out.
Title: Re: Cringe Worthy
Post by: Steph on June 12, 2008, 12:33:31 AM
I had my first fanfiction in my room, but like a donkey, I threw it out.
LOL. I had stories in old notebooks that were never going to be finished, so I threw those away. But my very first one... I needed to keep it to remind me why improvements in writing is so vital. :D